BP Docs-Chat Summary – September 18, 2024

Work in progress

@vapvarun self-assigned #272 (BuddyPress Database Diagram) and #116 (Activity Embeds).

@imath committed the pre-release tests checklist. He also plans to work on #256 (Moderate Activity Streams).

@emaralive continues to work on #4 (Site Health Panel) and highlighted future updates for #127 (Filters & Constants Reference).

Database Schema Update:

@vapvarun pointed out a discrepancy with the BuddyPress database schema image, noting the presence of an additional table bp_optouts.

Documentation Roadmap:

The BuddyPress Team discussed the creation of a roadmap to streamline the synchronization of .md files in GitHub with BuddyPress subdomains.

This roadmap will clarify how the syncing will work and which folders link to which subdomains.

The use of manifest.json files to generate navigation and sync documentation was also a key point.

Open Floor:

@vapvarun raised a recent bug encountered with BuddyPress CLI and demo data, which caused issues with the “Join” button for groups. He plans to open a ticket on this.

Next Docs-Chat:

Scheduled for October 2, 2024, at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress.

#docs-chat, #documentation

BP Docs-Chat Agenda October 2, 2024


Our next documentation meeting will happen on October 2, 2024, at 19:00 UTC (today) in #BuddyPress. Here’s our agenda:

If you have specific or additional points to discuss, please do so in the comments section of this post.

#agenda, #docs-chat, #documentation

BP Dev-Chat Agenda October 09, 2024

Our next development meeting will happen on October 09 at 18:00 UTC (an hour earlier than usual!) in #BuddyPress.

Here’s our agenda:

  • Update on the “New BuddyPress network Theme call” agenda;
  • Any update about the Contributor Mentorship Program;
  • 15.0.0 ticket updates;
  • Plan for Beta release;
  • Open floor.

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss about, please share them into the comments’ area of this post.

#15-0-0, #agenda, #dev-chat

BP Dev-Chat Summary September 25, 2024

Review the “New BuddyPress network Theme call” meeting;

We started the meeting trying to review if we made any progress regarding some questions to @johnjamesjacoby We haven’t yet.

@vapvarun expressed a concern we are stuck pending the feedback of this decision (@emaralive agreed). I personally agree too and that’s frustrating. At the same time, I feel we are making meaningful progress, but we are blocked by lack of information and access. I’m hopeful we will get more traction soon. =D

WordCamp US

@espellcaste attended WordCamp US – Contributor Day and had good discussions about BuddyPress integration with Ferdiverse and GatherPress.

A repo was created here: https://github.com/GatherPress/gatherpress-buddypress and @mauteri will be creating tickets/issues there. Besides getting the basic setup in place to start development.

Contributor Mentorship Program

This program is starting soon:

  • Starts October 7th with 5 mentees
  • Goal: Increase contributors for BuddyPress/bbPress
  • @patriciabt is leading this task and will onboard mentees and schedule calls with @im4th and @johnjamesjacoby
  • More information can be found here.

15.0.0 Milestone Updates

Activity Block Editor Plugin

  • @im4th is working on compatibility issues with WordPress 6.6+;
  • And moving away from Isolated Block Editor to a custom solution.

📆 Next Dev-Chat Agenda

It will happen on Wednesday October 9, 2024 at 18:00 UTC in #BuddyPress.

#15-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Summary September 11, 2024

Review the “New BuddyPress network Theme call” meeting;

There were some pending questions to @johnjamesjacoby. He was not available at this meeting to provide answers. And we postponed this topic to the next dev-chat. 🙂

15.0.0 Milestone Updates

  1. V2 – REST API: the ticket is pending @espellcaste to apply code review suggestions.
  2. Revamped Site (Wide) Notices
  3. Import/Export of all BuddyPress user data: @vapvarun continues to make progress.
    • They are working in field mapping options, plus allowing side admins to export all data (user fields, activities, engagement, etc).
      • Besides allowing individuals to export their own data in CSV, XML and JSON formats.
    • Ticket: https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/1058
  4. Misc tickets:
    • #8986 (Register page input validation): Ready for commit (@espellcaste)
    • #9232 (Notifications bug fix): Ready for commit (@dcavins)
    • #9223 (Groups WP Admin feedback messages): Needs work on improving error messages (@im4th)

General Notes

  • Props were given to new contributors sending patches to tickets;
  • @espellcaste needs to compile list of tickets for Contributor Day at WordCamp US;
  • The team feels good about progress on main announced features;
  • Beta release expected in about 5-6 weeks.

📆 Next Dev-Chat Agenda

It will happen on Wednesday September 25, 2024 at 18:00 UTC in #BuddyPress.

#15-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Agenda September 25, 2024

Our next development meeting will happen on September 25 at 18:00 UTC (an hour earlier than usual!) in #BuddyPress.

Here’s our agenda:

  • Update on the “New BuddyPress network Theme call” agenda;
  • 15.0.0 ticket updates;
  • Open floor.

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss about, please share them into the comments’ area of this post.

#15-0-0, #agenda, #dev-chat

BP Docs-Chat Agenda September 18, 2024


Our next documentation meeting will happen on September 18, 2024, at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress. Here’s our agenda:

  • BP Documentation tracker status.
  • Discuss the roadmap to bring clarity to the documentation effort.
  • Discussion on self-assigned tasks.
  • Open Floor.

If you have specific or additional points to discuss, please do so in the comments section of this post.

#agenda, #docs-chat

BP Docs-Chat Summary September 4, 2024

BP Documentation tracker status:

The stats – 55%, which is an increase of 2 (two) percentage point – 53% => 55%.
@im4th shared some updates and reasons about why he was late on reviewing the PR explaining the template pack hierarchy (PS: it has been SVN committed since).

Keeping a good pace

@im4th suggested each of us should pick one of the remaining issues to work on a PR before the next Docs-Chat (using the 2 weeks interval to have it SVN committed).

About the documentation roadmap

If we shared various parts of this roadmap on this blog or on Slack, team agreed we should put this information into a central place. Updating our Docs Tracker readme with it seems to be the best place to do so. @im4th volunteered to init this work using a PR so that everyone can improve it using the GitHub code review feature.

Open floor

We’ll need to update the documentation page about BuddyPress PHP required version since we’re raising it to 7.0 in next major release (15.0). A new task was added to our Docs Tracker.

@emaralive alerted us about a BP REST API bug. A new ticket was created on our Trac environment.

Next Docs-Chat

It will happen on September 18, 2024 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress.

#docs-chat, #documentation, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Agenda September 11, 2024

Our next development meeting will happen on September 11 at 18:00 UTC (an hour earlier than usual!) in #BuddyPress.

Here’s our agenda:

  • Review the “New BuddyPress network Theme call” meeting;
  • 15.0.0 ticket updates;
  • Open floor.

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss about, please share them into the comments’ area of this post.

#15-0-0, #agenda, #dev-chat

BuddyPress 14.1.0 is available

This is a maintenance release, please upgrade 🙏.


#14-1-0, #maintenance, #release