Monthly Archives: July 2009

GLAM-WIKI attendees

Wikimedia Australia’s forthcoming event “GLAM-WIKI: Finding the common ground” is now fully booked! Below you can see the list of attending institutions – some are sending one person, several are sending six staff members – to a total of 170 … Continue reading

Posted in chapters, museums | 4 Comments

Local history and Wikipedia

In the lead up to the (now fully subscribed!) GLAM-WIKI event there is an increasing amount of chatter about how can Wikipedia play a part in helping the cultural sector to get their knowledge out to the world. But I’ve … Continue reading

Posted in History, museums | 1 Comment

Charity? Really?!

In the last few weeks I’ve been laughed at several times. Openly, with ridicule. When introduced to new people they invariably ask me what I do and so I try to explain as quickly as I can the difference between … Continue reading

Posted in chapters, wikimedia foundation | 1 Comment

Wikipedia: The Endless Palimpsest

I just returned from the 2009 Australian Historical Association conference, held this year at the University of the Sunshine Coast. Lovely name, lovely place! Can’t beat a uni campus with wild kangaroos running through it… I’ve given copyright presentations to … Continue reading

Posted in History | 2 Comments