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For application development

Reduce security risk from bad open source packages
Reduce security risk from bad open source packages

Learn how one large organization saved over $1.6M in manual package evaluation time and eliminated over 3,000 points of risk in applications running in production.

The Tidelift maintainer advantage

Tidelift is the only company that partners with open source maintainers and pays them to: 
Implement industry-leading secure software development practices and validate the practices they follow so organizations can have the same confidence in the security of their open source that they have in their own code.
Contractually commit to continue these practices into the future so that organizations can confidently make long term investments in the packages they use.


Maintainer Tatu Saloranta used income from Tidelift and its customers to completely rearchitect jackson-databind and eliminate the risk of RCE vulnerabilities.


Maintainer Jordan Harband saved minimist from deletion when its maintainer decided to delete their projects from GitHub.


Maintainer Seth Michael Larson was able to substantially improve urllib3 security practices thanks to income from Tidelift and its customers.


When SockJS maintainer Bryce Kahle took a new job that didn’t involve JavaScript, Asif Saif Uddin stepped in as maintainer, ensuring the project wasn’t abandoned.

Bad open source packages slow you down.
Healthy and resilient packages speed you up.

Vulnerable open source packages create risk that could potentially impact
your organization’s revenue, data, and business continuity. 

Stop getting slowed down by bad packages that have been end-of-lifed, abandoned, or are insecure. 

Start making better, proactive decisions about which packages to use—and which to avoid—so you can take advantage of the full innovative potential of open source. 

Tidelift helps leading organizations
use open source with confidence

Reduce s.r.
Reduce security risk

by eliminating attack entry points through bad packages

Improve p.
Improve productivity

by reducing vulnerability fire drills from insecure or undermaintained packages 

Improve a.q.
Improve application quality 

by building with healthy and resilient open source packages

Increase o.e.
Increase operational efficiency 

by saving costly manual package evaluation time

Resources to get you started

The xz backdoor What you need to know
The xz backdoor: What you need to know

In late March 2024, a developer noticed some unusual behavior on their computer, investigated it, and uncovered a hack of epic scope, in an obscure but important library called xz.

10 questions you should answer before using an open source project

When it comes to open source software security, many organizations rely heavily on software scanning (often called software composition analysis or SCA) as the primary means of defense.

Tidelift_WebinarGraphics_social (5)-1
Predictions: What’s in the crystal ball for open source software security in 2024?

 Tidelift co-founders Donald Fischer and Luis Villa, RedMonk analyst Kelly Fitzpatrick, Fannie Mae OSPO strategist Brittany Istenes, and npm package maintainer Jordan Harband come together to look into their crystal balls. 

Watch now