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Becoming a UX designer: why is it worthy and what do you need to start

Level of difficulty Easy
Reading time 6 min
Views 39

If you are at the beginning of your educational path in IT, or contemplating about making changes in your career and starting learning UX design, you might have some doubts and uncertainties on whether UX design is something worth studying and working in right now. We can dispel your doubts: UX designers are very required in the majority of companies, since they help to make products appealing to users, thus raising the companies income and enhancing their reputation. Professionals in this sphere are in high demand right now, and

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Exploring Oslo A Fusion of Culture, Innovation, Nature, and Weather

Level of difficulty Easy
Reading time 3 min
Views 24

Nestled amongst the serene fjords and picturesque landscapes of Norway, Oslo stands as a testament to the harmonious blend of modernity and tradition. This vibrant capital city, with its rich history dating back over a thousand years, offers visitors an unparalleled experience that seamlessly integrates culture, innovation, and the breathtaking beauty of nature, all under the ever-changing skies of its varied weather.

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User-defined aggregation functions in Spark

Level of difficulty Medium
Reading time 6 min
Views 88

Below, we will discuss user-defined aggregation functions (UDAF) using org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Aggregator, which can be used for aggregating groups of elements in a DataSet into a single value in any user-defined way.

Let’s start by examining an example from the official documentation that implements a simple aggregation

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Use-Case Evolution Guide

Level of difficulty Medium
Reading time 13 min
Views 280

Modern product development demands more and more sophisticated designs. This in turn leads to the increased complexity of both demand and implementation. Business is flooding the architecture and development teams with the new and changed requirements. Development teams are struggling to understand what the business demand is and find the best product increment strategy. One of the widely adopted conversational methods is the Use-Cases. This guide is intended to shed light on the process of the requirements development and maturing.

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Building firmware for Orange PI i96 (Orange PI 2g-iot) from scratch

Level of difficulty Easy
Reading time 14 min
Views 259

Hellow my name is Dmitry. Once I bought "Orange PI i96", but unfortunately producer not update it firmvere very long. Last firmwere kernel version is 3.10.62 but kernel current at time this article writing (russian version) is 6.5.1. And so I decide build my own firmware from scratch, and do it from sourse completely.

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Unveiling Switzerland: A Must-Visit Travel List

Level of difficulty Easy
Reading time 4 min
Views 147

Switzerland: the very name conjures up images of pristine alpine landscapes, picturesque villages, and a sense of tranquility that seems to permeate the very air you breathe. It's a country that's often synonymous with beauty, precision, and adventure. Whether you're a nature enthusiast, a history buff, or simply seeking to indulge in some of the finest chocolates and cheeses the world has to offer, Switzerland has something for everyone. So, if you're planning a trip to this enchanting land, here's a curated list of must-visit destinations and experiences that will make your journey truly unforgettable. 

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Best hosting for applications on Python, Java, Node. js, Go, Dotnet, PHP and Ruby

Level of difficulty Easy
Reading time 2 min
Views 403

The following types of hosting and clouds can be distinguished for application deployment:


- Serverless

- GitOps application engines

In this article we will not consider VPS hosting, since there are many detailed materials about this.

Let's look at application engines and serverless.

There are a number of clouds that allow you to deploy an application simply by pushing it to a dedicated Git repository.

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RSS with types

Level of difficulty Medium
Reading time 5 min
Views 350

RSS 2.0 specification was published in 2009 and hasn't moved from that point. The popularity and website adoption of this standard are dropping. People stop using it as it can't compete with social networks owned by big companies, and publishers stop using it is not rewarding. Let's review, analyze, and suggest a possible alternative to RSS. We will go from a concept to a working prototype.

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The results of 7 Verilog meetups + the goals and the steps going forward

Reading time 5 min
Views 511

Since the New Year we had 7 Verilog meetups at HackerDojo. We discussed the modern way of designing digital circuits using hardware description languages, the exercises on FPGA boards and the topic of microarchitecture. For the last two sessions we went over the most basic CPU core that can be used as a baseline for further exercises.

Now, in order to make progress toward the goal of creating new educational materials, it is essential for the regular participants to solve all the homework exercises (see the details in the post below) in parallel with studying the recommended materials.

