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Automated code review for GitHub

by codefactor-io6,057 installs


GitHub has verified that the publisher controls the domain and meets other requirements.


Supported languages

JavaScript, Ruby, C++, Python, PHP, Java, Scala, Go, C#, and CSS

Ensure that your code meets quality standards

CodeFactor instantly reviews every GitHub Commit or PR. Get actionable feedback within seconds. Customize rules, get refactoring tips and ignore irrelevant issues.


C#, C++, C, Java, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Go, Python, Ruby, Scala, CoffeeScript, Groovy, PHP, Dockerfile, Shell, YAML, HTML, Vue, Swift, Kotlin, PowerShell, Dart, R and Haskell.


Autofix certain reported issues on-demand or automatically.

For developers by developers.

Integrate in seconds. Toggle inspection for any branch on the fly. Get actionable refactoring tips. We use it ourselves.

Get the big picture. Identify Hotspots.

Track entire code base, raise visibility and understand code quality of the whole project. Dig into commits and the most problematic files.

Integrate into your workflow.

See actionable results within GitHub pull request. Comment or open a GitHub Issue directly from CodeFactor's Code Review page. Keep team updated via Slack integration.

Manage quality over time.

Be a part of a great team, seize the leaderboard.

Reporting inside PR via Checks feature.

Pricing and setup

Unlimited public repos. Unlimited users.


5 private, unlimited public repos. Unlimited users.

$27/ month

10 private, unlimited public repos. Unlimited users.

$54/ month

20 private, unlimited public repos. Unlimited users.

$109/ month

50 private, unlimited public repos. Unlimited users.

$274/ month

100 private, unlimited public repos. Unlimited users.

$549/ month

200 private, unlimited public repos. Unlimited users.

$1,099/ month

Pro MAX (5 private repos)

5 private, unlimited public repos. Unlimited users.

  • Lightning-fast analysis
  • 5 private, unlimited public repos
  • Unlimited users
  • Premium support
$27/ month

Next: Confirm your installation location and payment information

CodeFactor is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation