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22.07.2020 Online Conference “Peaceful Atom in Belarus – Benefits and Prospects”
On July 22, 2020, an online conference “Peaceful Atom in Belarus – Benefits and Prospects” was held. Read more →

07.07.2020 UNIDO to Hold Third Industrial Safety Webinar
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) will hold a webinar on challenges to cybersecurity on July 10, 2020. Read more →

04.06.2020 Rostechnadzor Took Part in the 47th Meeting of IAEA Commission on Safety Standards
The 47th meeting of the IAEA Commission on Safety Standards (CSS) was held on June 4 2020 in the format of video conference. Deputy Rostechnadzor Chairman Alexey Ferapontov, the CSS standing member for the Russian Federation, took part in the meeting. Read more →

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