

Telling the stories of WordPress. What's your story? Curated by

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@heropress را مسدود کردید

مطمئن اید که می‌خواهید این توییت‌ها را ببینید؟ دیدن توییت‌ها، @heropress را از مسدودشدگی در نمی‌آورد.

  1. بازتوییت کرد
    ۲۳ ساعت پیش

    Oh hi friends, Can you please check out our call for Translation Facilitator and help us spread the word? 🌞 It is important that we include non-English speaking countries with our diversifying speaker line-ups and allyship content. 🌐

  2. بازتوییت کرد
    شهریور ۳

    From an group in (in terms of gender, race, class, sexuality, ability, age, etc.)? Intrigued about public speaking at WordPress Meetups and ? Join us this Friday!

  3. بازتوییت کرد
    شهریور ۳

    Today is 's birthday. Valet is so thankful to be a part of her story! "The story has evolved for me over the years but that’s the beginning. The beginnings are usually far less romantic than the endings in any story." -

  4. شهریور ۳

    "As daar een les uit my verhaal is om te leer is, moenie moed opgee om jou drome te volg nie; jy is nooit te oud om die droom te verwesenlik nie." --

  5. شهریور ۳

    Hierdie week se HeroPress -opstel is getiteld "Never give up on your dreams" deur Pam Woest van Suid-Afrika.

  6. شهریور ۳

    "There was always this gap, that just couldn’t get filled in terms of my career. Yet, I still remembered my dream." --

  7. شهریور ۳

    "I was pretty set in my ways in terms of my career for a very long time. But when getting closer to my 40’s, I knew I wanted more."--

  8. شهریور ۳

    This week's HeroPress essay is titled "Never give up on your dreams" by Pam Woest from South Africa.

  9. بازتوییت کرد
    شهریور ۱
    پاسخ به

    Thank you for helping spread the word! We'd love to hear from all of you and know that these stories help inspire the next generation of techies 🥰

  10. شهریور ۱

    You know we love a good story! Check this out!

  11. شهریور ۱

    COMING WEDNESDAY: Pam Woest from South Africa writes about becoming a developer as a second career.

  12. مرداد ۳۰

    . is a really great friend of HeroPress. We'd love to have you support him.

  13. مرداد ۲۹

    I met with Hazel just today, and she is indeed a delight.

  14. مرداد ۲۸

    I've been using for about a week now on a Sooper Sekrit project for HeroPress, and I am thoroughly impressed. Love it.

  15. بازتوییت کرد
    مرداد ۲۸

    Running , helping people all over the world improve their own lives.

  16. بازتوییت کرد
    مرداد ۲۷

    Have you ever wondered how to get started in the community? will teach you - w/ finding your role, what getting involved means, and the proper etiquette of the community at 1pm ET this Friday for our LIVE ! RSVP now:

  17. مرداد ۲۷

    Slow day at today. You should check it out, it's cool.

  18. بازتوییت کرد
    مرداد ۲۶

    What an amazing story from ! Yes, I’ve known about her other half for decades. But she’s her own person who deserves her success. Check out her story.

  19. مرداد ۲۵

    Want to hang out with HeroPress folk in an informal environment? Come to this meetup!

  20. بازتوییت کرد
    مرداد ۲۵

    Tell us your WordPress story :)


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