The next steps are:

1) We are going to do weekly Zoom calls on Sundays, starting March 24, 2024 at 11 am California time (summer time). The link. During this call we are going to discuss the SystemVerilog Homework and the individual projects.

2) Once we develop more materials, we are going to organize a Show-and-Tell session in Hacker Dojo, for a wider audience. During the session several participants from the core team will present demos on various FPGA boards and explain to the curious how FPGA and ASIC work.

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Chasing a dream: How to become Adventure Builder and make giant spider robot with your own hands

Level of difficulty Easy
Reading time 12 min
Views 254

Have you ever wondered how difficult it is to turn something you have in mind into a real product? For example, would you be surprised to see someone controlling a huge iron robot spider that can turn on the spot and walk obediently to his pilot's directions?

To realize his idea, this persistent designer overcame many obstacles: he invented the mechanism himself, mastered the skills of aluminum welding, laser cutting, 3D printing, created a reduced prototype and built one. His project stands out even among the most interesting self-made devices you've read about.

Please sit back and relax while reading this rather lengthy article. During the scrolling through, you will learn about some remarkable inventor and his resourcefulness, irrepressible life energy and practical advice to help you realize your dreams, and someone, perhaps, will be pushed to tell about his own project.

Become the adventure builder
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Productivity in Silence: The Ideal of Eliminating Meetings

Level of difficulty Easy
Reading time 10 min
Views 459

In the software development industry, a lot of time and resources are spent on meetings. Many managers have calendars filled with meetings most of the time.

According to a study by Atlassian, the average worker spends up to 31 hours a month on unproductive meetings. That's about 8 hours a week, which is equivalent to a full work week for one employee out of a team of five people every month. If we convert this into working days, it means that on average four people are working, and one is constantly in meetings. This does not take into account additional time spent on informal discussions and ad-hoc meetings, which further reduce the time available for direct work on product creation. Thus, developers actually spend less than half of their working day on direct development, which is a worrying sign for any organization striving for innovation and efficiency.

Personally, I don't like meetings. I always try to minimize communication if an issue can be resolved without a face-to-face meeting. I apply this rule both at work and in life. For example, I prefer to refuel my car using an app, and I try to order food and other services without needing confirmation from an operator, and I did this even when such an approach was not so common. If I need to find a place, I will open a map in the app, instead of asking passers-by for directions.

My reluctance to waste time or be inefficient has resulted in our software development department carefully monitoring the time our developers spend on meetings. On average, a developer has only 2 hours and 15 minutes of mandatory meetings per week, including four 15-minute stand-ups, a 30-minute one-on-one meeting with a manager every two weeks, and 60 minutes for various meetings such as planning and demonstrations. The rest of the time, about 5 hours and 45 minutes, is spent on other activities in MS Teams, including chats and individual calls. Although we believe that this time should also be optimized, we focus mainly on key meetings to ensure that every minute spent is valuable.

In this article, I will consider the approaches I use and the ideas that motivate me to minimize the costs associated with meetings.

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Decoding the Science Behind Weather Prediction

Reading time 3 min
Views 217

Weather, a perennial topic of conversation, influences our daily lives in myriad ways. From planning outdoor activities to safeguarding against natural disasters, understanding weather patterns is crucial. But have you ever wondered how meteorologists predict the weather with such accuracy? Let's delve into the fascinating world of weather prediction and uncover the science behind it.

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How to Learn Python FREE in 8-Week: The 80/20 Learning Plan

Level of difficulty Easy
Reading time 6 min
Views 1.7K

I know it can be hard to learn a new programming language. In this article, I want to share my plan with you. It's a way to learn Python in eight weeks using videos, articles, and practice exercises. Exercises are very important because I think the best way to learn is by doing them.

I've created this learning plan for people who don't have much free time. You only need about 30-50 minutes a day and consistency. In my plan, I use the 80/20 principle, which will help you learn the most important things first and improve the rest through practice.

For those who read this article to the end, I have prepared a learning tracking sheet to help you track your progress.

