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Object Oriented Programming

"...because thinking inside the box is okay, as long as it's a black box."

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TDD Conference 2021 - How To Get Started With Test-Driving Your Code - Jov Mit

TDD Conference 2021 - How To Get Started With Test-Driving Your Code - Jov Mit

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2 min read
Privacy and speed with Perl’s Object::Pad

Privacy and speed with Perl’s Object::Pad

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3 min read
Functional vs Object Oriented vs Procedural programming

Functional vs Object Oriented vs Procedural programming

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4 min read
OOP is Ruff!

OOP is Ruff!

Reactions 50 Comments 8
6 min read
Difference Between Aggregation and Composition

Difference Between Aggregation and Composition

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1 min read
Why Interfaces in Go Are Not Explicitly Implemented

Why Interfaces in Go Are Not Explicitly Implemented

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5 min read
Say no to Interface pollution - Interface Segregation Principle

Say no to Interface pollution - Interface Segregation Principle

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3 min read
SOLID: Dependency Inversion Principle

SOLID: Dependency Inversion Principle

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5 min read
Code Smell 84 - Max < Min (Javascript)

Code Smell 84 - Max < Min (Javascript)

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2 min read
Solid Design Principles

Solid Design Principles

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8 min read
Answer: Difference between Encapsulation and Abstraction

Answer: Difference between Encapsulation and Abstraction

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1 min read
TDD Conference 2021 - Which is better to Code by Contract: TDD or API-first? - Meenakshi Dhanani

TDD Conference 2021 - Which is better to Code by Contract: TDD or API-first? - Meenakshi Dhanani

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2 min read
What’s Next for Object-Oriented Perl?

What’s Next for Object-Oriented Perl?

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6 min read
Python Classes and Objects

Python Classes and Objects

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4 min read


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2 min read
Looking for recommendations - OOP/Designing course using Typescript/Node.js in greater depth!

Looking for recommendations - OOP/Designing course using Typescript/Node.js in greater depth!

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1 min read
Abstract class vs interfaces. When to use them?

Abstract class vs interfaces. When to use them?

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2 min read
SOLID e o princípio do faça algo, mas do seu jeito

SOLID e o princípio do faça algo, mas do seu jeito

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4 min read
The Funhouse Mirror of Perl Criticism

The Funhouse Mirror of Perl Criticism

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5 min read
Understanding Functions In Python

Understanding Functions In Python

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4 min read
Emulating abstract base classes in Rust

Emulating abstract base classes in Rust

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14 min read
Ruby Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

Ruby Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

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12 min read
How using OOP improves code quality? Classes vs. Functions

How using OOP improves code quality? Classes vs. Functions

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2 min read
Object Oriented TypeScript

Object Oriented TypeScript

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9 min read
Java OOP Concepts

Java OOP Concepts

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4 min read
JavaScript Classes Explained

JavaScript Classes Explained

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5 min read
Object Oriented Programming with a Real-World Scenario - Part 1

Object Oriented Programming with a Real-World Scenario - Part 1

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1 min read
Classes and type in Python - Introduction

Classes and type in Python - Introduction

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4 min read
Taming the Moose: Picking the best way to subclass Perl methods

Taming the Moose: Picking the best way to subclass Perl methods

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3 min read
23 - Observer

23 - Observer

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7 min read
Writing self-documented code with low cognitive complexity

Writing self-documented code with low cognitive complexity

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6 min read
Code Smell 78 - Callback Hell

Code Smell 78 - Callback Hell

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2 min read
Write clean Object-Oriented code by replacing conditional with polymorphism

Write clean Object-Oriented code by replacing conditional with polymorphism

Reactions 83 Comments 2
5 min read
Wiring Services in Frameworks And How it Works Under the Hood

Wiring Services in Frameworks And How it Works Under the Hood

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2 min read
Understanding OOP Concepts With Kotlin

Understanding OOP Concepts With Kotlin

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4 min read
SOLID e o princípio do 6 por meia dúzia

SOLID e o princípio do 6 por meia dúzia

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4 min read
Software Design: Deep Modules

Software Design: Deep Modules

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4 min read
S.O.L.I.D Principle - Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

S.O.L.I.D Principle - Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

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3 min read
Pillars of OOPS (in python)

Pillars of OOPS (in python)

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5 min read


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2 min read
21 Premium Backend Interview Questions and Preparatory Answers

21 Premium Backend Interview Questions and Preparatory Answers

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10 min read
Gradual method renaming in Perl

Gradual method renaming in Perl

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3 min read
Rebuilding FactoryBot in 150 lines of code

Rebuilding FactoryBot in 150 lines of code

Reactions 41 Comments 1
16 min read
Core Concepts behind Java OOP

Core Concepts behind Java OOP

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4 min read
What are OOP concepts in Java.

What are OOP concepts in Java.

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1 min read
Code Smell 79 - TheResult

Code Smell 79 - TheResult

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1 min read
3 Design Patterns in TypeScript for Frontend Developers

3 Design Patterns in TypeScript for Frontend Developers

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7 min read
A small thing nobody taught you in Python

A small thing nobody taught you in Python

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2 min read
SOLID e o princípio do não faça mais do que não deve

SOLID e o princípio do não faça mais do que não deve

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5 min read
Hairless Furever: My First CLI Gem

Hairless Furever: My First CLI Gem

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13 min read
Prototypes vs Traditional Classes

Prototypes vs Traditional Classes

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2 min read
S.O.L.I.D Principle - Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)

S.O.L.I.D Principle - Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)

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2 min read
Call by Value vs Call by Reference

Call by Value vs Call by Reference

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2 min read
Code Smell 81 - Result

Code Smell 81 - Result

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1 min read
Code Smell 77 - Timestamps

Code Smell 77 - Timestamps

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2 min read
Object-oriented Programming in JavaScript

Object-oriented Programming in JavaScript

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11 min read
Laravel Inversion of Control Implementation using Contextual Binding

Laravel Inversion of Control Implementation using Contextual Binding

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7 min read
Code Smell 80 - Nested Try/Catch

Code Smell 80 - Nested Try/Catch

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2 min read
Java - reduce redundant objects with Flyweight Design pattern

Java - reduce redundant objects with Flyweight Design pattern

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4 min read
S.O.L.I.D Principle - Open Closed Principle (OCP)

S.O.L.I.D Principle - Open Closed Principle (OCP)

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2 min read