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Posts: articles
What's new in C# 9: overview
Konstantin Volohovsky
Although C# 9 came out over half a year ago, the community is still processing its immense list of changes and has yet to discover best practices for the new features. It's a great excuse to go over C# 9 features one more time.
Aug 30 2021
Text broadcast of CppCast 285: Clang Power Tools and C++ myths
Episode 285 CppCast was recorded on February 3rd, 2020. Hosts Rob Irving and Jason Turner are joined by Victor Ciura. They first talk about different ways to filter a C++ container and a blog post on the Visual C++ blog from the Diablo 4 development team. They then talk to Victor about the Clang Power Tools plugin for Visual Studio which has recently been made free for both open source and commercial use. They also talk about C++ myths.
Aug 27 2021
Linux kernel turns 30: congratulations from PVS-Studio
Sergey Larin
On August 25th, 2021, the Linux kernel celebrated its 30th anniversary. Since then, it's changed a lot. We changed too. Nowadays, the Linux kernel is a huge project used by millions. We checked the kernel 5 years ago. So, we can't miss this event and want to look at the code of this epic project again.
Aug 26 2021
XSS: attack, defense - and C# programming
Valery Komarov
XSS - or cross-site scripting - is one of the most common vulnerabilities in web applications. It has been on the OWASP Top 10 list (the list of the most critical security risks to web applications) for a while now. So let's figure out together how your browser can acquire and execute a script from a third-party website, and what this may lead to (spoiler: your cookies could get stolen, for example). And while we're at it, we'll talk about ways you can protect yourself from XSS.
Tutorial: how to port a project from Interop Word API to Open XML SDK
Victoria Khanieva, Svyatoslav Razmyslov
With the .NET5 release further development of some projects was questionable due to the complexity of porting. One can abandon small outdated libraries or find a replacement. But it's hard to throw away Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll. Microsoft doesn't plan to add compatibility with .NET Core/5+, so in this article we focus on creating Word files with Open XML SDK.
Aug 20 2021
Is PHP compilable?! PVS-Studio searches for errors in PeachPie
Nikita Lipilin
PHP is widely known as an interpreted programming language used mainly for website development. However, few people know that PHP also has a compiler to .NET – PeachPie. But how well is it made? Will the static analyzer be able to find actual bugs in this compiler? Let's find out!
Aug 17 2021
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