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Hold large remote events

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Host a virtual event using Google Meet. You can create events and meetings online and invite up to 250 participants (internal and/or external guests). Or, you can host a large, live stream event. The maximum number of live-stream viewers depends on your Google Workspace edition.

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1  Create an event with internal and external guests

Create an event using Calendar and Google Meet if:

  • You have fewer than 250 guests.
  • You want to invite internal and/or external guests.
  • You want to collaborate during the event.


Add Google Meet video meetings to Calendar events

Schedule video calls and invite guests using Calendar


1.1 Create an event in Calendar
  1. In Calendar, click Create "".
  2. Add the event title, date, and time.
  3. Click Add guests and add participants.
    Note: A Google Meet video meeting is automatically added once you add a guest. Or, you can click Add Google Meet video conferencing before you add participants.
  4. (Optional) Add an event description or attachments, such as an agenda or presentation.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Send.
1.2 Set up a collaborative event

Before the event: Create an agenda and share content

  1. On the Docshomepage, choose an option:
    • To start with a blank document, click Create "".
    • To use a template, click Template gallery. Try one of the Meeting notes templates.
  2. Add your agenda details, including links to files you want to collaborate on.

    Note: Make sure participants have the right access level to shared files.

  3. Click Share to share the agenda.
  4. In Calendar, attach the agenda to the event:
    1. In the Calendar grid, double-click the event.
    2. Click Add attachment "" and select your agenda.
    3. Click Save.
    4. Click Send.

For details about sharing and access levels, see Get started with Docs.

During the event: Use two Chrome windows

  1. In the first window, join the event in Google Meet. Use this window to interact with participants. 

  2. Instead of presenting the agenda and shared content in Google Meet, open the agenda or shared content in a second window to view and collaborate in real time.  

  3. Put the windows side-by-side so you can see the content and participants at the same time.
  4. Encourage participants to use the same setup.

Note: Make sure that event presenters know that they should tell participants when to switch to a new piece of content. For example, “Now, take a look at slide 5.”

Optional: During the event, share a virtual whiteboard

If your organization uses Jamboard, you can brainstorm using a virtual whiteboard. Open the Jamboard web app by going to https://jamboard.google.com or open a jam on the Jamboard smartphone app and share it during the event. Anyone can draw, add images, or open Google files during a jam session.

1.3 Join an event

Join the event from Gmail

  1. Open Gmail and in the sidebar, under Meet, click My meetings.
  2. Choose an option:
    • Click Join a meeting and enter a meeting code.
    • Point to a meeting on the left under My meetings .
  3. Click Join.

Join the event from Calendar

  1. In Google Calendar, click the event you want to join.
  2. Click Join with Google Meet.
  3. In the window that opens, click Join now

Join Meet

Join the event from Meet

In Meet, if the meeting is in your list of scheduled events, select it and then click Join now. Alternatively, you can join with a meeting code:

  1. In a web browser, enter https://meet.google.com.
  2. Click Enter a code or nicknameand thenenter the detailsand thenclick Join.
    • The meeting code is the string of letters at the end of the meeting link. You don't have to enter the hyphens.
    • You can only use meeting nicknames with people in your organization. This feature is currently only available to Google Workspace users.
    • If your organization has purchased and installed a Meet hardware device, you can also type the meeting code or nickname into that device.

  3. Click Join now.

If you have issues joining a meeting, see Troubleshoot issues with Google Meet.

1.4 Present during an event
Meeting organizers with Google Workspace for Education can prevent participants from sharing their screen. 
  1. In Google Drive, open the Google Docs, Google Sheets, or Google Slides file you want to share or present.
  2. (Optional) To edit a document, spreadsheet, or presentation simultaneously with your guests:
    1. In the upper-right corner, click Share.
    2. Add a title to your document and click Save.
    3. Add your meeting guests and give everyone Editor access.
    4. Click Send.
  3. Open Google Meet and join the meeting.
  4. Click Present now and choose what to share:
    • Your entire screen
    • A window
    • A tab
  5. Click Share.

Tip: If you're not using Chrome browser (which automatically hides any pop-up notifications), mute or turn off notifications so they don’t appear when you’re presenting.

