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More spam after 2.6 upgrade (6 posts)

  1. jokkesvin
    Posted 5 years ago #

    Hey people.

    I've been getting a lot more spam since I upgraded to 2.6. Before I hardly had to mark comments as spam because Aksimet caught almost everything. Now, I have up to 10 spam comments waiting to be marked. What's the deal?

    Hope I'm not the only one experiencing this...

  2. justkristin
    Posted 5 years ago #

    You are not. And it seems that somehow some of the spam is making it in "approved" even though it triggered the spam/moderation filtering I have set up (anything with a link, etc.)

    Someone has figured out a hack. Is there anyone working on this?

  3. justkristin
    Posted 5 years ago #

    Actually, it is happening on my 2.5.1 installs as well, and I just noticed that, on these, there is no longer the update alert for 2.6 on the dashboard that was there just days ago... Any news on this?

  4. palmdoc
    Posted 5 years ago #

    Akismet + WP-SpamFree ( http://www.hybrid6.com/webgeek/plugins/wp-spamfree ) might help

  5. jokkesvin
    Posted 5 years ago #

    I'll check that out palmdoc. Thanks :)

  6. jokkesvin
    Posted 5 years ago #

    WP-SpamFree did the trick. Thanks a lot :)

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