MailPoet – Newsletters, Email Marketing, and Automation


Use MailPoet to create, send, manage, and grow your email marketing campaigns – all without leaving your WordPress dashboard.

O noso construtor de boletíns intégrase perfectamente con WordPress para que así calquera propietario de webs poida crear correos preciosos desde cero ou utilizando modelos adaptativos que se mostren sen problemas en todos os dispositivos.

Programa os teus boletíns de correo, envíaos inmediatamente ou programa avisos automáticos ao publicar unha entrada do blog con só uns poucos clics.

Coa confianza de 700.000 webs WordPress desde 2011.

With a free plan for up to 1,000 subscribers, and scaling paid plans with enhanced functionality available, MailPoet is an email marketing solution suitable for both beginners and proficient email marketers.

Visit our website for more information on plans and pricing

Todas as características

  • Crea e engade formularios de subscrición na túa web
  • Xestiona os teus subscritores e listas de subscritores en WordPress
  • Crea e envía boletíns con WordPress
  • Crea correos electrónicos automáticos para enviar notificacións de novas entradas
  • Envía correos electrónicos de benvida automáticos
  • Behavior and interest-based subscriber segmentation options
  • Pre-built and customizable email and subscription form templates
  • WooCommerce emails: abandoned cart, first purchase, specific product, product category
  • Customize WooCommerce transactional emails
  • Reliable email delivery with MailPoet Sending Service (available for free – plan required)
  • Basic engagement statistics (available for free) and detailed engagement statistics (paid plan required)
  • Multi-condition segmentation (paid plan required)
  • Google Analytics integration (paid plan required)
  • Support via our Knowledge Base and Community Forums (available for free), and Priority Customer Support (paid plan required).

Por que escoller MailPoet

  • Construtor de boletíns fácil de usar
  • Beautiful templates that work perfectly across all devices
  • Non precisa configuración: funciona tal cual
  • Manage everything within your WordPress dashboard
  • Higher delivery rates with the MailPoet Sending Service
  • Cumpre co GDPR
  • Free plan for small senders or those just starting out
  • Advanced functionality available to help achieve growth.

Correos electrónicos de WooCommerce

Promote your business, sell more products, and enhance your customer service with MailPoet’s WooCommerce features.

Use the automated email options to:

  • Dálle a benvida aos novos clientes cando fan a súa primeira compra
  • Aumenta as vendas enviando correos electrónicos a clientes que compraran un produto determinado ou dunha categoría de produto específica
  • Convert more customers by sending a series of abandoned cart emails.

And with WooCommerce-specific segmentation options, you’ll be able to send targeted emails to your customers based on criteria such as their country, the number of orders they’ve placed, how much they’ve spent, and if they have an active product subscription (powered by WooCommerce Subscriptions) or membership (powered by WooCommerce Memberships).

In addition, you’ll also be able to increase brand recognition by customizing your WooCommerce transactional emails. Create a unified brand experience by changing the layout, colors, and fonts used in your emails, as well as adding any images or additional information to them.

Servizo de Envío de MailPoet

The MailPoet Sending Service is free for your first 1,000 subscribers, with scaling plans available thereafter. Read more.

Enviar correos electrónicos e boletíns co teu servidor non é boa idea. Podes encontrarte con limitacións na velocidade de envío e os teus correos poden acabar na carpeta de spam.

Para axudarche a enviar sen problemas, creamos unha infraestrutura de envío avanzada construída para WordPress. A nosa tecnoloxía permíteche:

  • Chega ás bandexas de entrada, non ás carpetas de spam
  • Envía correos electrónicos super rápido (ata 50.000 emails por hora)
  • Maintain your sender reputation and improve engagement levels with automated bounce and complaint handling. Stop sending to non-deliverable and complaining addresses, automatically
  • Authenticate your emails (with SPF and DKIM) to improve deliverability and avoid spam boxes.

É moi fácil configurar o servizo de envío de MailPoet, só tes que proporcionar unha clave no escritorio do teu WordPress e xa está!

MailPoet plans and pricing

MailPoet is available to download for free. Our free download includes all of the features listed above (with the exception of those indicating a plan requirement) under the following criteria:

  • Up to 1,000 subscribers
  • MailPoet branding in emails
  • Send emails with your own sending method (host, SendGrid, Amazon SES, etc).

Or if you opt for a MailPoet plan, you’ll get access to the MailPoet Sending Service.

A free Starter plan is available for those who have 1,000 subscribers or less and would like to use the MailPoet Sending Service. And our paid plans offer features and functionality for those with larger lists who are looking to grow their business using email marketing.

Take a look at our pricing page for full details on what’s included in each plan.

Antes da instalación

Por favor, ten en conta:


Official translations

  • Árabe
  • Catalán
  • Chinés
  • Czech
  • Danés
  • Holandés
  • French (FR)
  • Alemán
  • Greek
  • Italiano
  • Xaponés
  • Mexicano
  • Persa (IR)
  • Portugués (BR e PT)
  • Ruso
  • Serbio
  • Español
  • Sueco
  • Turco

Community translations

  • Albanian
  • Inglés
  • French (CA)
  • Hebrew
  • Húngaro
  • Norwegian
  • Persian
  • Polaco
  • Romanian

Son benvidos os tradutores con experiencia para traducir directamente o noso proxecto en Transifex. Tede en conta que as traducións enviadas pola web de «Traducións de WordPress» non funcionarán.


