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Custom Query (43 matches)


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Results (43)

Status: closed (43 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#8486 Wording of the new signup checkbox imath defect (bug) lowest Extended Profile 8.0.0
#8498 Suggestion for unsettling some attributes in BP_Button instead of all other places imath enhancement low Core 2.7
#8483 Xprofile Signup tab description has tag mismatch imath defect (bug) normal Extended Profile 8.0.0
#8484 Bug in bp_nouveau_get_activity_entry_buttons function when bp_nouveau_get_activity_entry_buttons filter returns empty array imath enhancement normal Core 8.0.0
#8485 Incorrect number of parameters passed to the filter 'bp_get_activity_content_body' in BP Nouveau template imath enhancement normal Core
#8489 Mark a thread as (un)read to a specific user espellcaste enhancement normal Messages 8.0.0
#8490 Helper to get a REST API object URL from a component. espellcaste enhancement normal REST API 8.0.0
#8492 8.0 deprecated function file is not loaded even when the ignore deprecated code option is false imath defect (bug) normal Core 8.0.0
#8493 BP Nouveau: improve Activity widget display imath enhancement normal Templates
#8494 PHP error with WP Biography xProfile field type sanitization callback imath defect (bug) normal Extended Profile 8.0.0
#8496 Allow BP Widgets to be transformed as BP Blocks imath enhancement normal Core
#8497 Allow detecting button element with bp_nouveau_get_members_buttons and bp_nouveau_get_groups_buttons imath enhancement normal Templates 3.0.0
#8499 Allow BP_Buttons_Group::update() method to add new buttons imath defect (bug) normal Templates
#8500 xProfile Signup Fields are not ordered the right way as soon as there are more than 9 signup fields imath defect (bug) normal Extended Profile 8.0.0
#8502 BP Nouveau Member/Group front seems to be confusing imath defect (bug) normal Templates 3.0.0
#8503 PHP8 multi-byte safety warning imath defect (bug) normal Extended Profile 8.0.0
#8504 Introduce a new function to get a list of activity type labels keyed by their type names imath defect (bug) normal Activity
#8505 Add php fallback for dismissing sitewide notices. dcavins enhancement normal Messages 8.0.0
#8506 Administration: give some color to the BuddyPress logo used for the BuddyPress blocks category imath enhancement normal Administration
#8507 Implement __isset magic method in BP_Theme_Compat class imath enhancement normal Core
#8510 There are a few double space strings slaFFik defect (bug) normal I18N
#8512 Improve BP Block Components & Introduce BP Block Assets imath defect (bug) normal Core 6.0.0
#8513 Edit exiting BP Blocks to use the new ServerSideRender BP Block Component and the Block Assets imath task normal Core 6.0.0
#8515 Introduce a new function to check if a Widget or a Widget Block is active into a sidebar imath task normal Core
#8516 Introduce a new BP_Component property for block globals imath task normal Core
#8517 Migrate the `BP_Core_Login_Widget` Legacy Widget as a Widget Block imath task normal Core
#8518 Migrate the `BP_Nouveau_Object_Nav_Widget` Legacy Widget as a Widget Block imath task normal Templates
#8519 Migrate the `BP_Latest_Activities` Legacy Widget as a Widget Block imath task normal Activity
#8520 One of contributors credit link is wrong at Credit Screen imath defect (bug) normal Administration
#8521 Migrate the `BP_Core_Friends_Widget` Legacy Widget as a Widget Block imath task normal Friends
#8522 Migrate the `BP_Core_Members_Widget` Legacy Widget as a Widget Block imath task normal Members
#8523 Migrate the `BP_Groups_Widget` Legacy Widget as a Widget Block imath task normal Groups
#8525 Migrate the `BP_Messages_Sitewide_Notices_Widget` Legacy Widget as a Widget Block imath task normal Messages
#8526 Migrate the `BP_Blogs_Recent_Posts_Widget` Legacy Widget as a Widget Block imath task normal Blogs
#8527 Migrate the `BP_Core_Recently_Active_Widget` & `BP_Core_Whos_Online_Widget` Legacy Widget as a Widget Block imath task normal Members
#8528 BP Nouveau: make sure the Primary Nav block is registered before unregistering it imath defect (bug) normal Templates
#8530 2 RTL CSS files have not been generated during the process netweb defect (bug) normal Build/Test Tools
#8531 Group Block improvement & Groups Block bug imath defect (bug) normal Groups
#8533 Introduce a filter to activity query arguments of the Latest Activities BP Block imath enhancement normal Activity
#8534 The Recent network wide posts Widget and Block should only be loaded if the activity component is active imath defect (bug) normal Blogs
#8511 Make sure all component main classes have a `block_init()` method imath defect (bug) high Core 6.0.0
#8514 Hello BuddyPress 9.0.0 task high Core
#8529 xProfile field visibility in wp-admin/extended profile are not fetched for regular users imath defect (bug) high Extended Profile
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.