If your camera is turned on, participants continue to see your video while you're presenting.

For presenting issues, see Troubleshoot issues with Google Meet.

Join only to present

When you join to present, only your computer's window or application is displayed in the meeting. No audio or other video is sent or received.

  1. Go to https://meet.google.com/.
  2. Choose an option:
    • Select the scheduled meeting
    • Click Enter a code or nicknameand thenenter the detailsand thenclick Join.
  3. Click Present.
  4. Select a window or application.
  5. Select Share.

Stop presenting

In Meet, depending on how you share content, choose an option:

  • Your entire screen or A window—At the top, click Stop presenting or on the bottom, click Stop sharing.
  • A Chrome tab—At the top, click Stop.
1.5 Record an event

Recording is only available with the computer version of Meet. Mobile app users get notified when the recording starts or stops, but cannot control recording.

You can’t record if you join only to present, such as from a laptop while already in a video conference room. Join the video meeting first, start presenting, and then record.

You can use this feature only if your organization supports it. For help, contact your administrator.
  1. Open Meet.
  2. In a video meeting, at the bottom, click Activities ""and thenRecordingand thenStart recordingand thenStart.
    If needed, go to Can't find the recording button.
  3. Wait for the recording to start.
    Other participants are notified when the recording starts or stops.
  4. Click Stop recording when you finish.
    The recording also stops when everyone leaves the meeting.
  5. Click Stop recording again to confirm.

When the recording file is ready, it’s saved to the meeting organizer’s My Drive in the Meet Recordings folder. An email with the recording link is also sent to the meeting organizer and the person who started the recording.

Record meeting

""2  Create a live stream event

You can use this feature only if your organization supports it. For help, contact your administrator.

You can add view-only live streaming to an event, such as a company-wide all hands meeting. Up to 100,000 people within your organization can attend.

Create a live stream event for presenters, who can start and stop the live stream during the meeting and record the event. Then, create a second, view-only event for guests.

2.1 Create a live stream event for presenters
  1. Open Google Calendar.
  2. ClickPlusCreateand thenEventand thenMore options.
  3. Add the event details, such as date, time, and description.
  4. Add the guests that can fully participate in the video meeting. 
    • All guests added to this event can be seen, heard, and present their screen.
    • People from other organizations and trusted domains can be added. Only people in your organization can record and control streaming.
  5. Next to Join with Google Meet, click the Down arrow""and thenAdd live stream.
  6. Click Add live stream again to confirm.
  7. Click Saveand thenSend.
    Note: Streaming does not automatically start. During the meeting, at the bottom right, click, click Live Streamingand thenStart streaming.
2.2 Create an additional event for view-only guests

To invite specific people to the view-only live stream, create a view-only event. The event is added to their Calendar and includes the link for view-only guests.

People invited to the event are not seen or heard in the meeting, and can’t present, record, or control streaming.

Tip: If invited, view-only guests can join live streams even if their accounts don't support live streaming or their organizations have live streaming turned off.

  1. Open Google Calendar.
  2. Click the live stream event you created and thenEdit "".
  3. At the top, click More actionsand thenCreate view-only event.
  4. Add guests or rooms for view-only access, and other details such as a description.
  5. Click Save and thenSend.
2.3 Start a live stream event

If allowed by an administrator, any participant in the same organization as the meeting organizer can start or stop the live stream.

Can start or stop a live stream View only, can’t control live stream
Meeting organizer  
You’re in the same organization as live steam organizer Guests who join view-only
You’re allowed in live stream by an administrator  
You’ve joined as a full participant  


  1. Open Google Calendar and join the video meeting.
  2. Select More ""and then Start streaming.
  3. Confirm that you want to start streaming. When streaming is on, at the top left, “Live” is indicated. View-only guests can now watch the meeting using the stream URL.
  4. Select More ""and then Stop streaming.
  5. Confirm that you want to stop streaming.
For streaming issues, see Troubleshoot issues with Google Meet.
2.4 Record a live stream event

Full participants from the same organization as the meeting organizer can record the live stream so people can watch the event after the meeting ends. Live stream events are not automatically recorded, so you need to manually start and stop recording.

