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HelsinkiPe 09.04:06
New YorkPe 02.04:06
LondonPe 07.04:06
TokyoPe 15.04:06

Current Local Times Around the World (Extended List)

AbidjanPe 06.04DenpasarPe 14.04LilongwePe 08.04Punta Arenas *Pe 03.04
Abu DhabiPe 10.04Denver *Pe 00.04LimaPe 01.04PyongyangPe 15.04
AbujaPe 07.04Detroit *Pe 02.04Lisbon *Pe 07.04Qaanaaq *Pe 05.04
AccraPe 06.04DhakaPe 12.04Ljubljana *Pe 08.04QuitoPe 01.04
Adak *To 21.04Diego GarciaPe 12.04LoméPe 06.04Rabat *Pe 07.04
AdamstownTo 22.04DiliPe 15.04London *Pe 07.04RarotongaTo 20.04
Addis AbabaPe 09.04DjiboutiPe 09.04Longyearbyen *Pe 08.04ReginaPe 00.04
AdelaidePe 15.34Dnipro *Pe 09.04Los Angeles *To 23.04Resolute Bay *Pe 01.04
Alert *Pe 02.04DodomaPe 09.04LuandaPe 07.04ReykjavikPe 06.04
AlgiersPe 07.04DohaPe 09.04LubumbashiPe 08.04Riga *Pe 09.04
Alice SpringsPe 15.34Douglas *Pe 07.04LusakaPe 08.04Rio BrancoPe 01.04
AlmatyPe 11.04DubaiPe 10.04Luxembourg *Pe 08.04Rio de JaneiroPe 03.04
AlofiTo 19.04Dublin *Pe 07.04Madrid *Pe 08.04RiyadhPe 09.04
AmmanPe 09.04DushanbePe 11.04MagadanPe 17.04Rome *Pe 08.04
Amsterdam *Pe 08.04Easter IslandPe 00.04MajuroPe 18.04Rovaniemi *Pe 09.04
Amsterdam IslandPe 11.04Edinburgh *Pe 07.04MakassarPe 14.04Saint-DenisPe 10.04
AnadyrPe 18.04Edmonton *Pe 00.04MalaboPe 07.04Salt Lake City *Pe 00.04
Anchorage *To 22.04El Aaiún *Pe 07.04MalePe 11.04SamaraPe 10.04
AnkaraPe 09.04EuclaPe 14.49ManaguaPe 00.04San Francisco *To 23.04
AntananarivoPe 09.04EurekaPe 01.04ManamaPe 09.04San JosePe 00.04
ApiaPe 19.04Fairbanks *To 22.04ManausPe 02.04San JuanPe 02.04
AshgabatPe 11.04FakaofoPe 19.04ManilaPe 14.04San SalvadorPe 00.04
AsmaraPe 09.04FortalezaPe 03.04ManokwariPe 15.04SanaPe 09.04
AstanaPe 11.04Frankfurt *Pe 08.04MaputoPe 08.04SantiagoPe 02.04
AsuncionPe 02.04FreetownPe 06.04Marion Island (Prince Edward Islands)Pe 09.04Santo DomingoPe 02.04
Athens *Pe 09.04FunafutiPe 18.04Mary's Harbour *Pe 03.34São PauloPe 03.04
Atlanta *Pe 02.04GaboronePe 08.04MaseruPe 08.04São ToméPe 06.04
AucklandPe 18.04Galapagos IslandsPe 00.04MbabanePe 08.04Sarajevo *Pe 08.04
BaghdadPe 09.04GeorgetownPe 02.04MelbournePe 16.04Seattle *To 23.04
Baker IslandTo 18.04Gibraltar *Pe 08.04Mexico CityPe 00.04SeoulPe 15.04
Baker Lake *Pe 01.04GitegaPe 08.04Miami *Pe 02.04ShanghaiPe 14.04
BakuPe 10.04Grise Fiord *Pe 02.04MidwayTo 19.04SingaporePe 14.04
BamakoPe 06.04Guatemala CityPe 00.04Minneapolis *Pe 01.04Skopje *Pe 08.04
Bandar Seri BegawanPe 14.04HagåtñaPe 16.04MinskPe 09.04Sofia *Pe 09.04
BangkokPe 13.04Halifax *Pe 03.04MogadishuPe 09.04SrednekolymskPe 17.04
BanguiPe 07.04Hamilton *Pe 03.04Monaco *Pe 08.04Sri Jayawardenepura KottePe 11.34
BanjulPe 06.04HanoiPe 13.04MonroviaPe 06.04St. John's *Pe 03.34
Barcelona *Pe 08.04Happy Valley-Goose Bay *Pe 03.04MontevideoPe 03.04StanleyPe 03.04
Basse-TerrePe 02.04HararePe 08.04Montréal *Pe 02.04Stockholm *Pe 08.04
BeijingPe 14.04Havana *Pe 02.04MoroniPe 09.04SucrePe 02.04
Beirut *Pe 09.04Helsinki *Pe 09.04MoscowPe 09.04SuvaPe 18.04
BelémPe 03.04HermosilloTo 23.04MumbaiPe 11.34SydneyPe 16.04
Belgrade *Pe 08.04HobartPe 16.04MuscatPe 10.04TaipeiPe 14.04
BelmopanPe 00.04Hong KongPe 14.04N'DjamenaPe 07.04Tallinn *Pe 09.04
Belushya GubaPe 09.04HoniaraPe 17.04NairobiPe 09.04TarawaPe 18.04
