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Flexible development methodology

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Want to eliminate Agile? Define requirements

Reading time6 min

Sometimes it seems that jokes about management implementing Agile to do more with less aren't far from the truth. I've rarely seen development teams understand Agile as anything more than a set of ceremonies, most often associated with Scrum.

In my experience, attempts to optimize team performance often boil down to changing the internal processes within the team itself. Meanwhile, critical decisions are made outside the team, remaining in a waterfall model. This creates a disconnect: on one hand, company management strives for the flexibility of Agile, while on the other, they continue to follow rigid patterns, limiting the team and preventing it from fully realizing its potential.

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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

The Rule of Handling Tasks That Never Get Done

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time3 min

This week, I was reflecting on a recent one-on-one chat with a manager in my division about keeping our backlogs clean and dealing with those tasks that just keep getting pushed back.

I jot down my thoughts and decided to share them with you. It's a common issue, right? Tasks hanging around, always getting postponed. Let's talk about the mess this creates in our backlogs and how to handle it the right way.

Check out my latest article where I dive into the art of backlog hygiene. Trust me, your team will thank you for it!

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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

ABBYY: Mobile Technologies – Retrospectives

Reading time3 min

- Continuous Improvement is also a Project, a meta-Project, a maintenance that usually lasts longer than the main development project.

- If you can fit into the Sprint boundaries with your development cycle, then the concept of Retrospective as it is formulated in SCRUM may also suit you. But if you are bigger and not oriented on CI/CD, then be ready to make a hybrid of SCRUM with classical Project Management – thanks God SCRUM is good embeddable (proven by SAFe) !

- What is left out in when we run retrospectives quarterly? – Plan and Check. The placeholder of classical SCRUM Retrospective is quite suitable for that purpose, surrounded, of course, by some additional groomings, providing required action plans and decompositions up to sprint-length steps.

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ABBYY: Mobile Technologies – SCRUM Planning in Detail

Reading time6 min

I am a Project Manager. 14 years of project management, 5 years in agile framework, last 4 years in product companies, last 3 years in ABBYY, mobile technologies. I would like to share my practical experience, how we have organized the planning in ABYY Mobile Technologies having SCRUM development.

“SCRUM — you get too little, and you need to add the missing.” The story about how we adjusted the Planning procedure for yearly roadmapping and budgeting, how we have organized the SCRUM‑planning for the feature‑driven development with product development cycle 2–3 months and more.

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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

Listicles — a simple technique for benchmarking your value proposition against alternatives

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time5 min

I believe listicles have a huge potential for testing demand hypotheses. Have you tried using listicles for your demand validation? If so - let us know in the comments how this worked for you.

Do you know these "Top N something something" kind of articles? Like:
- 5 best GPS vehicle trackers
- The 14 hair growth products that actually work
- Top 10 Best CRM Software Tools in 2023
They are often referred to as "listicles" - articles presented in the form of a list.

I love them - they make picking a new phone, a movie to watch, an app to install much easier. I also use them at work all the time while looking for solutions to everyday challenges.

So what if we use one of them to benchmark our product against the best available alternatives?

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Total votes 4: ↑4 and ↓0+4

How to mimic Agile correctly?

Reading time16 min

A similar article should have appeared earlier, about ten or fifthteen years ago, when Agile was just starting to be implemented in companies. How many mistakes, problems, conflicts could be avoided if managers immediately approached the issue correctly ...

But during this time, the experience of "implementing" Agile in different conditions, in different companies has accumulated, which should be generalized and widely disseminated.

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PVS-Studio Team's Kanban Board. Part 1: Agile

Reading time11 min

This article could have been born about a year ago – that's when the PVS-Studio team decided to try agile. However, we wanted to experience it hands-on before we told the world about it. Aside from introducing agile, we decided to switch from Bitbucket to a new task tracker. We also wanted to upgrade many of our internal development processes. No time for an article!

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Total votes 2: ↑1 and ↓10

Have we ever been working by the Waterfall?

Reading time5 min

We work using Agile: Scrum, or Kanban, or any other extended project management way. Agile appeared in 2001 as a result of a long discussion between really smart guys. They just formed best practices of management into the shape of short documents - the Agile Manifesto. But what did they want to replace by the Agile way? Most of you may say that they wanted the Waterfall to go to the past. But what would you think if I tell you that the “classical” Waterfall had been a really rare thing even for those days?

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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

Why everybody hates scrum and how to replace it?

Reading time3 min
It feels like Scrum has been around forever and everybody knows what it is and has interacted with it in one way or another.

Indeed, there were times when everything around scrum was innovative, valuable and efficient: from planning to sprints and so on.

However, recently the number of negative reviews has been escalating.

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Total votes 6: ↑5 and ↓1+6

Is Agile possible for the whole company?

