Getting started with Tarantool Cluster Manager | Tarantool
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Примеры и руководства Getting started with Tarantool Cluster Manager

Getting started with Tarantool Cluster Manager

Enterprise Edition

This tutorial uses Tarantool Enterprise Edition.

Example on GitHub: tcm_get_started

In this tutorial, you get Tarantool Cluster Manager up and running on your local system, deploy a local Tarantool EE cluster, and learn to manage the cluster from the TCM web UI.

To complete this tutorial, you need:

  • A Linux machine with glibc 2.17 or later.
  • A web browser: Chromium-based (Chromium version 108 or later), Mozilla Firefox 101 or later, or another up-to-date browser.
  • The Tarantool Enterprise Edition SDK 3.0 or later in the tar.gz archive. See Настройка for information about getting the archive.

For more detailed information about using TCM, refer to Tarantool Cluster Manager.

  1. Extract the Tarantool EE SDK archive:

    $ tar -xvzf tarantool-enterprise-sdk-gc64-<VERSION>-<HASH>-r<REVISION>.linux.x86_64.tar.gz

    This creates the tarantool-enterprise directory beside the archive. The directory contains three executables for key Tarantool EE components:

  2. Add the Tarantool EE components to the executable path by executing the script included in the distribution:

    $ source tarantool-enterprise/
  3. To check that the Tarantool EE executables tarantool, tt, and tcm are available in the system, print their versions:

    $ tarantool --version
    Tarantool Enterprise 3.0.0-0-gf58f7d82a-r23-gc64
    Target: Linux-x86_64-RelWithDebInfo
    Build options: cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/centos/release/sdk/tarantool/static-build/tarantool-prefix -DENABLE_BACKTRACE=TRUE
    Compiler: GNU-9.3.1
    C_FLAGS: -fexceptions -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -static-libstdc++ -fno-common -msse2  -fmacro-prefix-map=/home/centos/release/sdk/tarantool=. -std=c11 -Wall -Wextra -Wno-gnu-alignof-expression -fno-gnu89-inline -Wno-cast-function-type -O2 -g -DNDEBUG -ggdb -O2
    CXX_FLAGS: -fexceptions -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -static-libstdc++ -fno-common -msse2  -fmacro-prefix-map=/home/centos/release/sdk/tarantool=. -std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra -Wno-invalid-offsetof -Wno-gnu-alignof-expression -Wno-cast-function-type -O2 -g -DNDEBUG -ggdb -O2
    $ tt version
    Tarantool CLI EE 2.1.0, linux/amd64. commit: d80c2e3
    $ tcm version

Tarantool Cluster Manager is ready to run out of the box. To start TCM run the following command:

$ tcm --storage.etcd.embed.enabled


The TCM bootstrap log in the terminal includes a message with the credentials to use for the first login. Make sure to save them somewhere.

Jan 24 05:51:28.443 WRN Generated super admin credentials login=admin password=qF3A5rjGurjAwmlYccJ7JrL5XqjbIHY6

The –storage.etcd.embed.enabled option makes TCM start its own instance of etcd on bootstrap. This etcd instance is used for storing the TCM configuration.


During the development, it is also convenient to use the TCM-embedded etcd as a configuration storage for Tarantool EE clusters connected to TCM. Learn more in Storing configuration in etcd.

  1. Open a web browser and go to
  2. Enter the username and the password you got from the TCM bootstrap log in the previous step.
  3. Click Log in.

After a successful login, you see the TCM web UI:

TCM stateboard with empty cluster

To prepare a Tarantool EE cluster, complete the following steps:

  1. Define the cluster connection settings in TCM.
  2. Configure the cluster in TCM.
  3. Start the cluster instances locally using the tt utility.

A freshly installed TCM has a predefined cluster named Default cluster. It doesn’t have any configuration or topology out of the box. Its initial properties include the etcd and Tarantool connection parameters. Check these properties to find out where TCM sends the cluster configuration that you write.

To view the Default cluster’s properties:

  1. Go to Clusters and click Edit in the Actions menu opposite the cluster name.

    TCM edit cluster
  2. Click Next on the General tab.

