Support » Fixing WordPress » [NSFW] Pages not retrieving images

  • Jedi


    This is a huge issue as it cripples our online small business.

    Let me preface by saying, nothing was changed on the site since yesterday when everything was normal, unfortunately this error just seemed to occur out of nowhere.

    When I logged onto the forward facing side of the my website today to show a friend of mine a product, I noticed the product image was missing and in its place was grainy picture of some text I had never uploaded to my media library.

    After checking a few more products and their related categories, I noticed the issue was reoccurring. But it’s not just WooCommerce pages, all of my WordPress pages containing images are doing it as well. Over 3/4 of my site has stopped retrieving images, and in all cases the same trashy image has been replaced.

    When I click on the image I receive a message that the image can not be retrieved. All of my images are still in the image library, and show up in the page editor screens, but they do not display on the front end for the user.

    I have purged the cash but that only seemed to make it worse. I even restored an earlier backup of the site from yesterday, but not even that fixed the issue. I am truly at a loss.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Jedi.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi,

    It looks your server might be preventing to load the files due to Content Security Policy issues which i can see in the console as well. It is blocking requests and i can see more than 99 console errors due to that. If you check the server response that is given below.

    Not Acceptable!

    An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.

    If you are using any security WordPress plugin then disable that plugin and also contact your hosting provider as well regarding blocking requests due to that your website is not functioning properly. I hope this will be helpful.

    Kind Regards,

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