O noso repositorio é público e dispoñible en GitHub.

Have a question for us? Reach us at security@ our domain, or report security issues to our Bug Bounty program.

Use of 3rd Party Services

MailPoet uses the following services that are necessary for its full functionality:

To improve user experience, MailPoet may use the following 3rd party libraries if the Load 3rd-party libraries setting is enabled:

Loading all these libraries is disabled by default. The option can be enabled in the MailPoet’s Settings > Advanced > Load 3rd-party libraries.


  • Boletíns demo
  • O deseñador de correos electrónicos de arrastrar e soltar
  • Tipos de correos electrónicos
  • Estatísticas dos boletíns (Premium)
  • Importación de subscritores (via ficheiro CSV ou directamente desde MailChimp)
  • Correos electrónicos de WooCommerce


Este plugin proporciona 1 bloque.

  • MailPoet Marketing Opt-in

Preguntas frecuentes

MailPoet almacena os datos dos subscritores?

Non almacenamos nin gardamos ningún dato dos teus subscritores. Porén, se envías co noso servizo, si que procesamos todos os correos electrónicos que se enviarán. Iso significa que MailPoet só rexistra as direccións de correo electrónico para asegurarse de que o noso servizo funciona correctamente. Non monitorizamos nada máis.

Que é o Servizo de Envío de MailPoet?

O Servizo de Envío de MailPoet está construído exclusivamente para enviar correos electrónicos de WordPress e WooCommerce. A nosa tecnoloxía exclusiva ofrece altas velocidades (máis de 50.000 emails por hora) e rendemento, 99% de tempo de actividade e cero perdas.

Que métodos de envío podo usar para mandar os meus boletíns?

Podes escoller como queres enviar os correos electrónicos: co teu propio host (por defetcto, pero non aconsellable), co Servizo de Envío MailPoet, con SendGrid, con Amazon SES, ou coa maioría dos provedores de SMTP incluíndo MailGun, etc.

Por que debería usar o Servizo de Envío de MailPoet?

Á nosa taxa de entrega global é do 98.5%, superando así os estándares da industria. Monitorizamos todos e cada uno dos millóns de correos electrónicos que enviamos.

Tanto dá se envías 10 ou 100.000 correos electrónicos ao día, o Servizo de Envío de MailPoet xestiona desde boletíns de pequenas empresas a listas de correo enormes con milleiros de subscritores.

Desaconsellamos encarecidamente que envíes co teu host, aquí explicamos por que.

If you’re just starting with your newsletter, we offer a free plan to get you started.

Podo filtrar categorías específicas para as miñas notificacións de entradas?

Si! En MailPoet podes especificar que categorías ou etiquetas queres incluír ou excluír. Isto permíteche enviar só entradas de categorías ou etiquetas específicas, garantindo así que as entradas non relevantes non aparecen nos teus boletíns. Tamén podes configurar múltiples boletíns de notificacións de entradas para afinar mellor os intereses dos teus subscritores.

MailPoet cumpre co GDPR?

Si, cumprimos co GDPR. Pero non ofrecemos un Acordo de Procesamento de Datos. A nosa política de privacidade pode funcionar como acordo e o GDPR ten isto en conta. Se usas o noso servizo, aceptas a nosa Política de Privacidade.

Recomendámosche que engadas un enlace á nosa Política de Privacidade na túa propia páxina de Política de Privacidade. O máis importante é que te asegures de que os teus subscritores saben que é MailPoet quen entrega os teus correos electrónicos, se é que os envías co noso servizo.

Tamén podes ler a nosa Guía de cumprimento co GDPR.

WooCommerce: os meus clientes poden subscribirse ao boletín na páxina de pagamento?

Si, con MailPoet os teus clientes poden subscribirse á túa lista de correo durante o pagamento. Mesmo poderás enviarlles recordatorios dos seus carriños abandoados se marcharon sen completaren a compra.

É MailPoet ou Mail poet?

É MailPoet, non mail poet. Con todo, atendemos ás dúas.

Precisas axuda?

Revisa a nosa Base de Coñecemento ou contacta con nós a través do noso sitio de soporte.


4 de Marzo, 2024
We haven't been able to update from Version 3.87.2 because every time we try, it takes our whole website down and we have to restore from a backup version. Now our sending is paused and the key we've been using for at least 2 years is showing "Not valid for premium" and not a valid DNS, even though nothing has changed in our DNS Settings with our domain. The plugin is telling us that the key is not valid for premium, which we don't have, and since we haven't updated the plugin for at least 2 years, there's no way a premium plugin has suddenly been added to the site. We've not been able to send our newsletter for over 2 weeks and nothing has changed regarding the key, our DNS, or any of the settings on the site. If we had the funds (we're a small non-profit) to pay someone for website support, we'd figure out a different tool to assist with mailing out our newsletter.
29 de Febreiro, 2024 1 resposta
Vraiment excellent. Rien à redire. Il faut s'y connaître un peu, mais le plugin est fiable et robuste et répond à toutes les attentes. Et la version gratuite est hyper complète. Franchement bravo.
11 de Marzo, 2024 2 respostas
I have been trying to contact mailpoet support since a week. I haven't received any reply so far. I read here on the support forum that there is an unussaly high load of support ticket. So maybe I will adjust my review once I get an complete answer. So far not satisfied with service. --- Update: After 1.5 week I did get an satisfied answer on all of my questions. So satisfied costumer again. Hopefully the support will enhance.
16 de Febreiro, 2024 1 resposta
I had a fantastic initial experience with this plugin until I paid for a year of Premium. Customer support is nonexistent. All of my inquiries with explanations and screenshots of the issue have received "Everything looks fine on our end!" style replies - so obviously - no one is reading support tickets. I've had an ongoing issue for a month and have yet to receive a reply that acknowledges the issue stated in the initial contact. This is in my top 3 worst customer service experiences that I have received during my 15 years in the plugin ecosystem.Awful. Terrible. Inexcusable.
13 de Febreiro, 2024 1 resposta
Emails stopped sending, due to high bounce rate.We contacted them immadiately and got no support for 8 days.Now today — All previous sent emails and stats gone. With a huge error.Seeking immediate help. We have over 11K paying subscribers haunting us for updates.Support has only a simple contact form, no telephone number or status ticket system. Most horrible experience in my 22 years of professional WordPress development. Will review my current revieuw if a 100% fix is shown and proven.
Ler todas as 1.319 opinións