To record a live stream event, from the meeting, click More Moreand thenRecord meeting.

For more details, see Record a video meeting.

For recording issues, see Play, share, download, or save a recording.

2.5 Watch a live stream event
People using the live stream link cannot interact with the meeting participants or others watching the live stream.

To watch a live stream event, guests can:

  • Click the live stream link in the Calendar event or an email.
  • Watch from a meeting room that is added to the event and set up with Chromebox or Chromebase for meetings.

When you watch a live stream event, you can:

  • Stop and start the live playback.
  • Adjust the playback speed and video quality.
  • Play the video on a TV.
  • Switch to full-screen mode.

Note: To watch the event later, ask the meeting organizer if a recording is available. The live stream can only be viewed while being broadcast live.

""3  Best practices for holding remote events

3.1 Set up and test your internet connection
  • Connect to the internet using an Ethernet cable if available. If not, use 5 GHz Wi-Fi (2.4 GHz is often more heavily used and video connections might not be as strong).
  • If you’re on Wi-Fi, create a test meeting to make sure you have a strong signal from the location you’ll be working at. Having a direct line of sight to your router often gives you the strongest signal. 
  • If your connection seems slow, run a speed test to make sure you have at least 3.2 Mbps upload and download speed.
  • When you’re on a video conference, limit other internet activity in your house to make sure you have enough bandwidth.
3.2 Choose the right environment
  • Sit in a well-lit area, ideally with light shining on your face and not behind, to avoid creating a silhouette. Do a test call with a colleague to get camera position and lighting correct.
  • Simple backgrounds and neat, tidy rooms tend to look most professional on business calls.
  • Places with minimal background noise work best, but if you’re in a noisy location, mute your mic when not talking, and you can use Meet’s live caption feature to display captions in real time.
3.3 Equipment tips

Headphones, mic, and camera

  • Consider wearing headphones or earbuds to create optimal audio and to reduce any potential echo on the call.
  • If you’re going to be typing while talking, consider getting an external mic, such as a headset mic or a podcasting USB mic.
  • Wired headsets and mics often produce better sound quality than wireless ones.
  • Upgrade your headset, mic, and camera to the latest firmware provided by the manufacturer.
  • Make sure Meet is using the correct cameras, microphone and speakers. For example, even if you are wearing a headset, Meet could actually be using the built-in microphone:

Address slow device or sluggish performance

  • Update your computer to the latest version of your OS.
  • Consider presenting from a second laptop, if you have one, or a smartphone (using the iOS or Android Meet app), to spread CPU usage.
  • Software or hardware that inspects or alters Meet traffic (such as local firewalls and virus protection software) may decrease video quality. Be careful that these tools don't interfere with your video calls. 
  • Use one monitor. Two or more monitors can cause heavy CPU and GPU load.

    If you continue to have problems with Meet call quality, see Troubleshoot issues with Google Meet, or you can report a problem.

3.4 Do a trial run

1 day before:

  • Restart your computer.
  • Join a test meeting from where you plan to take the meeting to make sure your camera and mic are connected and your internet connection is stable.

10 minutes before:

  • Close all your tabs and restart your browser.
  • If presenting, open Slides and have your presentation ready to present ahead of time (loading Slides can temporarily spike your CPU, which might affect video and audio quality).
  • If you want to see the participants in your meeting while also viewing a presentation, you can change your screen layout.
3.5 Preparation and etiquette tips
  • Ask participants to mute when not speaking to avoid interruptions. To mute or unmute yourself, at the bottom of the video window, click Mute "" or use the keyboard shortcut ⌘/Ctrl + D.
  • Establish meeting rules. For example, come back on time after breaks, or be mindful when taking turns to speak.
  • Establish a cue for taking turns to speak. For example, send a chat message during the call to raise a topic or chime in.
  • Admit or deny external participants as appropriate. External participants who aren’t on the Calendar event will need to ask to join the call. Someone on the call who’s in the same domain as the event organizer needs to accept their request before they can join the call. Ask participants to join 10 minutes early to avoid delays in starting the event.
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