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"'Is it for me?' I hear you ask. Well, to state the bleeding obvious, at this price of course it is... it's a blast, has 80% less fat than other workstations, is cheaper than many plug-ins, is more flexible than a Slinky, and you can theme it to your favorite football team. What more do you want?"

- AudioMedia

"Another confident step forward for Cockos, enhancing and expanding the feature set of an already competitive package."

- Sound on Sound

"Reaper has proven itself as a thoroughly usable, productive audio environment... a production powerhouse."

"In terms of bang for your buck, nothing can touch it."


"REAPER is a beautiful program. And smart. And talented."


"...if you forced me to work exclusively with any single software package, I'd choose REAPER any day."

- Sound on Sound

"I suspect some would be more convinced of its excellence if Cockos significantly raised the licence cost, but those in the know (and I consider myself one of that number) simply regard it as a bargain."

- Sound on Sound

"REAPER is a powerful program at a great price. I love the no-nonsense style, the power-user capabilities, and the gracious pricing that lets hobbyists use the application without breaking the bank."

- Electronic Musician

"[REAPER's] signal routing options are quite simply staggering. Audio can be thrown about, rerouted and patched in just about any configuration you can imagine, and REAPER also enables you to perform sidechaining with plug-ins that don't natively support it. We're used to seeing this sort of functionality in hardware studios that have racks full of patchbays, but it's none too common in our DAWs."

- Computer Music

"...unless you are 100 percent happy with your current MIDI + Audio sequencer, you'd be a fool not to give REAPER a try... this is a powerful application that does a huge amount, is being improved on a daily basis, and already does some things better than most of the competition."

- Sound on Sound

  • Reviews
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    Language Packs
    Theme Development
    Custom Cursors
    JSFX Programming
    Extensions SDK
    Extensions to VST SDK
    Language Pack Template
    User Guide