BengaluruPe 11.34HonoluluTo 20.04Nassau *Pe 02.04TashkentPe 11.04
Berlin *Pe 08.04Houston *Pe 01.04NaypyidawPe 12.34TbilisiPe 10.04
Bern *Pe 08.04HovdPe 13.04New DelhiPe 11.34TegucigalpaPe 00.04
BishkekPe 12.04Indianapolis *Pe 02.04New Orleans *Pe 01.04TehranPe 09.34
BissauPe 06.04Inuvik *Pe 00.04New York *Pe 02.04ThimphuPe 12.04
BogotaPe 01.04IrkutskPe 14.04NgerulmudPe 15.04Thule Air Base *Pe 03.04
Boston *Pe 02.04IslamabadPe 11.04NiameyPe 07.04TiksiPe 15.04
BrasiliaPe 03.04IstanbulPe 09.04Nicosia *Pe 09.04TimbuktuPe 06.04
Bratislava *Pe 08.04Ittoqqortoormiit *Pe 05.04NorilskPe 13.04Tirana *Pe 08.04
BrazzavillePe 07.04IzhevskPe 10.04NouakchottPe 06.04TokyoPe 15.04
BridgetownPe 02.04JakartaPe 13.04NovosibirskPe 13.04Toronto *Pe 02.04
BrisbanePe 16.04JamestownPe 06.04Nuku'alofaPe 19.04Tórshavn *Pe 07.04
Brussels *Pe 08.04Jerusalem *Pe 09.04Nuuk *Pe 05.04TripoliPe 08.04
Bucharest *Pe 09.04JohannesburgPe 08.04Oklahoma City *Pe 01.04Tromsø *Pe 08.04
Budapest *Pe 08.04JubaPe 08.04OmskPe 12.04TunisPe 07.04
Buenos AiresPe 03.04Juneau *To 22.04OralPe 11.04UlaanbaatarPe 14.04
BujumburaPe 08.04KabulPe 10.34Oslo *Pe 08.04Unalaska *To 22.04
CairnsPe 16.04KaliningradPe 08.04Ottawa *Pe 02.04ÜrümqiPe 14.04
Cairo *Pe 09.04KampalaPe 09.04OuagadougouPe 06.04Valletta *Pe 08.04
Calgary *Pe 00.04Kangerlussuaq *Pe 05.04PalikirPe 17.04Vancouver *To 23.04
CanberraPe 16.04Kansas City *Pe 01.04PanamaPe 01.04Vatican City *Pe 08.04
CancúnPe 01.04KarachiPe 11.04PapeeteTo 20.04VerkhoyanskPe 16.04
Cape TownPe 08.04KathmanduPe 11.49ParamariboPe 03.04VictoriaPe 10.04
CaracasPe 02.04Kemi *Pe 09.04Paris *Pe 08.04Vienna *Pe 08.04
Cardiff *Pe 07.04KhartoumPe 08.04PerthPe 14.04VientianePe 13.04
Casablanca *Pe 07.04KhatangaPe 13.04Petropavlovsk-KamchatskyPe 18.04Vilnius *Pe 09.04
CayennePe 03.04KigaliPe 08.04PevekPe 18.04VladivostokPe 16.04
Chatham IslandsPe 18.49King Edward PointPe 04.04Philadelphia *Pe 02.04Wake IslandPe 18.04
ChennaiPe 11.34KingstonPe 01.04Phnom PenhPe 13.04Warsaw *Pe 08.04
Chibougamau *Pe 02.04KinshasaPe 07.04PhoenixTo 23.04Washington DC *Pe 02.04
Chicago *Pe 01.04KiritimatiPe 20.04Podgorica *Pe 08.04WellingtonPe 18.04
ChitaPe 15.04KolkataPe 11.34Pond Inlet *Pe 02.04WhitehorseTo 23.04
Chișinău *Pe 09.04Komsomolsk-on-AmurPe 16.04Ponta Delgada *Pe 06.04WindhoekPe 08.04
ChongqingPe 14.04KrasnoyarskPe 13.04PontianakPe 13.04Winnipeg *Pe 01.04
ConakryPe 06.04Kuala LumpurPe 14.04Port-au-Prince *Pe 02.04YakutskPe 15.04
Copenhagen *Pe 08.04Kuujjuaq *Pe 02.04Port-aux-FrancaisPe 11.04YamoussoukroPe 06.04
Coral HarbourPe 01.04Kuwait CityPe 09.04Port LouisPe 10.04YangonPe 12.34
CórdobaPe 03.04Kyiv *Pe 09.04Port MoresbyPe 16.04YaoundéPe 07.04
DakarPe 06.04La PazPe 02.04Port of SpainPe 02.04YarenPe 18.04
Dallas *Pe 01.04LagosPe 07.04Port VilaPe 17.04YekaterinburgPe 11.04
DamascusPe 09.04LahorePe 11.04Porto NovoPe 07.04YerevanPe 10.04
DanmarkshavnPe 06.04Las Vegas *To 23.04Prague *Pe 08.04Yuzhno-SakhalinskPe 17.04
Dar es SalaamPe 09.04LhasaPe 14.04PraiaPe 05.04Zagreb *Pe 08.04
DarwinPe 15.34LibrevillePe 07.04PretoriaPe 08.04Zürich *Pe 08.04

* Adjusted for Daylight Saving Time (114 places).

To = Torstai 6. Kesäkuu 2024 (20 places).
Pe = Perjantai 7. Kesäkuu 2024 (336 places).

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