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“MailPoet – Newsletters, Email Marketing, and Automation” foi traducido a 26 idiomas. Grazas aos desenvolvedores polas súas contribucións.

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Rexistro de cambios

4.46.0 – 2024-03-11

  • Improved: new segment “purchased product by attribute” introduced;
  • Improved: trigger filters are now alphabetically sorted;
  • Fixed: Pop-Up forms did not appear on some product pages.

4.45.0 – 2024-03-05

  • Improved: when the domain authentication service is unavailable, regard the old authentication status as the current one and continue to allow sending for authenticated domains.
  • Improved: when reentering the onboarding flow, continue where the user left the flow.
  • Fixed: a method in the “subscriber counter” background job could get a wrongly typed parameter.

4.44.1 – 2024-02-26

  • Improvement: utm_source and utm_type parameters are added to links by default;
  • Fixed: remove HTML tags in subjects derived from post titles.

4.44.0 – 2024-02-19

  • Updated: Gutenberg dependencies;
  • Improved: order created/completed/cancelled automation triggers can now send transactional emails;
  • Fixed: transactional emails in automations fail to send in some cases.

4.43.1 – 2024-02-12

  • Fixed: automation and legacy emails not rendering if one has an invalid option;
  • Fixed: sending tasks incorrectly marked as invalid;
  • Fixed: tutorial button on email templates and send email pages.

4.43.0 – 2024-02-05

  • Improved: during import, “Update existing subscriber status” no longer requires “Update existing subscriber info” to be enabled;
  • Fixed: error “EntityManager is Closed” during sending on MySQL 8;
  • Fixed: error “new entity was found through the relationship” during email sending;
  • Fixed: Some strings where not translateable;
  • Fixed: errors when sending some emails;
  • Fixed: automation listing trash and delete action UI behavior.

4.42.1 – 2024-01-30

  • Improved: Display sender domain authentication notices in Automations;
  • Improved: Added Domain Authentication to the onboarding tasks;
  • Fixed: Post notification emails can become stuck;
  • Fixed: Some legacy automatic emails where not visible in the new automations listing page.

4.42.0 – 2024-01-22

  • Updated: minimum required WooCommerce version to 8.4;
  • Improved: Made it obvious that list names may be visible to subscribers;
  • Improved: Sending rules for big senders;
  • Improved: AutomateWoo and MailPoet work now together in the Checkout-Block of WooCommerce;
  • Fixed: A notice was not closeable;
  • Fixed: In some instances sending seemed blocked by a SendingQueue error related to a NewsletterLinkEntity.

4.41.3 – 2024-01-16

  • Added: a new segment for “Number of orders with coupon code”;
  • Improved: move legacy Welcome and WooCommerce emails to Automations;
  • Improved: Sender email input validation for DMARC and other verification records;
  • Fixed: Some HTML markup fixes in the admin;
  • Fixed: Do not attempt to queue a newsletter notification for already published posts;
  • Fixed: The trash button on the newsletter stats page deleted a newsletter permanently.

4.41.2 – 2024-01-11

  • Improved: notices in the banners now indicate that the new sending rules will be enforced on February 1st.

4.41.1 – 2024-01-10

  • Fixed: Partially verified domains could not be re-verified

4.41.0 – 2024-01-03

  • Added: notices about new sender domain requirements;
  • Added: support for DMARC record on sender domains;
  • Updated: minimum required WooCommerce version to 8.3;
  • Fixed: incorrect results for “was sent” segment;
  • Fixed: incorrect “Sent on” time displayed on Email listing page;
  • Fixed: error when activating an invalid automation;
  • Fixed: emoji support in email body for DBs with utf8 encoding;
  • Fixed: incorrect results when using “all of” condition for “purchased in category” segment.

4.40.0 – 2023-12-12

  • Added: MailPoet integration with WooCommerce Multi-Channel dashboard;
  • Added: automation template detail with steps preview;
  • Updated: minimum required WordPress version to 6.3;
  • Fixed: Email editor text toolbox overlay when browser is zoomed in;
  • Fixed: an error when searching stats for emails sent to large lists.

