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Forum on Licensing and Safety Issues for Small and Medium Sized Reactors (SMRs)

The 6th meeting of the Dialogue Forum on Licensing and Safety Issues for Small and Medium Sized Reactors (SMRs) held within the International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO) on July 29 to August 2, 2013, in Vienna, Austria, took a decision to establish the Regulators’ Forum on SMR safety issues. That decision was captured in the Resolution of the 57th IAEA General Conference “Strengthening the Agency's activities related to nuclear science, technology and applications” adopted on September 19, 2013.

The purpose of the Forum is to set a platform for exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of small and medium sized reactors safety regulation.

The kick-off meeting of the Forum was held on 23 to 27 March, 2015, in Vienna, Austria. The meeting drafted the Terms of Reference and Pilot Project Plan and set the present name of the Forum – Regulator Forum for Small Modular Reactors (SMR Forum).

According to the SMR Forum’s ToR, small modular reactors typically have several of these features:

· nuclear reactors typically <300 MWe or <1000 MWt per reactor

· designed for commercial use, i.e., power production, desalination, process heat (as opposed to research and test reactors)

· designed to allow addition of multiple reactors in close proximity to the same infrastructure (modular reactors)

· may be light or non-light water cooled, etc.

The objective of the SMR Forum is to identify and discuss common safety issues that may challenge regulatory reviews associated with SMRs and, if possible, recommend common approaches for their resolution.

The current memberships of the SMR Forum include senior officials and experts from the regulatory bodies of Canada, China, Finland, France, the Russian Federation, South Korea and the USA. The IEAE functions as Scientific Secretariat of the SMR Forum.

The SMR Forum’s structure comprises Steering Committee and three task-specific working groups, including Emergency Planning Zones Working Group, Defense-in-Depth Working Group, and Graded Approach Working Group.

Rostechnadzor is represented in all three working groups, and Deputy Chairman Alexey Ferapontov is a member of the Steering Committee.