MariaDB Server: The open source relational database

MariaDB plc – looking forward to business as usual

From near and from far, the same thing – in this case MariaDB plc – can look quite different. It’s all doom and gloom in an Infoworld article on MariaDB plc Can MariaDB’s enterprise business be saved?

Post-mortem: PHP and MariaDB Docker issue

Years ago, I watched a film with my children (now adults themselves) called Meet the Robinsons. A running theme from the film is that it is OK to make mistakes because it is from those mistakes we can learn and “keep moving forward”. …

MariaDB 11.4.1, 11.3.2 now available

The MariaDB Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of MariaDB 11.4.1, the first Release Candidate in the MariaDB 11.4 series, and MariaDB 11.3.2, the first and final stable release in the MariaDB 11.3 series. …

FOSDEM 2024 follow-up

What a FOSDEM weekend in Brussels! This was MariaDB Foundation’s best FOSDEM ever, although it wasn’t a FOSDEM at all. Confused? Stay tuned.
A live migration from MySQL 5.7
The highlight in several respects was the live migration of the Cantamen cluster from MySQL 5.7 to MariaDB 10.11. …

MariaDB 11.2.3, 11.1.4, 11.0.5, 10.11.7, 10.6.17, 10.5.24, 10.4.33 now available

The MariaDB Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of MariaDB 10.11.7, MariaDB 10.6.17, MariaDB 10.5.24 and MariaDB 10.4.33, the latest stable releases in their respective long-term series (maintained for five years from their first stable release dates), as well as MariaDB 11.2.3, MariaDB 11.1.4 and MariaDB 11.0.5, the latest stable releases in their respective short-term series (maintained for one year). …