    General cluster settings
  3. Find the connection properties of the configuration storage that the cluster uses. By default, it’s an etcd running on port 2379 (default etcd port) on the same host. The key prefix used for the cluster configuration is /default. Click Next.

    Cluster configuration storage settings
  4. Check the Tarantool user that TCM uses to connect to the cluster instances. It’s guest by default.

    Cluster Tarantool connection settings

TCM provides a web-based editor for writing cluster configurations. It is connected to the configuration storage (etcd in this case): all changes you make in the browser are sent to etcd in one click.

To write the cluster configuration and upload it to the etcd storage:

  1. Go to Configuration.

  2. Click + and provide an arbitrary name for the configuration file, for example, all.

  3. Paste the following YAML configuration into the editor:

          roles: [super]
              failover: manual
            leader: instance-001
                  - uri: ''
                    client: ''
                  - uri: ''
                    client: ''
                  - uri: ''
                    client: ''

    This configuration sets up a cluster of three nodes in one replica set: one leader and two followers.

  4. Click Apply to send the configuration to etcd.

    Cluster configuration in TCM

When the cluster configuration is saved, you can see the cluster topology on the Stateboard page:

Offline cluster stateboard

However, the cluster instances are offline because they aren’t deployed yet.

To deploy a local cluster based on the configuration from etcd:

  1. Go to the system terminal you used when setting up Tarantool.

  2. Create a new tt environment in a directory of your choice:

    $ mkdir cluster-env
    $ cd cluster-env/
    $ tt init
  3. Inside the instances.enabled directory of the created tt environment, create the cluster directory.

    $ mkdir instances.enabled/cluster
    $ cd instances.enabled/cluster/
  4. Inside instances.enabled/cluster, create the instances.yml and config.yaml files:

    • instances.yml specifies instances to run in the current environment. In this example, there are three instances:

    • config.yaml instructs tt to load the cluster configuration from etcd. The specified etcd location matches the configuration storage of the Default cluster in TCM:

          - http://localhost:2379
          prefix: /default
  5. Start the cluster from the tt environment root (the cluster-env directory):

    $ tt start cluster

    To check how the cluster started, run tt status. This output should look like this:

    $ tt status cluster
    INSTANCE               STATUS      PID
    cluster:instance-001     RUNNING     2058
    cluster:instance-002     RUNNING     2059
    cluster:instance-003     RUNNING     2060

To learn to interact with a cluster in TCM, complete typical database tasks such as:

  • Checking the cluster state.
  • Creating a space.
  • Writing data.
  • Viewing data.

To check the cluster state in TCM, go to Stateboard. Here you see the overview of the cluster topology, health, memory consumption, and other information.

Online cluster stateboard

To view detailed information about an instance, click its name in the instances list on the Stateboard page.

Instance details in TCM

To connect to the instance interactively and execute code on it, go to the Terminal tab.

Instance terminal in TCM

Go to the terminal of instance-001 (the leader instance) and run the following code to create a formatted space with a primary index in the cluster:'bands'){
    { name = 'id', type = 'unsigned' },
    { name = 'band_name', type = 'string' },
    { name = 'year', type = 'unsigned' }
})'primary', { type = "tree", parts = { 'id' } })

Since instance-001 is a read-write instance (its is false), the write requests must be executed on it. Run the following code in the instance-001 terminal to write tuples in the space: { 1, 'Roxette', 1986 } { 2, 'Scorpions', 1965 } { 3, 'Ace of Base', 1987 }

Check the space’s tuples by running a read request on instance-001: { 3 }

This is how it looks in TCM:

Writing data through TCM

To check that the data is replicated across instances, run the read request on any other instance – instance-002 or instance-003. The result is the same as on instance-001.

Reading data through TCM


If you try to execute a write request on any instance but instance-001, you get an error because these instances are configured to be read-only.

TCM web UI includes a tool for viewing data stored in the cluster. To view the space tuples in TCM:

  1. Click an instance name on the Stateboard page.

  2. Open the Actions menu in the top-right corner and click Explorer.

    Opening Explorer in TCM

    This opens the page that lists user-created spaces on the instance.

    TCM Explorer: spaces
  3. Click View in the Actions menu of the space you want to see. The page shows all the tuples added previously.

    TCM Explorer: space tuples
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