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Сервис опросов

Reading time 12 min
Views 134

Опросы – это не просто инструмент сбора мнений; они являются мостом между компаниями и их аудиторией, позволяя не только узнать мнение клиентов, но и вовлечь их в процесс создания и улучшения продуктов и услуг.

Сервис опросов Тестограф предоставляет широкие возможности для создания опросов, тестов и голосований, обладая функционалом, который позволяет не только собирать данные, но и анализировать их, делая выводы и принимая обоснованные решения на их основе.

Эта статья будет интересна широкому кругу читателей: от HR-менеджеров, стремящихся оптимизировать процесс подбора и оценки персонала, до маркетологов, ищущих пути повышения эффективности своих кампаний через глубокое понимание целевой аудитории. Она также окажется полезной для специалистов по UX/UI, стремящихся улучшить пользовательский опыт на основе реальных отзывов, и для организаторов голосований, желающих обеспечить прозрачность и достоверность результатов.

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Solving Amazon captcha Waf Captcha fully automatically with almost zero experience in development

Level of difficulty Easy
Reading time 8 min
Views 125

A small epigraph - if you are making an instruction, then do it to the end, otherwise instructions on how to solve the Amazon captcha for junior developer will be as clear as mud.

What's it all about? When I needed to solve a captcha from Amazon, the notorious Waf Captcha, I started looking for information at a service that I constantly use when I work with Key Collector and some other services (2 captchas - it’s a pity Habr bans articles for referral links).

I found instructions there and posted the link to it above. As you probably understood from the epigraph, I didn’t understand a thing, or rather, I understood that I needed to use the API, but that’s all...

It was much easier with Selenium

The main issue is the short timeout given for a solution from Amazon's side. The time to solve the captcha is limited, and if there's no response, the captcha refreshes (two of its parameters get updated - iv and context)

It turns out the captcha freshness timeout is about 30 seconds, and in that time, you need to find the parameters on the page, copy them, paste them into the script code, and run it. After that, 2captcha should solve it and return the correct answer. I tried to do this for a couple of fruitless hours, developing a routine of actions, but alas, searching for and replacing the changing parameters takes at least 12-15 seconds, leaving only 15 to 18 seconds for the captcha to be solved by the service, which in current realities sounds quite fantastical.

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Learn How to Use ChatGPT in 2024: 2-Step Guide with Prompt Examples

Level of difficulty Easy
Reading time 3 min
Views 290

In this article, I will tell you all you need to know about ChatGPT, show you how to use it, and teach you the right way to ask your questions.

To learn the basics, you don't need to spend your money and time watching hour-long tutorials. You can grasp the essentials in just 1-3 minutes and then enhance your skills through practice.

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Master Data Analysis with ChatGPT — How to Analyze Anything (Beginners Guide)

Level of difficulty Easy
Reading time 3 min
Views 860

Today we’re diving into an exciting feature within ChatGPT that has the potential to enhance your productivity by 10, 20, 30, or even 40%. If you’re keen on learning how to leverage this feature to your advantage, make sure to read this article until the end. This feature stands out because it allows you to analyze almost anything by uploading your data and posing various questions to ChatGPT. Whether it's business data, your resume, or any other information you wish to explore, ChatGPT is here to deliver answers based on your specific dataset.

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Argo CD vs Flux CD

Level of difficulty Easy
Reading time 7 min
Views 2.3K

За последнее время я вижу всё больше споров на тему двух популярных GitOps инструментов: Argo CD и Flux CD.

На самом деле я считаю такие споры необоснованными, потому что глубоко убеждён что внимания заслуживают оба инструмента и каждый из них хорош для решения своего круга задач.

В своей профессиональной деятельности я активно использую и тот и другой. Я хочу поделиться с вами своим мнением и кейсами использования. Надеюсь эта статья поможет вам выбрать наиболее подходящий инструмент под ваши нужды.

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Giving and receiving feedback as a UX Designer: a short guide on how it should be done

Level of difficulty Medium
Reading time 5 min
Views 73

Getting feedback on the design of a digital product from the other members of the development team, stakeholders and clients is an essential part of a UX designer’s job. Ideally, it provides constructive criticism of the design, helps improve the product and perfect it as much as possible to present the best result of work to the users. But getting feedback doesn’t always happen smoothly – when communication is not established properly or the goals of the process are defined incorrectly, things can go the wrong way. In fact, both asking for feedback and giving it requires following some unwritten rules in order to make this experience useful and comfortable for all parties. In this article we’d like to discuss two things: how to ask for feedback correctly and what to consider if you’re the one who’s giving it.

