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Would you like to watch a movie or series that is not available on MEGOGO? Send us your request
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We will consider your request, but we cannot guarantee that it will appear on MEGOGO. Reasons why not everything may be available on MEGOGO:
- Another company has exclusive rights, for example: "Stranger Things" is a Netflix Original exclusive.
- Rights for online streaming are not available
- Content produced in certain countries with which MEGOGO does not cooperate
- Other factors, including popularity, price of rights, seasonality, availability of rights for the country, etc.
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Why aren't all movies and TV shows available by subscription and require an additional fee?
We aim to add the maximum amount of content in subscription, but there are cases when it can only be available separately:

- New cinema releases require online rental first, and only after they can swith to subscription rights
- Some right holders do not allow subscription or free distribution
- Other factors, including price and availability of rights in a particular country, popularity of a movie, etc.

In such cases, we strive to make the movie available at least for a fee, rather than not being presented on MEGOGO at all without the possibility of legal viewing.
Why do some movies and TV shows disappear from MEGOGO?
Only licensed content for which we have rights is available on the platform. If the right holder has revoked the license, we ought to stop showing such content on MEGOGO. But we constantly work to ensure that favorite movies remain available for viewing as long as possible.
Why is not all content available on MEGOGO?
For each title on the platform we have rights to distibute. And we wish every title to watch and listen was available on MEGOGO. But there are reasons why this is currently impossible:

- Another company has exclusive rights, for example: "Stranger Things" is a Netflix Original exclusive.
- Rights for online streaming are not available
- Content produced in certain countries with which MEGOGO does not cooperate
- Other factors include popularity, seasonality, price, rights availability in a particular region, and more.