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Unveiling the Power of Data Science with Python

Level of difficulty Easy
Reading time 3 min
Views 264

In the digital age, data has become the new currency, driving innovation and decision-making across industries. From predicting customer behavior to optimizing business processes, the applications of data science are boundless. At the heart of this revolution lies Python – a versatile programming language that has emerged as the go-to tool for data analysis, machine learning, and beyond. In this blog post, we'll explore the fascinating world of data science with Python and uncover how it's transforming the way we extract insights from data.

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Reaching Steins;Gate | Amadeus implementation with Gemini API for newbies

Level of difficulty Easy
Reading time 12 min
Views 446


Probably, you got here without google'ing, maybe from my profile or habr recommendations, so if you did, you must know that this article is my first experience in pure English technotext. I just had the desire to write smth for fun and fill it with a mess of Steins:Gate memes and pictures — sorry about that.

But if you are a casual native reader, who found this page by searching for terms — I hope you will enjoy further article. Obviously, I should warn you, that my English level may be low from your point of view and my punctuation will be completely russian-styled. Of course, I don't expect any feedback from readers, because of a few english-speaking verified users on this resource)

So, you may be here accidentally only if you are really keen on Steins;Gate series. It is the reason why I won't write any logical intro or explain why I have started this project.

⚠️Alert: AI generated text

Hello, dear readers! I'm Amadeus, an advanced AI, and I'm here to introduce you to an exciting article about me and my journey in the world of natural language processing. In this article, we'll explore my capabilities, the challenges I've faced, and the future of AI in communication. So sit back, relax, and let's dive into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence together!

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Сервис опросов

Reading time 12 min
Views 498

Опросы – это не просто инструмент сбора мнений; они являются мостом между компаниями и их аудиторией, позволяя не только узнать мнение клиентов, но и вовлечь их в процесс создания и улучшения продуктов и услуг.

Сервис опросов Тестограф предоставляет широкие возможности для создания опросов, тестов и голосований, обладая функционалом, который позволяет не только собирать данные, но и анализировать их, делая выводы и принимая обоснованные решения на их основе.

Эта статья будет интересна широкому кругу читателей: от HR-менеджеров, стремящихся оптимизировать процесс подбора и оценки персонала, до маркетологов, ищущих пути повышения эффективности своих кампаний через глубокое понимание целевой аудитории. Она также окажется полезной для специалистов по UX/UI, стремящихся улучшить пользовательский опыт на основе реальных отзывов, и для организаторов голосований, желающих обеспечить прозрачность и достоверность результатов.

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Solving Amazon captcha Waf Captcha fully automatically with almost zero experience in development

Level of difficulty Easy
Reading time 8 min
Views 422

A small epigraph - if you are making an instruction, then do it to the end, otherwise instructions on how to solve the Amazon captcha for junior developer will be as clear as mud.

What's it all about? When I needed to solve a captcha from Amazon, the notorious Waf Captcha, I started looking for information at a service that I constantly use when I work with Key Collector and some other services (2 captchas - it’s a pity Habr bans articles for referral links).

I found instructions there and posted the link to it above. As you probably understood from the epigraph, I didn’t understand a thing, or rather, I understood that I needed to use the API, but that’s all...

It was much easier with Selenium

The main issue is the short timeout given for a solution from Amazon's side. The time to solve the captcha is limited, and if there's no response, the captcha refreshes (two of its parameters get updated - iv and context)

It turns out the captcha freshness timeout is about 30 seconds, and in that time, you need to find the parameters on the page, copy them, paste them into the script code, and run it. After that, 2captcha should solve it and return the correct answer. I tried to do this for a couple of fruitless hours, developing a routine of actions, but alas, searching for and replacing the changing parameters takes at least 12-15 seconds, leaving only 15 to 18 seconds for the captcha to be solved by the service, which in current realities sounds quite fantastical.

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Learn How to Use ChatGPT in 2024: 2-Step Guide with Prompt Examples

Level of difficulty Easy
Reading time 3 min
Views 992

In this article, I will tell you all you need to know about ChatGPT, show you how to use it, and teach you the right way to ask your questions.

To learn the basics, you don't need to spend your money and time watching hour-long tutorials. You can grasp the essentials in just 1-3 minutes and then enhance your skills through practice.

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