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You can follow the show at @DrMayaShankar on Instagram. Apple Podcasts’ Best Show of the Year 2021 Editor's Note: Maya Shankar blends compassionate storytelling with the science of human behavior to help us understand who we are and who we become in the face of a big change. Maya is no stranger to change. “My whole childhood revolved around the violin, but that changed in a moment when I injured my hand playing a single note,” says Shankar, who was studying under Itzhak Perlman at the Juilli ...
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Hidden Brain

Hidden Brain, Shankar Vedantam

Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships.
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The Synergetic Play Therapy Institute's “Lessons From the Playroom” Podcasts are a series of recorded podcasts designed to help therapists understand the little lessons that kids teach us that make a big difference in the play therapy process. Our podcast host, Lisa Dion, LPC, RPT-S, is an innovative and inspiring teacher and pioneer in play therapy. She founder and President of the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute and the creator of Synergetic Play Therapy, a cutting-edge model of play the ...
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Dr. Laurie Marbas Podcast

Dr. Laurie Marbas Podcast

On the Dr. Laurie Marbas Podcast, Dr. Marbas brings to you nutrition and lifestyle medicine experts & extraordinary guests to empower and inspire you with their knowledge and stories of plant-based lifestyle so that you can be your healthiest self. Work with Dr. Marbas visit: https://www.drmarbas.com/
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Bold Unedited Discussions on Psychology, Philosophy, Therapy, and Change. Entertaining and informative talks explore psychology and philosophy with a variety of guests including authors, doctors, healers, professors, therapists, scientists and more. We delve into everything from modern therapeutic techniques to ancient wisdom practices, offering practical and unique approaches to living a vibrant life. Host Paul Krauss, MA LPC, draws on his unique background – from a rural motel childhood to ...
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Entrepreneur Stories 4⃣ Inspiration

Millionaire Interviews Podcast & Sir Austin Peek

Entrepreneur Inspiring Stories to Help Motivate, Build, & Grow Your Successful Business with a Master Class from Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders that tell it How It Is... Millionaire Interviews is actionable advice for the (future & present) Entrepreneur, Thought Leaders, Solopreneur, Youpreneur, and Small Business Owner. The host interviews Business Founders in the Product, Service, Real Estate, and Tech industries so they can teach you from their experience. Connect with other Listeners @ ...
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In 1978, Pope John Paul I was found dead in his bed just 33 days after he was elected. The official story is that he suffered a fatal heart attack. But in the years since his death, some have claimed he was murdered to cover up crimes in the Vatican. The question of the Pope’s death has never been definitively answered, but there is one man who claims to know the truth. A man from one of New York City’s crime families who has deep ties to the Italian mafia. He was there the day of the Pope’s ...
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In the South, food and music go hand in hand. They define much of what we think of as Southern culture, and they say a lot about our past, our present, and our future. Each week, Sid Evans, Editor in Chief of Southern Living, sits down with musicians, chefs, and other Southern icons to hear the stories of how they grew up, what inspires them, and why they feel connected to the region. Through honest conversations, Sid explores childhood memories, the family meals they still think about, and ...
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Kind Mind

Michael Todd Fink

Listen to psychological insights from art, science, and philosophy. Michael Todd Fink is an artist, counselor, speaker and social and environmental activist. He is also the co-founder of the acclaimed music group The Giving Tree Band. He holds certifications in addiction counseling and mindfulness meditation and earned his psychology and music degrees from Georgetown University. He is currently a graduate candidate at Columbia University in advanced clinical social work. Todd’s 2020 Tedx Tal ...
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Live on Purpose Radio


Live On Purpose Radio features principles of prosperity, abundance, and positive psychology to help you create and live the life you love. As you listen to Live On Purpose Radio, you’ll hear powerful stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Dr. Paul Jenkins interviews inspiring people about principles that empower them to live on purpose. Living on purpose means that you have a purpose, and that you do it intentionally. Live on Purpose Radio, LiveOnPurposeRadio.com, started in ...
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Internationally acclaimed dream analyst and author of Bird of Paradise (Taming the Unconscious to Bring Your Dreams to Fruition), Jane Teresa Anderson, interprets her guests’ dreams and shares dream interpretation tips and insights. A new episode is published every four weeks.
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Join award-winning audiobook narrator in this personal growth accelerator, delivering bite-sized episodes each day that are rich with wisdom and practical advice. Optimal Living Daily features a carefully selected mix of blog posts from some of the most influential voices in self-help, covering a wide array of topics such as minimalism, productivity, mental health, and personal development. Each episode is thoughtfully narrated to not only inform but also inspire you to make meaningful chang ...
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Decoder Ring is the show about cracking cultural mysteries. In each episode, host Willa Paskin takes a cultural question, object, or habit; examines its history; and tries to figure out what it means and why it matters.
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