MailPoet – Newsletters, Email Marketing, and Automation


Use MailPoet to create, send, manage, and grow your email marketing campaigns – all without leaving your WordPress dashboard.

O noso construtor de boletíns intégrase perfectamente con WordPress para que así calquera propietario de webs poida crear correos preciosos desde cero ou utilizando modelos adaptativos que se mostren sen problemas en todos os dispositivos.

Programa os teus boletíns de correo, envíaos inmediatamente ou programa avisos automáticos ao publicar unha entrada do blog con só uns poucos clics.

Coa confianza de 700.000 webs WordPress desde 2011.

With a free plan to get started, and scaling paid plans with enhanced functionality available, MailPoet is an email marketing solution suitable for both beginners and proficient email marketers.

Visit our website for more information on plans and pricing

Todas as características

  • Crea e engade formularios de subscrición na túa web
  • Xestiona os teus subscritores e listas de subscritores en WordPress
  • Crea e envía boletíns con WordPress
  • Crea correos electrónicos automáticos para enviar notificacións de novas entradas
  • Envía correos electrónicos de benvida automáticos
  • Behavior and interest-based subscriber segmentation options
  • Pre-built and customizable email and subscription form templates
  • WooCommerce emails: abandoned cart, first purchase, specific product, product category
  • Customize WooCommerce transactional emails
  • Reliable email delivery with MailPoet Sending Service (available for free – plan required)
  • Basic engagement statistics (available for free) and detailed engagement statistics (paid plan required)
  • Multi-condition segmentation (paid plan required)
  • Google Analytics integration (paid plan required)
  • Support via our Knowledge Base and Community Forums (available for free), and Priority Customer Support (paid plan required).

Por que escoller MailPoet

  • Construtor de boletíns fácil de usar
  • Beautiful templates that work perfectly across all devices
  • Non precisa configuración: funciona tal cual
  • Manage everything within your WordPress dashboard
  • Higher delivery rates with the MailPoet Sending Service
  • Cumpre co GDPR
  • Free plan for small senders or those just starting out
  • Advanced functionality available to help achieve growth.

Correos electrónicos de WooCommerce

Promote your business, sell more products, and enhance your customer service with MailPoet’s WooCommerce features.

Use the automated email options to:

  • Dálle a benvida aos novos clientes cando fan a súa primeira compra
  • Aumenta as vendas enviando correos electrónicos a clientes que compraran un produto determinado ou dunha categoría de produto específica
  • Convert more customers by sending a series of abandoned cart emails.

And with WooCommerce-specific segmentation options, you’ll be able to send targeted emails to your customers based on criteria such as their country, the number of orders they’ve placed, how much they’ve spent, and if they have an active product subscription (powered by WooCommerce Subscriptions) or membership (powered by WooCommerce Memberships).

In addition, you’ll also be able to increase brand recognition by customizing your WooCommerce transactional emails. Create a unified brand experience by changing the layout, colors, and fonts used in your emails, as well as adding any images or additional information to them.

Servizo de Envío de MailPoet

The MailPoet Sending Service is free if you only have a few subscribers, with scaling plans available thereafter. Read more.

Enviar correos electrónicos e boletíns co teu servidor non é boa idea. Podes encontrarte con limitacións na velocidade de envío e os teus correos poden acabar na carpeta de spam.

Para axudarche a enviar sen problemas, creamos unha infraestrutura de envío avanzada construída para WordPress. A nosa tecnoloxía permíteche:

  • Chega ás bandexas de entrada, non ás carpetas de spam
  • Envía correos electrónicos super rápido (ata 50.000 emails por hora)
  • Maintain your sender reputation and improve engagement levels with automated bounce and complaint handling. Stop sending to non-deliverable and complaining addresses, automatically
  • Authenticate your emails (with SPF and DKIM) to improve deliverability and avoid spam boxes.

É moi fácil configurar o servizo de envío de MailPoet, só tes que proporcionar unha clave no escritorio do teu WordPress e xa está!

MailPoet plans and pricing

MailPoet is available to download for free. Our free download includes all of the features listed above (with the exception of those indicating a plan requirement) under the following criteria:

  • Up to 1,000 subscribers
  • MailPoet branding in emails
  • Send emails with your own sending method (host, SendGrid, Amazon SES, etc).

Or if you opt for a MailPoet plan, you’ll get access to the MailPoet Sending Service.

A free plan is available for those who want to get started with a few subscribers and would like to use the MailPoet Sending Service. And our paid plans offer features and functionality for those with larger lists who are looking to grow their business using email marketing.

Take a look at our pricing page for full details on what’s included in each plan.

Antes da instalación

Por favor, ten en conta:


Official translations

  • Árabe
  • Catalán
  • Chinés
  • Czech
  • Danés
  • Holandés
  • French (FR)
  • Alemán
  • Greek
  • Italiano
  • Xaponés
  • Mexicano
  • Persa (IR)
  • Portugués (BR e PT)
  • Ruso
  • Serbio
  • Español
  • Sueco
  • Turco

Community translations

  • Albanian
  • Inglés
  • French (CA)
  • Hebrew
  • Húngaro
  • Norwegian
  • Persian
  • Polaco
  • Romanian

Son benvidos os tradutores con experiencia para traducir directamente o noso proxecto en Transifex. Tede en conta que as traducións enviadas pola web de «Traducións de WordPress» non funcionarán.


O noso repositorio é público e dispoñible en GitHub.

Have a question for us? Reach us at security@ our domain, or report security issues to our Bug Bounty program.

Use of 3rd Party Services

MailPoet uses the following services that are necessary for its full functionality:

To improve user experience, MailPoet may use the following 3rd party libraries if the Load 3rd-party libraries setting is enabled:

Loading all these libraries is disabled by default. The option can be enabled in the MailPoet’s Settings > Advanced > Load 3rd-party libraries.


