Shipping Loggi for WooCommerce


A plugin to integrate Loggi with WooCommerce.

WooCommerce is a awesome plugin used by 5+ million WordPress websites to create e-commerce.

How to Use

Easy and quick!

Activate “Shipping Loggi for WooCommerce”.

After that, add Loggi as shipping method and insert your credentials.


You can translate Shipping Loggi for WooCommerce to your language.


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WooCommerce – 5.0


This plugin was created without any encouragement from Loggi. Loggi is a registered mark.

The developers of this plugin haven’t any connection with Loggi. This plugin was created based on Loggi’s documentation and we are not responsible for any estimation problem.




  • Install “Shipping Loggi for WooCommerce” by plugins dashboard.


  • Upload the entire shipping-loggi-for-woocommerce folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.


  • Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.


How packages are calculated?

We’ll send all data about height, width, length and weight to Loggi and receive all the calculated packages.

Loggi is only able to receive two packages by estimation. This way, if you deactivate the “Try to Merge Boxes” option 20 itens will generate 10 delivery estimations.

What’s the limit of sizes?

Loggi has the limit of 55x55x55cm and 20kg.

How can I limit the shipping rate to a product or type of products?

By default we’ll consider all products that need shipping, but you can use Shipping Classes to filter the method to one or more shipping classes or for products with none shipping class.

What is the “try to merge boxes” option?

By default every item of order will be one package and we’ll send all data to Loggi.

Loggi will receive two items by time and check if they can be sent in 1 or 2 deliveries. For example, two items with 20x20x20 will be sent in one travel, because they are less than the limit of 55x55x55. But two items with 40x40x40 will result in two deliveries (double of cost).

If you activate this option we’ll try to agrupate items by our own way before send data to Loggi as they can handle only 2 packages by request.

I cannot see the Loggi price in cart

Make sure all cart items can be sent by Loggi. You can check logs.

How delivery estimation time is calculated?

We get the value from Loggi in seconds and change to hours (rounding up).

If your package will be divided in more than one estimation we use the bigger value.

But I need time to prepare my delivery.

No problem. You can add “additional time” to your operation. Just setting how much hours you’ll need for it.

Can I deactivate my Loggi integration by night?

Sure! You can show the days you will delivery with Loggi.

Don’t forget to check Loggi support about working date and time.

How to show the ETA in days?

You should use the filter ‘slfw_rate_delivery_time_text’ to write your own message.

What are the credentials?

Your e-mail and API Key from Loggi.

If you do not know your API Key, you can insert your password and will try to retrieve it. Learn more.

What is a shop?

Every Loggi integration needs a shop. So you should request one for Loggi Support and select it on shipping settings.

You can have one Loggi integration for every shop if you can send items from multiple cities.

I’m a developer and I want to change plugins behaviour!

Well… This is a developer friendly plugin. So we have a lot of hooks to be used.


  • slfw_before_get_admin_options_html

Filters for Form Fields:

  • slfw_form_fields_after_main
  • slfw_form_fields_after_api

Filters for Shipping Method / Rate:

  • slfw_pickup_address
  • slfw_format_address
  • slfw_rate_additional_time
  • slfw_rate_delivery_time_text
  • slfw_calculate_shipping_rate: You can change the rate args before add to cart or return empty to remove it.

Filter for Log:

  • slfw_log_message

Filter for API:

  • slfw_api_request_args: You can change all requests to api.
  • slfw_api_retrieve_api_key
  • slfw_api_retrieve_all_shops
  • slfw_api_retrieve_order_estimation

They are well documented on respective calls and you owe me a beer.

Can I help you?

Yes! Visit GitHub repository.


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Contributors & Developers

“Shipping Loggi for WooCommerce” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




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