Preparations have started for this year’s African School on Internet Governance –  #AfriSIG24!

The date and venue of this year’s edition will be confirmed as soon as the secretariat of the African Internet Governance Forum announces the specific date and venue for the 2024 African IGF. As with the 2023 edition, #AfriSIG24 will focus on data governance. #AfriSIG24 will build on the experience of 2023 and, in consultation with its partners, identify data governance-related concerns and priorities to be addressed in the sessions and practicum.

#AfriSIG24 participants will be selected from civil society, governments, the media, the technical community, the private sector and academia with practical, research or policy-making experience and expertise in the area of data governance. No open call for applications will be available this year.

For more information on #AfriSIG24, contact the AfriSIG organisers, Anriette Esterhuysen and Peace Oliver Amuge, at [email protected]

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