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OSS Good Governance initiative

Initiative Status: In preparation

Initiative Objective:
Most large end-users and systems integrators already use FOSS either in their information systems or in their product and service divisions. Open source compliance has become an ever growing concern and many large companies have named compliance officers. 

However, while sanitizing a company’s open source production chain – which is what compliance is about – is fundamental, it is essential that users give back to communities and contribute to the open source ecosystem. This takes compliance to the next level, and this is what open source governance is about.  We see open source governance encompassing the whole ecosystem, engaging with local communities, nurturing a healthy relationship with open source software vendors and service specialists.

This initiative goes beyond compliance and liability. It is about building awareness within large end users (who are also often software developers themselves) and systems integrators and developing mutually benefical relationships with the EU OSS ecosystem. 

This is what OSS Good Governance is about. And in this area, especially in Europe, everyone is still learning and innovating, with nobody knowing where they really stand regarding the state of the art in the domain. 

Initiative charter and presentation

Charter (PDF): The charter is the foundation document of the initiative. Its status is draft until the Initiative is formally approved by the OW2 Board of Directors .

Slide deck (PDF, ODP): This slide deck provides an overview of the initiative in the framework of OW2.

Stay in touch with the OSS Good Governance initiative

A mailing list is used to share ideas and information between participants. Please, subscribe here 

Phone conferences

Phone conferences are organized every month to discuss cooperation actions and move forward with the intiative. The minutes are on the initiative's folder. Online meetingss connection details through the mailing list:

  • 27 February 2020, 5:00PM CET (minutes)
  • 26 March 2020, 5:00PM CET (minutes)
  • 23 April 2020, 5:00PM CEST (minutes)
  • 28 May 2020, 5:00PM CEST (minutes on the initiative's participant's wiki)
  • 25 June 2020, 5:00PM CEST (minutes on the initiative's participant's wiki)
  • 29 July 2020, 5:00PM CEST (minutes on the initiative's participant's wiki)
  • 27 August 2020, 5:00PM CEST


Events and presentations

- OW2online'20 OSS Good Governance initiative session at OW2online'20 on June 18th 9:00 AM CEST.

The presentations are already all published on the OW2online'20 site: OW2 OSS Good Governance initiative videos and slides (see presentation 25 onward)

  • Cedric Thomas, OW2,  Introduction to the OW2 OSS Good Governance initiative
  • Michael Jaeger, Siemens, SW360 and fossology – A team for licence compliance
  • Boris Baldassari, Castalia,  Ideas, methods and tools for OSS Compliance assessment
  • Nicolas Toussaint, Orange, Open Source Compliance at Orange
  • Oliver Fendt, Siemens,  The OpenChain Reference Tooling Work Group - An Overview
  • Tobie Langel, Unlockopen, Open source contribution policies that don't suck
  • Jose Manrique, Bitergia, Software development at scale: Lessons learned from a pandemic lockdown and open source ecosystems
  • Gilles Viton, Orange, Open Source Strategy at Orange France
  • Gabriel Ku Wei Bin, FSFE, The NGI0 Initiative: Encouraging Adoption of FOSS Licensing Best Practices
  • Gaël Blondelle,  Eclipse Foundation's compliance tools
  • Cedric Thomas,  Closing

- Paris Open Source Summit 2019, Dec 10-11 : Session OSS Governance on December 11, coordinated by OW2.
Agenda and link to presentations (PDF): 

  • How OSS governance benefits business, Christian Paterson, Orange - pdf.png
  • Measuring the OW2 projects market maturity, Cédric Thomas, OW2 - pdf.png
  • OSS governance and best practices: the MAIF example, François Desmier, MAIF - pdf.png
  • Riding the OSS Governance learning curve, Franck Villaume, Microsoft - pdf.png
  • InnerSource and open source governance, Florent Zara, Henix - pdf.png

- Workshop at Orange Labs, Paris, January 28, 2020

  • L'open source comme enjeu de souveraineté numérique, Cédric Thomas, OW2 CEO - pdf.png


License compliance is already pretty well covered.



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