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DHL for Your Business

Power your small and medium-sized business success with world-class shipping and logistics. Our team of experts can help you address the ever changing need of your customers.

Document and Parcel Shipping

For All Shippers

Learn about DHL Express – the undisputed global leader in international express shipping.

Services Available
  • Next Possible Business Day
  • Flexible Import/Export Options
  • Tailored Business Solutions
  • Wide Variety of Optional Services

Retailer or Volume Shipping

Business Only

We have two divisions that offer reliable business shipping for e-commerce, supplier or manufacturing companies.

Cargo Shipping

Business Only

Discover shipping and logistics service options from DHL Global Forwarding.

Services Available
  • Air Freight
  • Road Freight
  • Ocean Freight
  • Rail Freight

Enterprise Logistics Services

Business Only

Find out how DHL Supply Chain can revolutionize your business as a 3PL provider.

Solutions Available
  • Warehousing
  • Transport
  • Packaging
  • Service Logistics
  • Real Estate
  • And more!