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Archived News Releases


Data in archived news releases may have been revised in subsequent releases. The latest data, including any revisions, may be obtained from the databases accessible on the BLS program homepages or the Current News Releases.

Major Economic Indicators

All BLS News Releases

Access to and Use of Leave

American Time Use Survey

Annual Pay Levels in Metropolitan Areas (Discontinued)

Average Annual Pay by State and Industry (Discontinued)

Bargaining Activity (Annual)

Career Guide to Industries

Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries

Characteristics of Unemployment Insurance Applicants and Benefit Recipients

College Enrollment and Work Activity of Recent High School and College Graduates

College Enrollment and Work Activity of High School Graduates

Commissioner's Statement on the Employment Situation

Computer and Internet Use at Work

Consumer Expenditures Surveys

Consumer Price Index

Contingent and Alternative Employment Arrangements

County Employment and Wages

Demographic Data for State and Metropolitan Areas

Economic and Employment Projections

Employee Benefits in Medium and Large Establishments

Employee Benefits in Private Industry

Employee Benefits in Small Private Industry Establishments

Employee Benefits in State and Local Governments

Employee Benefits in the United States

Employee Tenure

Employer Costs for Employee Compensation

Employer-Reported Workplace Injuries and Illnesses (Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (Annual))

Employment and Average Annual Pay For Large Counties (Discontinued)

Employment Characteristics of Families

Employment Cost Index

Employment and Wages in Foreign-Owned Businesses in the USA

Employment Experience of Youths: Results from a Longitudinal Survey

Employment Situation

Employment Situation of Veterans

Extended Mass Layoffs (Quarterly)

Extended Mass Layoffs Associated With Domestic and Overseas Relocations

Firm Size Class Quarterly Data

Foreign-born Workers: Labor Force Characteristics

Foreign-Owned Manufacturing Establishments in USA

Green Goods and Services

Green Technologies and Practices

Health Care Expenditures (Annual)

International Comparisons of Manufacturing Productivity and Unit Labor Cost Trends

International Comparisons of Hourly Compensation Costs in Manufacturing

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey

Job Flexibilities and Work Schedules

Major Collective Bargaining Settlements in Private Industry (Annual)

Major Collective Bargaining Settlements in Private Industry (Quarterly)

Major Collective Bargaining Settlements in State and Local Government (Annual)

Major Work Stoppages (Annual)

Married Parents' Use of Time

Mass Layoffs (Monthly)

Metropolitan Area Employment and Unemployment (Monthly)

Multifactor Productivity Trends

Multifactor Productivity Trends in Manufacturing

Multifactor Productivity Trends for Detailed Industries

Nonfatal Occupational Injuries and Illnesses Requiring Days Away From Work

Number of Jobs, Labor Market Experience, and Earnings Growth: Results from a National Longitudinal Survey

Occupational Employment and Wages

Occupational Outlook Handbook

Occupational Pay Comparisons Among Metropolitan Areas

Occupational Projections and Training Data

Occupational Requirements in the United States

Persons with a Disability: Labor Force Characteristics

Persons with a Disability: Barriers to Employment, Types of Assistance, and Other Labor-Related Issues

Producer Price Index

Productivity and Costs (Quarterly)

Productivity and Costs by Industry

Productivity by State

Quarterly Data on Business Employment Dynamics From BLS

Real Earnings

Regional and State Unemployment (Annual)

State Employment and Unemployment (Monthly)

Summer Employment and Unemployment Among Youth

Survey of Employer-Provided Training – Employer Results

Survey of Employer-Provided Training – Employee Results

Survey Report on Wages and Benefits for Temporary Help Workers

Test of Methods for Collecting Racial and Ethnic Information

U.S. Import and Export Price Indexes

Union Members (Annual)

Unpaid Eldercare in the United States – Data from the American Time Use Survey

Volunteering in the United States

Wages and Employment (Discontinued)

Work at Home

Work Experience of the Population (Annual)

Worker Displacement

Workers on Flexible and Shift Schedules

Latest News Releases


Last Modified Date: September 10, 2021