4.39.0 – 2023-12-04

  • Improved: Some translations got rephrased;
  • Improved: dropped support for PHP 7.3, MailPoet now requires at least PHP 7.4;
  • Fixed: missing gap between date and time when scheduling email;
  • Fixed: too much space on the send page.

4.38.0 – 2023-11-27

  • Improved: warn users on PHP 7.4 about outdated PHP version;
  • Improved: landing page layout;
  • Improved: the Upgrade page is more concise;
  • Fixed: deprecation warnings.

4.37.0 – 2023-11-20

  • Updated: upcoming Black Friday sale dates;
  • Improved: add label for remove segment condition button;
  • Improved: link to the upgrade page from Black Friday banner;
  • Improved: automation templates design.

4.36.0 – 2023-11-14

  • Updated: design of the section that shows multiple conditions when creating or editing segments;
  • Fixed: unsubscriber token issue introduced in the last release;
  • Fixed: automation editing UI issues;
  • Fixed: issue with the formatting of the paragraph block in the form editor.

4.35.1 – 2023-11-07

  • Added: “order created”, “order cancelled”, and “order completed” automation triggers;
  • Added: when an API key is already connected to another website, link to a support page on how to reset the website;
  • Updated: composer dependencies;
  • Updated: minimum required WooCommerce version to 8.0;
  • Improved: notice when a MailPoet subscription is waiting for review;
  • Improved: prevent invalid segments from breaking MailPoet pages;
  • Improved: importing cleaned list flow;
  • Fixed: error when editing automation with AutomateWoo active;
  • Fixed: link to Lists from Manage Subscription page settings.

4.35.0 – 2023-10-31

  • Added: “number of emails received”, “number of clicks”, and “first order” segments.

4.34.0 – 2023-10-25

  • Improved: minor changes and fixes.

4.33.0 – 2023-10-24

  • Added: drag-to-scroll in the automation editor;
  • Added: “if/else” automation step to allow branching automations based on subscribers’ behaviours and purchase history (paid feature);
  • Updated: composer dependencies;
  • Improved: declared compatibility with Checkout Blocks;
  • Improved: removed “MailPoet account connected” from onboarding step if MailPoet is set up in the background;
  • Improved: segment options are sorted alphabetically in all languages;
  • Changed: replace pQuery’s “html” with “toString” method when encoding email content. This can affect how tags and tag-like entries are interpreted;
  • Fixed: missing spacing in Email editor block settings;
  • Fixed: due to some library conflicts, option to insert an image from Media Library is missing in Form editor.

4.32.0 – 2023-10-16

  • Added: option to create new segment from the send page;
  • Improved: more robust checks when running migrations;
  • Fixed: in some cases there was no default condition when creating new segment.

4.31.1 – 2023-10-13

  • Fixes: When editing a newsletter the media dialog did not open in some cases.

4.31.0 – 2023-10-09

  • Added: show segment filter on email listing and stats pages;
  • Added: automation title on the analytics page;
  • Added: apply segment on top of lists on the send email page;
  • Improved: deferred loading of JS on frontend;
  • Improved: new WordPress-like design when adding or editing a segment;
  • Fixed: plugin conflict with Kubio site builder.

4.30.0 – 2023-10-03

  • Updated: npm dependencies;
  • Fixed: typo in message when creating a segment;
  • Fixed: The automation filter for products works now also with variable products;
  • Fixed: in some themes, pop-up form on mobiles is larger than the screen;
  • Fixed: occasionally, when a different plugin is installed, website redirects to MailPoet landing page.

4.29.0 – 2023-09-26

  • Added: a filter to remove restrictions on Woo Express;
  • Added: “buys from a category” trigger in automations;
  • Added: “buys a product” trigger in automations;
  • Improved: more robust migrations for automation tables;
  • Improved: skip migration of WooCommerce-related tables, if WooCommerce is no installed;
  • Improved: the premium plugin is now downloaded and installed instead of downloading a .zip file;
  • Fixed: deleting newsletters with relations to WooCommerce purchase stats;
  • Fixed: email editor breaks when the store has many coupons.

4.28.0 – 2023-09-18

  • Fixed: in Styles section in email editor, titles overflow to 2nd line;
  • Fixed: blocked sending after deactivating a welcome email;
  • Fixed: two 100% input fields in two column layout don’t occupy the full row in form editor.
  • Added: templates when creating a new segment

4.27.0 – 2023-09-11

  • Improved: [mailpoet_archive] is now filterable (start_date, end_date, in_the_last_days, subject_contains, limit);
  • Improved: run migrations with lower priority to minimize conflitcs with 3rd-party plugins;
  • Changed: “Someone subscribes” automation is no longer triggered by editing a subscriber;
  • Fixed: can’t type letter ‘n’ in chat bot on

4.26.1 – 2023-09-04

  • Added: see subscriber stats in the last 30 days, 12 months, and lifetime;
  • Added: compatibility with databases with sql_require_primary_key turned on;
  • Improved: pre-fill “From name” in the onboarding wizard.

4.26.0 – 2023-08-28

  • Fixed: error “Objects are not valid as a React child” when the premium plugin version is incompatible;
  • Fixed: edge case that could lead to inactive subscribers tasks being blocked in some circumstances;
  • Fixed: incompatibility between the button to close form pop-ups and some themes.

