Support » Plugin: Click To Chat App » Has issues/defficiencies, support not great

  • I purchased the pro version of this plugin for the extra features advertised. However, I discovered 2 MAJOR functional flaws (which also pertain to the free version):

    1. Manually making contacts available/unavailable involves changing around 17 separate settings! Madness!
    2. The plugin will NOT work well with any sort of front end page caching (eg. Litespeed Cache).

    So I raised a support ticket, whereupon…

    1. Quadlayers support staff simply tried to fob me off with bullshit responses.
    2. So, I provided Quadlayers support staff a working code mod to fix the first issue (1 above) – providing a REALLY useful ‘manual’ contact available/unavailable option. They said they’d ask devs to ‘look at it’
    3. I asked if they could fix issue 2 (caching) simply by rendering the front end over AJAX, rather than inline HTML. They said they’d ask devs to ‘look at it’.

    That was around a year ago. Heard back NOTHING since, and issues haven’t been addressed at all in latest code version. To top it all, they DELETED my support ticket – as a PAID up subscriber.

    I welcome any response from Quadlayers here. Otherwise, caveat emptor people.

    • This topic was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by rcain.
    • This topic was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by rcain.
    • This topic was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by rcain.
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