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Gifts of stock
Many people choose to make a contribution to the Alzheimer’s Association through a gift of stock that has appreciated substantially over the years. Please contact us by phone or email if you would like additional information about gifts of securities or mutual funds, and how these contributions can be made effortlessly.

Third-party events
Holding a golf tournament? Conducting a public event and want to donate proceeds? Looking for a way to boost your Walk team's efforts? Consider a third-party event.

Third party events are activities managed by volunteers or community groups where the Alzheimer's Association, Central New York Chapter has no financial responsibility and little to no staff involvement. The Chapter partners with numerous companies and organizations each year to raise funds and build awareness for Chapter services.

If you'd like to host your own third-party event, download our proposal request and agreement and contact us at [email protected] or by calling 315.472.4201.

Donate a car
We partner with CARS (Charitable Adult Rides & Services) and the proceeds go to the Alzheimer's Association, supporting those impacted by Alzheimer’s disease while advancing crucial research.