4.25.0 – 2023-08-21

  • Added: “is blank” and “is not blank” option for custom field segments;
  • Updated: minimum required WordPress version to 6.2 and WooCommerce version to 7.9;
  • Improved: add option to segment used shipping/payment method over all time, not just a specific timeframe;
  • Fixed: email previews in automations showing outdated content;
  • Fixed: filtering subscribers by list and by status doesn’t work.

4.24.0 – 2023-08-14

  • Added: detailed Automation analytics;
  • Added: “used coupon code” segment;
  • Improved: visually align checkboxes in the onboarding wizard;
  • Improved: subscriber engagement score is now recalculated when the underlying data change;
  • Improved: save/update automation button unified with WordPress post editor (including keyboard shortcut);
  • Changed: 3rd-party service to contact support;
  • Changed: when filtering automation trigger by a product category, it will include children categories;
  • Fixed: automation using “is first order” filter fails to trigger for some guest customers;
  • Fixed: tutorial button overlays save button when editing order automation email.

4.23.0 – 2023-08-08

  • Added: a notice when paid features are available but the premium plugin is not installed;
  • Added: “number of reviews” segment;
  • Improved: fall back to admin email when setting up MailPoet;
  • Improved: messaging when the free 1,000 contacts limit is reached.

4.22.2 – 2023-08-02

  • Fixed: error of the subscribedDate filter introduced in MailPoet 4.22.1.

4.22.1 – 2023-07-31

  • Added: segments containing “in the last X days” now also include “over all time” option;
  • Added: new segments for last engagement/purchase/open/click/page view/sending date;
  • Improved: header and footer on form template selection page;
  • Improved: onboarding message explaining the use of 3rd-party libraries.

4.22.0 – 2023-07-25

  • Added: “on or after” and “on or before” options to date-based segments;
  • Fixed: some date formats (e.g., “g:i A”) break newsletter scheduling;
  • Fixed: missing translations for month names in custom field segments.

4.21.0 – 2023-07-17

  • Added: bulk add or remove tag on Subscribers listing page;
  • Added: saving last purchase, sending, open, and click dates for each subscriber;
  • Added: progress bar when importing subscribers;
  • Added: “entered automation” and “exited automation” segments;
  • Added: MailPoet forms can now be shown on the homepage and category and tag pages;
  • Improved: supporting default value for subscriber’s custom fields shortcode;
  • Changed: Segments now have a separate page in the menu;
  • Fixed: can’t send email because of websites custom date format;
  • Fixed: in email statistics, sometimes opened + unopened is larger than the total sent.

4.20.2 – 2023-07-10

  • Added: “Used shipping method” segment;
  • Fixed: outdated subscriber stats on home page.

4.20.1 – 2023-07-03

  • Added: “is in city” and “postal code” segments;
  • Improved: sending speed when using MailPoet Sending Service.

4.20.0 – 2023-06-26

  • Updated: list of cookies in Settings > Privacy generated by MailPoet;
  • Improved: avoid calling automation run query on every request. Thanks Jon for reporting this;
  • Improved: automation trigger filters are editable;
  • Improved: format numbers in notice when MailPoet plan limits are reached;
  • Fixed: redirecting to MailPoet landing page when another plugin is activated;
  • Fixed: “is blank” and “is not blank” automation trigger filters can’t be saved;
  • Fixed: subscriber count information on Subscribers listing is now correctly recalculated.

4.19.0 – 2023-06-19

  • Added: Automation templates for abandoned cart and first-time buyers;
  • Added: option to filter Automations triggers based on subscriber, customer, or order properties;
  • Updated: minimum required WooCommerce version to 7.6.0;
  • Fixed: depreciation notice in PHP 8 (thank you Drivingralle);
  • Fixed: exporting dynamic segments with custom fields.

4.18.1 – 2023-06-12

  • Fixed: rarely the last page before sending the email can fail to load;
  • Fixed: can’t attach image in the email when using betheme theme (error: this.activateMode is not a function).

4.18.0 – 2023-06-05

  • Improved: “is in country” segment no longer requires completed WooCommerce order. If the user has country assigned, it will be used for segmenting;
  • Changed: opt-in checkbox in checkout no longer unsubscribes when unchecked;
  • Fixed: Subscriber segmentation can now target contacts who did not open any emails;
  • Fixed: PHP notices and incorrect form styling when not all padding values are specified;
  • Fixed: opt-in checkbox position in checkout when using Twenty Twenty-Two and Three themes.

4.17.1 – 2023-05-31

  • Fix: Stop adding indexes to first name and name field, when they already have been created.

4.17.0 – 2023-05-29

  • Added: subscriber counts caching to improve performance on websites with 2,000+ subscribers;
  • Added: “Used payment method” segment;
  • Added: MailPoet info to WooCommerce System Status Report;
  • Updated: minimum required WooCommerce version to 7.5.0;
  • Improved: “Order status change” trigger works with guest orders;
  • Improved: dropped support for PHP 7.2, MailPoet now requires at least PHP 7.3;
  • Fixed: Automation editor broken on WordPress 6.0;
  • Fixed: MailPoet is not active in WordPress menu when in email/form/automation editor.

4.16.0 – 2023-05-15

  • Added: “Subscribed via form” segment;
  • Added: “First name”, “Last name”, and “Email” segments;
  • Added: “Average order value” segment;
  • Added: abandoned cart trigger in Automations;
  • Added: option to duplicate segments;
  • Improved: more explanatory and actionable notification when MailPoet plan limits are reached;
  • Fixed: display issues of checkout opt-in block in the post editor;
  • Fixed: error loading coupon block when a coupon doesn’t have a discount type assigned.