Reading time19 min

Ten years ago, a young project manager had a successful experience in implementing something similar to Scrum in one of the insurance companies. There is more than enough enthusiasm. Colleagues from the tech department strongly supported me. The developer's background was helpful too. But at some point, an impenetrable wall appeared: the Agile approach worked inside IT, but it did not work outside. It needed synchronization with other departments and a change in the way the company worked. A full transition did not happen, but a year ago, it was possible to implement Agile transformation on another project in a financial organization with more than 100 people. Is this possible?
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Total votes 4: ↑4 and ↓0+4

Featureban Online: The Facilitator Guide

Reading time6 min
When you want to introduce some new methods or ideas, there is nothing better than hands-on experience. People usually think games and having fun don’t go together with some serious work. But in the Agile world, using games to explore and teach new concepts is common. For teaching Kanban, there are several simulation games widely used in classes. Most popular are Featureban, Flowlab, and getKanban.

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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

How to get the team to search for more productive ideas

Reading time4 min
The creation of design models as well as visualization of solutions is for some reason always a subject of great interest among all members of a productive team, be it a manager eager to master Sketch, or a developer who wants to make cool interfaces without the need to go to a designer. But we all know what happens when it comes to actually doing stuff.

My way

Hi, everybody!

My name is Anna and I work for an American company Scentbird NY as a product designer. Prior to that I was involved in developing flagship products in Alfa-Bank design team.

I was probably born under a lucky star but all my life I've been working with the developers who suggest the best product solutions, better than a lot of product managers and product owners. But anyway, my observation is that the earlier you involve developers into working on a particular task, the better off you are.

What you are about to read is actually a blueprint on how to conduct brainstorm sessions and generate not-so-obvious yet effective solutions, which are apparently really easy to reach and not that time-consuming.
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Total votes 14: ↑14 and ↓0+14

How to Become a Leading Scrum Master and Rock the Team?

Reading time6 min
Scrum allows Agile teams working on complex projects and delivering winning products by solving problems adaptively. This popular straightforward method is widely used to handle projects and get things done. Scrum projects more accurately fulfill customers' needs because they encourage continuous feedback.

There is no need for detailed analytics to understand that Scrum continues to grow in popularity just because of its many benefits and general effectiveness. And the important merit in this belongs to a Scrum Master. In this post, we extol and praise the role of a Scrum Master, without which no Scrum project succeeds.

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Total votes 6: ↑5 and ↓1+4

10 Books on Agile Project Management Worth Taking With You in 2020

Reading time6 min
Books with the word «Agile» in their titles began to appear on the shelves of IT experts and other industries' professionals after 2001. The term was used during the declaration of the Agile Software Development Manifesto. Agile describes a software development methodology that is characterized by short life cycles leading to frequent product releases.

Today this iterative or incremental method affects various aspects of development and business including project management. What are the best sources to learn Agile? This post covers 10 powerful books that may enhance the skills of project managers and their teams.

Total votes 13: ↑12 and ↓1+11

10 Reasons to Apply Kanban Boards as a Current Software Development Trend

Reading time6 min
It is not always easy to find out the right path in development processes (as in other business activities). Various obstructions may disturb. The future life of any product or service depends on choosing an appropriate development methodology. As Kanban is often named as one of the current trends in project management, here we gathered the most essential benefits of Kanban software development and applying convenient Kanban boards and cards. Just to be trendy ;)

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Total votes 7: ↑6 and ↓1+5

How Scrumban Unites the Best of Kanban and Scrum Methodologies

Reading time5 min
In any business, it’s not a good practice to constantly switch from one methodology to another. Most software development teams prefer to work with one-defined project management method. However, there are lots of companies who try to combine the best features and practices of different methods to create their own unique approach.

In this post, you will learn some basic facts about Scrumban and how to combine two popular Agile methodologies – Kanban and Scrum to make this hybrid approach perform better.

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Total votes 2: ↑1 and ↓10

What are the Types of Scrum Ceremonies and Their Best Practices?

Reading time5 min
Scrum includes a series of special meetings, commonly referred to ceremonies, which assist to facilitate all the methodology’s processes.

Scrum strongly enforces the goals and time boxes for everything, including the ceremonies. This post covers these outstanding events and identifies the goals for each as well as their necessity. Take 7-8 minutes to figure them out.

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Total votes 4: ↑4 and ↓0+4

Scrum vs Kanban: Keep Calm and Choose What Suits You Better

Reading time5 min
When it comes to choosing between two options, there is always a risk to be influenced by opinions and dubious facts. Selecting any methodology or work approach, we strive to avoid mistakes and study as many facts and details about the subject as possible to make the right choice.

In Agile software development, this choice is also challenging, especially if it's about Scrum and Kanban.

Total votes 4: ↑4 and ↓0+4

14 Best Kanban Board Tools in 2019

Reading time9 min
When it comes to optimizing overwhelmed daily workloads, to-do lists may not cope. In this case, it's worth to look for something that will keep track of all tasks your team is working on and tasks that are yet to be started, as well as to show the full picture of all the tasks that are completed.

A powerful Kanban board is the solution. This excellent project collaboration tool is widely used in software development, digital marketing, construction, innovative solutions and among other cases where there is a steady workflow of tasks. The Kanban approach helps teams to visualize workflow, analyze processes and achieve greater task management efficiencies. In this post, we describe 14 Kanban tools with advanced features. Compare them and choose the best one right for your needs!

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