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Working from home


  • Arctic Code Vault Contributor


  1. The JavaScript and API powered

    JavaScript 11.7k 1.8k

  2. Security, performance, marketing, and design tools — Jetpack is made by the WordPress experts to make WP sites safer and faster, and help you grow your traffic.

    PHP 1.3k 714

  3. The Block Editor project for WordPress and beyond. Plugin is available from the official repository.

    JavaScript 6.4k 2.2k

771 contributions in the last year

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Mon Wed Fri
Activity overview
Contributed to Automattic/wp-calypso, WordPress/gutenberg, Automattic/jetpack and 5 other repositories

Contribution activity

December 2020

Created 1 repository

Created a pull request in WordPress/gutenberg that received 11 comments

CI: Run package/date unit tests in different timezones

Fixes #27500. See #27550 (comment) for more context. Description Run unit tests for the @wordpress/date package in different timezones, and with di…

+49 −0 11 comments
Reviewed 1 pull request in 1 repository
Automattic/jetpack 1 pull request

Created an issue in Automattic/wp-calypso that received 2 comments

Gutenberg: Update install script to work with `svn copy` (if necessary)

@Automattic/good-mountain have updated our install process and corresponding Field Guide instructions (PCYsg-m14-p2) to make it svn copy based: We…


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