4.15.0 – 2023-05-08

  • Updated: minimum required WooCommerce version to 7.4.0;
  • Updated: minimum required WordPress version to 6.0, tested on 6.2;
  • Improved: error handling when updating translations;
  • Improved: More cautious cleanup of the logs table.

4.14.0 – 2023-05-01

  • Added: “was sent email” segment;
  • Improved: SpamAssassin spam filter compliance to reduce spamboxing likelihood;
  • Improved: error messages when verifying an API key with limited access;
  • Fixed: rare “Invalid automation structure” error;
  • Fixed: duplicate newsletter URLs for enhanced SEO;
  • Fixed: deprecation warnings for utf8_encode in PHP 8.2.

4.13.0 – 2023-04-24

  • Improved: minor changes and fixes.

4.12.2 – 2023-04-21

  • Fixed: shortcode support in button, image and social icons links.

4.12.1 – 2023-04-19

  • Fixed: post notifications not sent if scheduled with minutes.

4.12.0 – 2023-04-17

  • Added: “Order status change” trigger in Automations;
  • Improved: messaging when subscriber limit is reached;
  • Improved: consistent use of order statuses in segment conditions.

4.11.1 – 2023-04-10

  • Improved: minor changes and fixes.

4.11.0 – 2023-04-04

  • Added: shortcode support when editing WooCommerce emails;
  • Added: “single order value” segment;
  • Added: “Purchase date” segment;
  • Fixed: an error when you try to duplicate an email, that was sent to a deleted list;
  • Fixed: missing help icon next to subject and preview text explaining the use of shortcodes;
  • Fixed: sending gets stuck if all contacts in a batch unsubscribe between scheduling and sending the email;
  • Fixed: separators (

) are stripped from posts when included in the email.

4.10.0 – 2023-03-27

  • Added: WooCommerce version check and notice when using an old version;
  • Added: Emails can now be scheduled to be sent at minute granularity, not only one or more hours later;
  • Improved: prevent forms from showing multiple times when other plugins call the same hooks multiple times;
  • Improved: added HPOS support for WooCommerce Subscription segment;
  • Improved: when editing active email, a warning is shown that it will be deactivated;
  • Fixed: rendering error on home page when there is no change in lists size;
  • Fixed: occasional horizontal scrollbar in popup forms.

4.9.0 – 2023-03-21

  • Updated: Gutenberg dependencies.

4.8.1 – 2023-03-14

  • Added: Home page;
  • Improved: custom field validation errors are translated;
  • Fixed: error when sorting sending status page by subscriber name.

4.8.0 – 2023-03-06

  • Added: option to run an automation multiple times for the same subscriber;
  • Improved: when AutomateWoo is installed, only show one opt-in checkbox on the checkout;
  • Fixed: coupon code block is empty when adding to an existing email;
  • Fixed: “call to undefined function MailPoet\API\JSON\error_log()”.

4.7.1 – 2023-02-27

  • Added: filter allowing to configure PHPMailer when sending via SMTP;
  • Added: a coupon block in email editor;
  • Added: notice when a MailPoet subscription is pending approval;
  • Improved: Starter plan users are directed to upgrade their plan from the Upgrade page;
  • Improved: email templates now include coupon block;
  • Fixed: inactive subscribers weren’t recalculated since August 2022. They’ll be again recalculated within one week after updating. Sorry about this bug.

4.7.0 – 2023-02-20

  • Updated: minimum required WordPress version to 5.9;
  • Updated: minimum required WooCommerce version to 7.2;
  • Improved: more explanatory MailPoet task in WooCommerce onboarding;
  • Improved: prevent form listing from crashing when form settings data are missing or malformed;
  • Improved: close button of form popup is focus-able to improve accessibility;
  • Fixed: conflict when loading mixpanel library;
  • Fixed: choices from first steps of welcome wizard are forgotten when MailPoet Sending Service is activated;
  • Fixed: draft products are not showing in email editor.

4.6.2 – 2023-02-14

  • Improved: explain MailPoet Sending Service during onboarding;
  • Improved: when a subscription is pending approval, you can now recheck the status directly from the notice;
  • Changed: removed “Export” item from the main MailPoet menu;
  • Fixed: after finishing WooCommerce onboarding, the user is redirected to MailPoet;
  • Fixed: migration class not found when data corrupted by another plugin;
  • Fixed: misaligned buttons in “Relax” form template;
  • Fixed: broken built-in CAPTCHA in Safari on macOS.

4.6.1 – 2023-02-06

  • Added: “Copy to clipboard” button next to System Info;
  • Improved: warn users on PHP 7.3 about outdated PHP version;
  • Improved: MailPoet now uses a from address to test sending emails instead of “[email protected]”;
  • Improved: post images will now use image attachments’ alt text for improved accessibility;
  • Changed: now even logged in user requires a valid token to unsubscribe;
  • Changed: Editor role now has access to Automations;
  • Fixed: color setting in email editor is not saved.

