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CMHS GPRA Modernization Act Data Collection Tools

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Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) grantees must comply with the Government Performance Results and Modernization Act (GPRA) of 2010.

  • CMHS collects National Outcome Measures (NOMS) client-level data and Infrastructure Development, Prevention, and Mental Health Promotion (IPP) indicator data. The NOMS tool and IPP indicators are collected in the center’s discretionary grant programs.

    The Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010 data collection deadlines vary based on Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) discretionary grant type: Client Services, Infrastructure Development, or Infrastructure Development and Services.

    CMHS National Outcome Measures (NOMS) Client-Level Services Tool:

    CMHS grants that provide mental health and related services to clients collect NOMS data by interviewing clients and reporting on their behavioral health diagnosis, demographics, functioning, employment, education, housing, and measures specific to the grant program. The NOMS tool is administered to clients at baseline, reassessment, and discharge.

    CMHS Infrastructure Development, Prevention, and Mental Health Promotion (IPP) Indicators:

    CMHS grants with the goal of improving the infrastructure of mental health prevention, services, and promotion collect quantitative data on each IPP indicator assigned in the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) or Notice of Award (NOA). IPP data is collected quarterly and includes a short narrative description of the achieved results.

    For additional information on each tool, see below. Grantees may also access additional resources on SAMHSA’s Performance Accountability and Results System (SPARS) website.

  • SAMHSA GPRA Fact Sheet

    gpra fact sheet thumbnail

    This Fact Sheet provides an overview of GPRA, National Outcome Measures (NOMs), and clarifies which SAMHSA programs collect data.

  • CMHS Data Collection Tools


    SAMHSA's Performance Accountability and Reporting System (SPARS) provides data collection tools for the Center for Mental Health Services.

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