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How do I reset my password?
Íàïèñàòü â Ïîääåðæêó
How do I get a copy of my VK data?
My account was hacked!
Contact Support
How can I restore deleted messages?
How do I block an profile that I no longer have access to?
How do I link my phone number to my profile?
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How do I get a check mark next to my name or a community?
Learn more about verification
What do I do if my account has been blocked?
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I want to change my name right now. Why is there a limit?
Íàïèñàòü â Ïîääåðæêó
How do I stop people from sending me messages?
I'm being blackmailed! What can I do?
Contact Support
I restricted some people from sending me messages. Why are they still able to send me messages?
What is Prometheus and how can I get the fire badge?
×òî òàêîå VK Pay?
Íîâûé äèçàéí ïðîôèëÿ
How do I play games without logging into VK?
How can I transfer money?
Report a problem
How do I remove a Happy Santa app?
Money transfers
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Ïðè çàãðóçêå ôîòî ñíèìêè íå âèäíû â ãàëåðåå
Êóäà ìíå îáðàòèòüñÿ ñ âîïðîñîì ïî ïëàòåæó VK Pay?
Íàïèñàòü â Ïîääåðæêó VK Pay
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Top questions
How do I reset my password?
Íàïèñàòü â Ïîääåðæêó
How do I get a copy of my VK data?
My account was hacked!
Contact Support
How can I restore deleted messages?
How do I block an profile that I no longer have access to?
How do I link my phone number to my profile?
Contact Support
How do I get a check mark next to my name or a community?
Learn more about verification
What do I do if my account has been blocked?
Contact Support
I want to change my name right now. Why is there a limit?
Íàïèñàòü â Ïîääåðæêó
How do I stop people from sending me messages?
I'm being blackmailed! What can I do?
Contact Support
I restricted some people from sending me messages. Why are they still able to send me messages?
What is Prometheus and how can I get the fire badge?
×òî òàêîå VK Pay?
Íîâûé äèçàéí ïðîôèëÿ
How do I play games without logging into VK?
How can I transfer money?
Report a problem
How do I remove a Happy Santa app?
Money transfers
I still have questions
Ïðè çàãðóçêå ôîòî ñíèìêè íå âèäíû â ãàëåðåå
Êóäà ìíå îáðàòèòüñÿ ñ âîïðîñîì ïî ïëàòåæó VK Pay?
Íàïèñàòü â Ïîääåðæêó VK Pay
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VK Pay
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