4.6.0 – 2023-01-31

  • Added: anonymized and opt-in tracking of revenue per email campaign;
  • Added: subscription confirmation emails can be previewed during editing;
  • Added: a new item in WooCommerce Task List to finish MailPoet setup;
  • Improved: list visibility explanation when editing a list;
  • Changed: added option to rerun two specific migrations if they failed in the past;
  • Changed: [site:homepage_link] now renders as link in email editor, introduced new [site:homepage_url] shortcode to get just the URL;
  • Fixed: UI issues on;
  • Fixed: multiple popup signup forms when products are added via shortcode;
  • Fixed: multiple signup form on WooCommerce Products page;
  • Fixed: multiple vertical scrollbars in Form editor;
  • Fixed: custom field block hidden behind help icon in Form editor.

4.5.2 – 2023-01-25

  • Fixed: issue with new installations of MailPoet on websites with WooCommerce.

4.5.1 – 2023-01-23

  • Added: a new landing page to explain MailPoet to new users;
  • Added: survey when the plugin is deactivated.

4.5.0 – 2023-01-17

  • Improved: translate error messages from MailPoet Sending Service;
  • Improved: show a loading state when automation is being created;
  • Fixed: shortcodes inserter in the email editor not working.

4.4.0 – 2023-01-10

  • Updated: TinyMCE editor to v6;
  • Improved: log PHP errors in JSON API calls;
  • Fixed: prevent paused sending without an error message;
  • Fixed: horizontal scrollbar in automation actions popup.

4.3.1 – 2023-01-03

  • Improved: welcome wizard first step design;
  • Improved: error handling for confirmation emails;
  • Fixed: occasional error on column detection during plugin update;
  • Fixed: occasional call to undefined function error during plugin update.

4.3.0 – 2022-12-19

  • Added: confirmation email can be designed in email editor;
  • Improved: nicer and more understandable onboarding.

4.2.0 – 2022-12-12

  • Added: link to purchase a MailPoet plan from Key Activation page;
  • Improved: support for ANSI_QUOTES sql mode;
  • Improved: 1-click unsubscribe is also tracked as a click;
  • Improved: “Maximum execution time” error is now more descriptive in MailPoet > Help > System Status;
  • Changed: email language in HTML is set to site’s language (Settings > General) instead of English.

4.1.1 – 2022-12-05

  • Improved: the 3rd-party libraries description in Welcome Wizard;
  • Improved: display a warning if sending function is not available;
  • Fixed: Column not found error experienced by some users;
  • Fixed: wc_get_page_id causes an error when WooCommerce is not installed;
  • Fixed: block settings in email editor look broken.

4.1.0 – 2022-11-28

  • Improved: don’t automatically activate MailPoet Sending Service for Creator plans;
  • Improved: MailPoet’s built-in CAPTCHA now includes audio fallback to improve accessibility;
  • Fixed: automation may not always start if there exists another automation with the same trigger;
  • Fixed: automations beta badge wraps in some languages;
  • Fixed: domain authentication is not shown when sending a preview email.

4.0.1 – 2022-11-22

  • Improved: when editing a list, you can choose if it should be shown on the Manage Subscription page (on by default);
  • Improved: form templates now link to existing Privacy Page;
  • Changed: [subscriber:count] shortcode now counts only subscribed subscribers (and not unconfirmed or inactive);
  • Fixed: automations beta badge overflows menu in some languages;
  • Fixed: failing to create automation tables with “Base table or view already exists” in rare cases;
  • Fixed: displaying wrong tasks in System Status.

4.0.0 – 2022-11-15

  • Added: new Automations page (beta version, please share your feedback directly from the plugin);
  • Added: optional support for POST unsubscribe when sending with MailPoet Sending Service, which enables 1-click unsubscribe button in more email clients;
  • Added: engagement badges for opens, unsubscribes, and bounces;
  • Updated: minimum required WordPress version to 5.8;
  • Fixed: “Unknown storage engine ‘InnoDB'” error (InnoDB engine is no longer required).

3.103.1 – 2022-11-08

  • Fix a database problem that affected some versions of MySQL when creating the new migrations table.

3.103.0 – 2022-11-07

  • Added: deleteList and updateList API methods (;
  • Added: forms can be configured to show on product pages;
  • Improved: more explanatory automatic emails setup;
  • Improved: consistent case in the form editor labels;
  • Improved: long sign-up button text will wrap to a new line;
  • Improved: confirmation emails can now be personalized;
  • Fixed: MailPoet key validation can fail, if the site URL is configured with uppercase letters;
  • Fixed: required questions in onboarding can be skipped;
  • Declare MailPoet as compatible with the upcoming WooCommerce High Performance Order Storage.

3.102.1 – 2022-11-03

  • Fixed: missing ‘CheckoutSchema’ class error in WooCommerce blocks integration;
  • Fixed: “Class ‘Normalizer’ not found” error in WP 6.1 when intl extension is missing.

3.102.0 – 2022-11-01

  • Added: new subscribers hooks (;
  • Improved: limit cron runs when execution limit exception is thrown;
  • Improved: list(s) are replaced with the site title on the subscription confirmation page.

3.101.1 – 2022-10-24

  • Improved: simplified privacy and data sharing section in onboarding;
  • Improved: don’t require any newsletter settings when saving a draft;
  • Fixed: an error in the checkout, when the shop has multiple automatic emails set up.

3.101.0 – 2022-10-17

  • Added: new API method getSubscribersCount;
  • Added: new API method getSubscribers;
  • Improved: cron-related tasks;
  • Improved: confirm leaving Settings page when leaving without saving;
  • Improved: messaging when verifying an API key.

