

  • 27-November-2019


    Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cabo Verde, Mongolia and Oman join the most powerful multilateral instrument against offshore tax evasion and avoidance

    On the occasion of the 10th Plenary Meeting of the Global Forum a further five countries signed the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, therewith bringing the total number of participating in the Convention to 135.

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  • 21-January-2019


    Aid at a glance charts

    These ready-made tables and charts provide for snapshot of aid (Official Development Assistance) for all DAC Members as well as recipient countries and territories. Summary reports by regions (Africa, America, Asia, Europe, Oceania) and the world are also available.

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  • 6-July-2017


    OECD, CREDAF and UNDP hold a regional meeting of the Inclusive Framework on BEPS for French speaking countries

    Fifty delegates representing 10 countries gathered in Cotonou (Benin) on 3-5 July 2017 for the second regional meeting of the Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) for French speaking countries. These regional meetings offer participants from around the world the opportunity to provide their views and input to the Inclusive Framework on BEPS.

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  • 22-May-2017


    Benin African Economic Outlook 2017

    The economy slowed down to an estimated 4.0% from 5.2% in 2015 mainly due to electoral activity and lower growth in neighbouring Nigeria. Growth is projected to pick up in 2017 to 5.5% and 6.2% in 2018 with the start of the government’s 2016-21 action programme, which aims to double investment over the period.

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  • 25-May-2015


    Africa: making growth more inclusive hinges on unlocking potential of local economies, says the African Economic Outlook 2015

    With Africa’s population set to double by 2050, modernising local economies will be vital to make the continent more competitive and to increase people’s living standards, according to the African Economic Outlook 2015, released at the African Development Bank Group’s 50th Annual Meetings.

  • 23-April-2015

    English, PDF, 276kb

    Policy Note on Participation of Developing Countries in Global Value Chains

    4-page policy note detailing the key results and recommendations from OECD Trade Policy Paper 179 on the Participation of Developing Countries in Global Value Chains.

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  • 19-May-2014


    African countries need to tap global markets more effectively to strengthen their economies, says new African Economic Outlook

    By participating more effectively in the global production of goods and services, Africa can transform its economy and achieve a development breakthrough, according to the latest African Economic Outlook, released at the African Development Bank Group’s Annual Meetings.

  • 14-February-2012

    English, , 4,339kb

    Plan décennal de développement du secteur de l'éducation du Bénin

    Cette évaluation à mi-parcours du Plan décennal de développement du secteur de l'éducation a été conçue par le gouvernement du Bénin, le ministère danois des Affaires étrangères et par l'Agence Française de Développement, à la suite d'une initiative conjointe.

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  • 14-February-2012


    Strategic Environmental Assessment in Development Practice: Review of Recent Experience

    “Strategic Environmental Assessment in Development Practice: Review of Recent Experience” showcases on-ground experience of applying Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in developing country context.

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  • 23-December-2011

    English, , 3,103kb

    The risk of vanishing effects: Impact evaluation of drinking water supply and sanitation programmes in rural Benin

    The report concludes that Benin is on its way to achieving its targets on improved water sources, but safe drinking water is still not secured. Furthermore, water facilities are not always being constructed where they are needed most.

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