Custom Dashboards

Learn how to create and manage custom dashboards in Facebook Analytics.

In Facebook Analytics, you can create custom dashboards, which you can view from Dashboards. Use custom dashboards to create a customized view, or to see the information that matters to you most in one place.

For example, you'd like to look at engagement charts for some features of your app and if they lead to purchases. You've already created multiple funnels to analyze the metrics related to actions people take after interacting with each feature. You also look at charts in Active Users to gain context as to how many people use your app in general.

You could create a custom dashboard to view these funnels and charts in one place instead of looking at them individually in multiple places.

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Some examples in this article are related to features that are not yet available to everyone. These features are indicated as "(Beta)".

Review this resource to learn about the types of charts you can create in Facebook Analytics and determine the right chart for your needs.

You can create these charts inside custom dashboards.

Note: Numbers and visuals are for illustration only.

You can create the following charts in Facebook Analytics:


A bar chart for the event, or events, you've selected to help you determine stand out segments or components of an event.

Examples: See viewership or purchases by country or state. See posts by format (Beta).


A table that requires at least one breakdown to assess parameters with unique or specific values.

Examples: View events by product category, current URL or UTM parameters. View searches by search string, as long as you send it as a parameter.

Cohort Heat Map and Cohort Trend

A cohort heat map or trend line (Cohort Trend) to display metrics about group of people who completed an event you defined (activity X), followed by a subsequent event you defined (activity Y).

Examples: Retention and Lifetime Value are two specific types of cohorts you may want to view.

For Retention, X is a new activity you define, and Y is a repetition of that activity, like repeat purchases or repeat app launches. For Lifetime Value, X is a new activity you define, and Y is the sum of purchases for people in that cohort.

Note: Requires 2 events. You can select the same event twice.

Here's a cohort heat map.

Here's a cohort trend chart.


A funnel you define with sequential events (in chronological order) as steps to view conversion rate, drop-offs and time to conversion.

Examples: Post impression to website visit; initiated checkout to purchase; app launch, search, add to cart then purchase; purchase to purchase (repeat purchases).

Note: Requires at least 2 events. You can select the same event twice.


A high-level numerical metric for a selected event.

Examples: Check monthly active users, revenue and new users.


A Venn diagram that deduplicates people's actions across different breakdowns.

Examples: View people who reacted to Page posts across different devices. See where purchases happen and if people purchase across different event sources or channels.


A pie chart that requires a breakdown. We recommend this chart when you apply a breakdown with mutually exclusive parameters that have only a few values.

Examples: Purchases by gender and app launches by age. Page post impressions by whether the audience is made of fans or followers (Beta).


A line chart for the event, or events, you've selected over a specified time frame.

Examples: Monitor changes in active users, number of purchases, amount of revenue, and so on, over time. See spikes, drops or if they trend upward.

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Get started with custom dashboards so you can find and share the metrics and charts you care about most. Here's how to create a new custom dashboard and set its visibility.

To create a new custom dashboard in Facebook Analytics on the web:

  1. Select Create Dashboard from the menu on the left.
  2. Enter a name for your dashboard. Deselect Private to make the dashboard visible to your team.
  3. Select Create Dashboard.

Now you can pin saved charts to your dashboard or create new ones to add.

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You can customize the charts you'd like to display in custom dashboards in Facebook Analytics on the web and within the Facebook Analytics mobile app. You can also view the charts you add to custom dashboards on the web in Reports within the mobile app.

Before you begin, you will need to create a custom dashboard. Once you've created a custom dashboard, you can add charts in two ways:

Pin charts to a custom dashboard

Note: This feature is not available for all charts.

To pin a chart from Activity and other sections in Facebook Analytics on the web to a custom dashboard:

  1. From the chart you'd like to pin, open the Add to an Existing Dashboard options:
    • For a chart in the Funnels, Breakdowns or Cohorts sections, select then select Pin to Dashboard.
    • For all other charts, select .
  2. Select a dashboard.
  3. (Optional) Customize the Chart Name.
  4. Select Add to Dashboard.

Once you've pinned the chart, you can select Go to Dashboard in the success notification or navigate to Dashboards in the menu on the left.

Add a new chart to a dashboard

To add a new chart to a custom dashboard in Facebook Analytics on the web:

  1. Select Add Chart.
  2. Select a chart type, then enter a name for your chart.
  3. Select Select Event and choose the event you'd like to view. If available, select to choose additional events.
  4. (Optional) Customize the chart.
    • Change the chart type by selecting the chart type (example: ), then select a new chart type.
    • Apply a breakdown (example: Age, Device Type or Language). The default is Overall.
    • Adjust the time limit by selecting the default time limit (varies by chart) and choosing a different time frame.
    • Select Add Filter to create or apply a filter for a more granular view.
  5. Select Save.

Your new chart will appear in your custom dashboard.

Note: If you want to remove a chart from a custom dashboard, hover over the chart and select , then select Delete. Select Delete again to confirm.

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You can edit the order of the charts in your custom dashboards in Facebook Analytics on the web and in the Facebook Analytics mobile app when:

  • You are the creator of the dashboard.
  • You have permission to edit the event source or event source group, and the dashboard is public.

To edit the order of the charts in a custom dashboard in Facebook Analytics on the web:

  1. Hover over the title of the chart you'd like to move until you see .
  2. Click and drag the chart to a new location.

Once you let go of the chart, it will move to the new position.

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By default, only you can see your custom dashboards. However, you can edit your settings so that anyone with permission to view your event source or event source group can also see your custom dashboards. There are 2 ways to edit a custom dashboard's visibility: when you create a new custom dashboard, or by editing a saved custom dashboard.

You can change a custom dashboard's visibility as long as you are the dashboard's creator and your permissions allow you to edit the event source or event source group it belongs to.

New custom dashboards

When you create a new custom dashboard, you can deselect Private to make the dashboard visible to your team.

Saved custom dashboards

To change who can see a saved custom dashboard in Facebook Analytics on the web:

  1. Open the dashboard.
  2. Deselect Private.
  3. Select the option for who should see the dashboard and select Update.
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You can share links to your custom dashboards in Facebook Analytics with anyone who can view your dashboards' event source or event source group.

To share a custom dashboard in Facebook Analytics on the web:

  1. Click Dashboards from the menu on the left, then select a saved dashboard.
  2. Click Share in the top right, then click Copy.

You can now share the link to your dashboard.

Note: You can share a custom dashboard even if it's private. If you'd like for the person you're sharing the dashboard with to be able to see it whenever they use Facebook Analytics, you may want to make it visible to everyone who can access the dashboard's event source or event source group.

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