3.100.2 – 2022-10-10

  • Fixed: scheduled newsletters not sending.

3.100.1 – 2022-10-06

  • Fixed: In some instances the sending stuck because the EntityManager was closed.

3.100.0 – 2022-10-03

  • Added: tagging subscribers when signed up via a form;
  • Improved: linux cron error message;
  • Fixed: paid MailPoet plan is offered in onboarding instead of a free MailPoet plan.

3.99.1 – 2022-09-29

  • Fix issue with post notifications in MailPoet 3.99.

3.99.0 – 2022-09-27

  • Added: any email address from a sender domain is automatically allowed for sending (MailPoet Sending Service only);
  • Fixed: some post notifications may fail to send.

3.98.1 – 2022-09-21

  • Improved: minor changes and fixes.

3.98.0 – 2022-09-19

  • Added: filter subscribers by clicking on tag badge;
  • Added: tag imported subscribers;
  • Improved: error handling on the send email page;
  • Fixed: possible memory issue on the segments page.

3.97.0 – 2022-09-12

  • Improved: added a link to start domain authentication when required;
  • Improved: domain and email verification process;
  • Changed: we are dropping number 3 from the plugin name, so from now on, “MailPoet 3” becomes just “MailPoet”;
  • Fixed: lists not available when filtering trashed subscribers;
  • Fixed: broken translations when typography quotes changed.

3.96.1 – 2022-08-31

  • Fixed: the settings page renders blank in some cases.

3.96.0 – 2022-08-29

  • Improved: don’t show spacer after last item in breadcrumbs;
  • Improved: don’t require a list to save email draft.

3.95.1 – 2022-08-22

  • Added: UTM parameters on the MailPoet logo when sending with a free MailPoet plan;
  • Added: button to play video tutorial in email editor;
  • Added: new SMTP filters;
  • Improved: validate sender email immediately on the send page when using MailPoet Sending Service;
  • Improved: share System Info data when contacting MailPoet Support from the plugin;
  • Fixed: wrong position of tags autocomplete.

3.95.0 – 2022-08-15

  • Added: the domain verification process can be performed in the plugin;
  • Updated: Gutenberg dependencies;
  • Fixed: emails are labeled as “Preview” on System Status page;
  • Removed support for migration data from MailPoet2.

3.94.0 – 2022-08-08

  • Added: filter subscribers by a tag;
  • Added: new WordPress cron task scheduler method;
  • Improved: tooltip content when hovering over list name;
  • Improved: extract name from email when used as first name in welcome wizard;
  • Improved: radio buttons and checkboxes accessibility in forms.

3.93.1 – 2022-08-02

  • Added: link to MailPoet settings from Plugins page;
  • Changed: email signup step removed from the MailPoet setup;
  • Fixed: a notice to send all emails through MailPoet can’t be dismissed;
  • Fixed: MailPoet menu icon on

3.93.0 – 2022-07-25

  • Added: premium feature: new segment by subscriber tags.

3.92.1 – 2022-07-20

  • Fixed: A database table could not be created in some installations.

3.92.0 – 2022-07-19

  • Added: show tags on Subscribers listing page;
  • Added: tagging subscribers on the edit page;
  • Added: the ability to authorise the email address in the plugin;
  • Improved: when sending with MailPoet Sending Service, show a warning when unauthorized email is used immediately before sending an email;
  • Improved: don’t load 3rd-party libraries on new installations unless an active consent is given.

3.91.1 – 2022-07-11

  • Updated: npm and composer dependencies;
  • Improved: small UI changes to unify spacing and colors;
  • Improved: add “noindex, nofollow” directive on email preview page to prevent search engines to index these pages;
  • Improved: use original $phpmailer as a WordPressMailer fallback;
  • Fixed: date badges in select boxes are not vertically aligned.

3.91.0 – 2022-06-22

  • Fixed: template caching.

3.90.2 – 2022-06-20

  • Improved: tested up to WordPress 6.0;
  • Improved: when sending with MailPoet Sending Service, show a warning when unauthorized email is used in settings;
  • Fixed: correctly reset error message when sending resumes;
  • Fixed: MailPoet Marketing Opt-in block is not translated in WordPress 6;
  • Fixed: some special characters in WordPress name don’t show correctly when synced to MailPoet.

3.90.1 – 2022-06-16

  • Fixed: occasional error related to twig templates when updating the plugin.

3.90.0 – 2022-06-14

  • Updated: js-cookie library to version 3;
  • Improved: autocomplete’s accessibility for first and last name;
  • Improved: added labels to inputs in public forms to improve accessibility;
  • Improved: list badge now links to its subscribers;
  • Improved: some 3rd party plugins should no longer falsely mark MailPoet as malware;
  • Improved: checkbox and radio buttons are focusable;
  • Fixed: invalid HTML markup in rendered email;
  • Fixed: Unhandled error for inaccessible cron worker.

3.89.4 – 2022-06-06

  • Improved: better handle trying to change a subscriber email to an existing one;
  • Fixed: SMTP configuration doesn’t work without authentication;
  • Fixed: subscribers without orders don’t show in “0 orders” segment;
  • Fixed: creating custom field can break Form editor;
  • Fixed: Google Fonts libraries loading in iframe even when 3rd-party libraries are …