Simplified, Accountable, Responsive, Effective, Transparent Electronic System

Government has been putting great emphasis on improving productivity and its internal processes, increased transparency in the decision making and bring in citizen participation as part of the inclusive governance in the country. Governance processes are based around creation of files, notings in the file, decision at various levels, and finally issuing decisions as letters and notifications. Any request to the Government goes through an elaborate processing of different stages called workflow.

Main Features

An Enterprise Document Management System

Government have to manage large volumes of documents of various categories .These documents can be Policies, Forms, Acts and Regulations, Circulars, Guidelines and Standards and Manuals. Maintaining a central repository of document helps to have a single repository of documents from where all department/ministry users can access the information.

eOffice KMS enables users to create and manage electronic documents that can be viewed, searched and shared. It is also capable of keeping track of the different versions modified by different users (Tracking history). It also contains a dynamic workflow to keep document in various stages.

Main Features

A Unified Collaboration and Messaging Platform

eOffice Collaboration and Messaging services helps users to communicate effectively and share information and ideas in real time. The Open architectures of the model enable to integrate the different eOffice services. The eTalk pulls all your files, documents, leave ,tour together into one place while at the same time updating your status. With the unified communication and collaboration environment , employee can personalise and configure for communicating and collaborating fostering a more connected workplace

Main Features

Quick and Convenient Mode to Manage Leaves

eLeave is a simple intuitive workflow based system to apply for leave online ,track the status of applied leave, details of leaves taken and balance. Approval of leave is enabled through the automated hierarchical channel of submission and leave is routed to the hierarchy that is pre-defined in the work flow. The leave rules are configured as per the existing Government manual and leave processing is role based. The system helps to eliminate the paper based applications and faster and time bound processing. Approving authority can view the leave balance and also leave details of employees prior to approving leave.

Main Features

Apply and approve tour online, from anywhere, anytime

eTour is a system that facilitates the efficient management of employee tour programs, from the time of applying for the tour to the final settlement of bills. This system ensures that all tour requests are properly accounted for. Employees can apply for, cancel, approve/reject and view tour records without any hassle and delay of going through the paper work.
For employees, the system allows to easily view their tour details at any point any time and request tours online. For managers, tour approval no longer involves trails of paperwork. The system provides complete trails of the employee's tour and plans.

Main Features

Transparency, Accountability in Performance Appraisal

Sparrow is an online system based on the comprehensive performance appraisal dossier that is maintained for each member of the Service by the State Government/Central Government. The aim of this system is to facilitate the electronic filling of PAR by officers in a way that is not only user friendly but also allows to fill from anywhere anytime as per their convenience. Similar convenience will be available to the officers at different levels in the workflow hierarchy of filling and submission process. The system is also expected to reduce delays in submission of completely filled APARs.

Main Features

Workflow Based Employee Records Management System

Personnel Information Management System(PIMS) is a workflow-based system for maintaining the details of an employee. The main details of Employee Identity, Skill Sets, Contact Details, Posting & Location, CGHS, Nomination, Service Vol-1 and Vol-2, Loans, Salary Details, HBA, Record Verification Details. PIMS allows users to enter and update the employee personal data and employment records according to the access and role privileges. PIMS stores all the information required from an employee as per the provisions of the Service Book.

Main Features