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Bootstrapping Azerbaijan as a new center of ASIC design + Verilog Meetup #6 in Silicon Valley

Reading time 11 min
Views 1.1K

Last week I was doing a seminar on SystemVerilog, ASIC and FPGA at ADA University in Baku, Azerbaijan. I will replicate the last two sessions of this seminar, on RISC-V CPU simulation and synthesis, at the Verilog Meetups on March 3 and March 10 at Hacker Dojo, Mountain View, California. For this reason I am combining the information about Azerbaijan and California seminars in a single post.

First, let's talk about ADA University.

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The Rule of Handling Tasks That Never Get Done

Level of difficulty Easy
Reading time 3 min
Views 729

This week, I was reflecting on a recent one-on-one chat with a manager in my division about keeping our backlogs clean and dealing with those tasks that just keep getting pushed back.

I jot down my thoughts and decided to share them with you. It's a common issue, right? Tasks hanging around, always getting postponed. Let's talk about the mess this creates in our backlogs and how to handle it the right way.

Check out my latest article where I dive into the art of backlog hygiene. Trust me, your team will thank you for it!

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3D Print Virtual Glasses for Use in a Virtual School

Reading time 5 min
Views 290

Imagine a world where learning transcends physical boundaries, where virtual classrooms become as interactive and engaging as their real-world counterparts. This is not a far-off dream but a tangible reality, thanks to the fusion of 3D printing technology and virtual glasses. In this article, we'll explore how 3D printed virtual glasses are revolutionizing the concept of virtual schools.

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Introduction to STEM and 3D Technology in K12 Homeschooling

Reading time 6 min
Views 206

In the rapidly evolving educational landscape, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) has become a cornerstone for equipping students with the skills necessary to thrive in the 21st century. Alongside, the emergence of 3D technology as a powerful educational tool has opened up new horizons for interactive and immersive learning experiences. This article explores the integration of STEM courses with 3D technology in K12 homeschooling, highlighting its benefits, implementation strategies, and the future it holds for young learners.

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SLM 3D Printing in Medicine

Reading time 6 min
Views 230

Selective Laser Melting (SLM) 3D printing is revolutionizing the medical field by offering unprecedented precision, customization, and efficiency in the production of medical devices, implants, and even surgical tools. This technology, leveraging the power of lasers to fuse fine metal powders into complex structures, is not just an innovative manufacturing process but a gateway to personalized medicine.

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Metal 3D Printing in Automotive: Driving Innovation Forward

Reading time 6 min
Views 184

Metal 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, has emerged as a game-changer in the automotive industry, propelling it towards a future where innovation, efficiency, and customization are at the forefront. This transformative technology enables the creation of metal parts by layering material according to digital 3D models, eliminating the need for traditional manufacturing processes that often involve complex machining, casting, and assembly. Its adoption signifies a paradigm shift in how vehicles are designed, developed, and produced, offering unparalleled flexibility in manufacturing complex components while minimizing waste and optimizing material usage.

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Mastering ChatGPT

Level of difficulty Medium
Reading time 7 min
Views 1.5K

In today's rapidly advancing technological landscape, natural language processing and comprehension have become essential components of everyday life. Leading the charge in this arena is OpenAI's ChatGPT API, renowned for its exceptional ability to understand and interact with human language. Imagine elevating ChatGPT's functionality to new heights, enabling it to carry out specific tasks based on commands given in natural language. This article aims to shed light on the potential of incorporating function calling into the ChatGPT API, thereby enhancing its utility. I will illustrate through practical examples how such extensions can unlock a myriad of opportunities and applications.

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Selective Laser Melting Technology: Revolutionizing Manufacturing

Reading time 6 min
Views 165

In the world of manufacturing, innovation is the cornerstone of progress. Among the myriad of advancements, Selective Laser Melting (SLM) technology stands out as a beacon of transformation. This revolutionary additive manufacturing process, also known as 3D metal printing, has changed the game by enabling the creation of complex, high-precision parts from metallic powders. By harnessing the power of high-energy laser beams, SLM technology melts and fuses metal particles layer by layer, directly from digital 3D models to solid, three-dimensional objects. This process not only opens up new possibilities in design and production but also significantly reduces waste, making it a sustainable choice for the future of manufacturing.

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3D Printing in School Projects

Reading time 4 min
Views 117

In the dynamic world of education, 3D printing emerges as a groundbreaking tool, reshaping the way students learn and interact with their projects. It's not just about technology; it's about ushering in a new era of interactive learning, where ideas leap off the pages and become tangible realities. In this transformative journey, 3D printing stands at the forefront, offering a window into a world where imagination meets innovation.

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Professional 3D Printers

Reading time 5 min
Views 195

The world of manufacturing has been revolutionized by 3D printing technology, offering unprecedented flexibility and efficiency in prototype development and small-scale production. Professional 3D printers, designed for high performance and reliability, are at the forefront of this revolution, empowering industries with the ability to turn digital designs into tangible objects overnight.

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