Jamsocket Logo

Backends for
realtime apps

The painless session backend platform.
Serverless like Lambda, built for WebSockets.

What are
session backends?

Session backends are server processes that you can start instantly with an API call. Your application connects to them from client-side code. When it closes the connection, the session backend is shut down.

This architecture is commonly used for multiplayer collaboration, sandboxed user code execution, and more.

Jamsocket in action


> docker build . -t hello-app-image
Successfully built 33fe99c5649e
Successfully tagged hello-app:latest
> jamsocket push hello-app hello-app-image
Using default tag: latest
The push refers to repository [jamcr.io/paul/hello-app]
5c4dd8c6a493: Pushed
6150b9c49004: Pushed
e83d4114481d: Pushed
0b3d0512394d: Pushed
5b1fa8e3e100: Pushed
> jamsocket spawn hello-app # or spawn via API
backend name: 1e9w4
backend url:  https://1e9w4.jamsocket.run
status url:   https://api.jamsocket.com/backend/1e9w4/status
ready url:    https://api.jamsocket.com/ready/1e9w4
Containerize your server
Upload it to Jamsocket
Spawn instances by API


Jamsocket lets you spin up session backends on the fly, making hard things easy.

Real-time collaboration

Share backends among users to build multiplayer collaboration that scales effortlessly.

Data-intensive apps

Build desktop-class data apps that run in the browser by running memory-intensive work in a session backend.

Developer tools

Run user code and compiler toolchain components in a per-user sandbox.

Want to learn more? Read our blog post about session backends.

or not.

You can use Jamsocket to start session backends on our managed cluster and never think about servers.

If you prefer to run backends on-prem, you can use Jamsocket as a managed control plane to run backends on your own servers with our bring-your-own-compute model. We manage scheduling, DNS, certificates, and observability so you don’t have to.

Get Started

Sign up today to get started.

Free forever for personal projects.
Try now
Up to 5 running backends at a time
Up to 512MB for each running backend
Up to 2 hours for each backend
No credit card required
Get Started
Fully Managed
Price based on 2x2GB machines.
$60 / month
2x2GB VMs included
Quick Setup
No external cloud account required
Backends run on dedicated machines
Hands-off setup
Slack and email support
Contact us
Bring your own compute.
$80 / month
Plus $4/GB/month of attached VM RAM
Enterprise Ready
Use your own AWS account
Autoscales with EC2
Integrate other AWS resources (like EFS)
Slack and email support
Contact us

Sign up

Open source

Jamsocket is built on Plane, our open-source session backend implementation.

PlanePlane on GitHub