  • Boletíns demo
  • O deseñador de correos electrónicos de arrastrar e soltar
  • Tipos de correos electrónicos
  • Estatísticas dos boletíns (Premium)
  • Importación de subscritores (via ficheiro CSV ou directamente desde MailChimp)
  • Correos electrónicos de WooCommerce


Este plugin proporciona 1 bloque.

  • MailPoet Marketing Opt-in

Preguntas frecuentes

MailPoet almacena os datos dos subscritores?

Non almacenamos nin gardamos ningún dato dos teus subscritores. Porén, se envías co noso servizo, si que procesamos todos os correos electrónicos que se enviarán. Iso significa que MailPoet só rexistra as direccións de correo electrónico para asegurarse de que o noso servizo funciona correctamente. Non monitorizamos nada máis.

Que é o Servizo de Envío de MailPoet?

O Servizo de Envío de MailPoet está construído exclusivamente para enviar correos electrónicos de WordPress e WooCommerce. A nosa tecnoloxía exclusiva ofrece altas velocidades (máis de 50.000 emails por hora) e rendemento, 99% de tempo de actividade e cero perdas.

Que métodos de envío podo usar para mandar os meus boletíns?

Podes escoller como queres enviar os correos electrónicos: co teu propio host (por defetcto, pero non aconsellable), co Servizo de Envío MailPoet, con SendGrid, con Amazon SES, ou coa maioría dos provedores de SMTP incluíndo MailGun, etc.

Por que debería usar o Servizo de Envío de MailPoet?

Á nosa taxa de entrega global é do 98.5%, superando así os estándares da industria. Monitorizamos todos e cada uno dos millóns de correos electrónicos que enviamos.

Tanto dá se envías 10 ou 100.000 correos electrónicos ao día, o Servizo de Envío de MailPoet xestiona desde boletíns de pequenas empresas a listas de correo enormes con milleiros de subscritores.

Desaconsellamos encarecidamente que envíes co teu host, aquí explicamos por que.

If you’re just starting with your newsletter, we offer a free plan to get you started.

Podo filtrar categorías específicas para as miñas notificacións de entradas?

Si! En MailPoet podes especificar que categorías ou etiquetas queres incluír ou excluír. Isto permíteche enviar só entradas de categorías ou etiquetas específicas, garantindo así que as entradas non relevantes non aparecen nos teus boletíns. Tamén podes configurar múltiples boletíns de notificacións de entradas para afinar mellor os intereses dos teus subscritores.

MailPoet cumpre co GDPR?

Si, cumprimos co GDPR. Pero non ofrecemos un Acordo de Procesamento de Datos. A nosa política de privacidade pode funcionar como acordo e o GDPR ten isto en conta. Se usas o noso servizo, aceptas a nosa Política de Privacidade.

Recomendámosche que engadas un enlace á nosa Política de Privacidade na túa propia páxina de Política de Privacidade. O máis importante é que te asegures de que os teus subscritores saben que é MailPoet quen entrega os teus correos electrónicos, se é que os envías co noso servizo.

Tamén podes ler a nosa Guía de cumprimento co GDPR.

WooCommerce: os meus clientes poden subscribirse ao boletín na páxina de pagamento?

Si, con MailPoet os teus clientes poden subscribirse á túa lista de correo durante o pagamento. Mesmo poderás enviarlles recordatorios dos seus carriños abandoados se marcharon sen completaren a compra.

É MailPoet ou Mail poet?

É MailPoet, non mail poet. Con todo, atendemos ás dúas.

Precisas axuda?

Revisa a nosa Base de Coñecemento ou contacta con nós a través do noso sitio de soporte.


3 de Xullo, 2024 1 resposta
This is an awesome tool for creating customized newsletter experiences for the audience. Would love to see new features such as the ability to add gif animations, and create polls and quizzes for the audience in the Forms and Newsletter Editors. Would be happy to give them 5 stars if they can make this happen.
3 de Xullo, 2024 1 resposta
It’s like an appliance. You don’t think about it. Install it and email. newsletters, never better, they get to their mailboxes.
29 de Xuño, 2024 8 respostas
I’m a website developer. I’ve been using MailPoet for almost a decade now and watched it grow and develop into a true gem of a plugin. It’s a great newsletter and post notification plugin. It has distinct advantages over other services such as Constant Contact and Mailchimp: Your list is kept on your WordPress server – no need to synchronize or export/import lists. It is free for small lists. It can automatically email your list whenever you post something new – a real timesaver! Its mailing service is reliable and fast. And I appreciate the mailing statistics reported right in WordPress. I do wish there was better support for custom post types triggering post notification emails, but this is a small thing that barely detracts from the wholesome goodness of MailPoet. Bottom line: A great plugin if you want to send newsletters from your website.
28 de Xuño, 2024 1 resposta
They state 48 hrs to check initial signup, but for me, it took 5 days working days. Every subsequent support request – for me – took another 3 to 5 days. Some take longer and are not yet answered, after 5 days. Tech seems ok, though.
27 de Xuño, 2024 1 resposta
This plugin gets a bad wrap, but its mainly due to DNS from my view. This plugin works well, if proper steps are followed with email list management.
Ler todas as 1.338 opinións

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Rexistro de cambios

4.56.0 – 2024-07-15

  • Updated: react dependencies;
  • Improved: email validation on email listing page;
  • Improved: email validation in automations editor;
  • Improved: hiding WooCommerce list when WooCommerce plugin is not active;
  • Fixed: stopping automation when it is canceled;
  • Fixed: displaying text in square brackets in post notifications;
  • Fixed: links to privacy policy in forms.

See the changelog for all versions.