Using the LocalGov Drupal Subsites Extras module

Posted by - 6 hours 17 min ago

Create subsites with a different look and feel to the rest of your LocalGov Drupal website.

How Can Drupal Commerce Drive Your E-Commerce Revenue to New Heights?

Posted by LN Webworks - 9 hours 26 min ago

Every e-commerce platform is different and comes with its own unique and specific needs. Some can use simple ready-made tools, while others need special software made just for them. New trends like smart personalization, easy shopping on phones, and caring for the environment are also important for online shops.

To help businesses achieve personalized website goals, Drupal comes into the scene. It's like a toolbox that lets you build your online store just the way you want. Drupal commerce is great because it's flexible and lets you try out new ideas. But there’s more to it. 

Today, we'll learn more about what makes Drupal Commerce special, like its features and how it's built.

Skills Upgrade #4

Posted by Talking Drupal - 9 hours 50 min ago

Welcome back to “Skills Upgrade” a Talking Drupal mini-series following the journey of a D7 developer learning D10. This is episode 4.

Topics Resources

Chad's Drupal 10 Learning Curriclum & Journal Chad's Drupal 10 Learning Notes

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7 Most Popular Marketing Automation Drupal Modules - A Marketer's Guide

Posted by Specbee - 26 Mar 2024 at 08:44 UTC
You can't escape marketing automation if you're looking to scale your marketing efforts. Each organization sets different marketing automation targets. According to research, productivity optimization is the primary goal, followed by acquiring more leads, analyzing performance, and aligning marketing and sales. So what's yours? Various marketing teams/individuals have their preferred marketing automation tools that align with their goals. Some appreciate the user-friendly interface of Constant Contact, while others favor the feature-rich capabilities of MailChimp. As an extremely flexible CMS, Drupal offers seamless integration with a wide variety of marketing automation platforms. Its open architecture ensures smooth data synchronization among email marketing software, CRM systems, and analytics tools. In this article, we'll explore some of the most popular marketing automation Drupal modules designed to simplify every marketer's workflow. Why You Can't Afford to Ignore Marketing Automation Tools “Good marketing makes the company look smart; Great marketing makes the customers feel smart” - Joe Chernov (VP Marketing @ Pendo). Great marketing requires more than just a physical team capable of manually managing your marketing workflows. It demands marketing automation tools to streamline lead nurturing and expedite your entire marketing process. Did you know that companies proficient in lead nurturing generate 50% more sales-ready leads at a 33% lower cost (ref)? Marketing Automation tools help convert raw leads into nourished and qualified marketing leads that are turned over to the sales team for further customer relation management.

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Start Your Drupal Automated Performance Testing Today

Posted by Tag1 Consulting - 25 Mar 2024 at 20:19 UTC

Ensure your Drupal websites run smoothly. Gander documentation walks you through setting up and using the performance testing framework.

Read more janez Mon, 03/25/2024 - 13:27

Talking Drupal #443 -

Posted by Talking Drupal - 25 Mar 2024 at 18:00 UTC

Today we are talking about, Managing Composer Dependencies, and automation with guest Eirik Morland. We’ll also cover Composer Patches as our module of the week.

For show notes visit: Topics

  • What is
  • How does it work
  • How much technical knowledge do you need
  • Is this a security risk
  • How much does it cost
  • Patron question: Peter: Difference between violinist and dependabot
  • What are the major differences in plans
  • Who is the ideal user
  • Can you self host
  • Can this help with Drupal 11 readiness
  • Complementary tools
  • Notable users
  • Why did you start this
  • What is it like using Drupal for a SAAS
  • Is it open source
  • Pros and cons of open source for a SAAS
  • How can the community support
  • What is on the roadmap



    Eirik Morland - eiriksm


Nic Laflin - nicxvan Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu Anna Mykhailova - amykhailova


MOTW Correspondent

Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu

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What You Missed at DrupalCamp Florida 2024

Posted by Evolving Web - 25 Mar 2024 at 17:20 UTC

The story of how I came to present at Drupal Camp Florida 2024 began in the previous year, with what someone called my “Dharizza World Tour”! I attended Drupal events in six cities throughout 2023, and ended up being invited to several more as a result. 


At DrupalCon Lille in October 2023, I presented a session on how to improve the Layout Builder user experience. In the audience was Michael Herchel, a member of the Drupal Association Board of Directors and lead developer of Olivero. He and Amy June Hineline (a Drupal core mentor and A11yTalks organizer) invited me to bring my Layout Builder session to the next Florida DrupalCamp. 


That camp was last week, and the official start to Dharizza World Tour 2024! In this blog post, I’ll catch you up on the talks I attended as well as some fun experiences from the camp (featuring rockets and fake animals, oddly!). 

Friday, February 23

Presenting to a big crowd (and one unlikely guest)

The DrupalCamp kicked off at Florida Technical College with several training sessions, including one from Lisa Ridley on how to make designer-developer collaboration easier. She had some excellent advice on leveraging FIGMA features and plugins for effective design implementations. 


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Growth: Embracing Success Through Progress

Posted by The Drop Times - 25 Mar 2024 at 17:09 UTC
Explore the journey of growth with Drupal: Uncover the essence of progress and its transformative benefits.

Dear Subscribers, 

Sometimes, growth hinges on the effort we invest—the sweat equity makes all the difference. It's an ongoing journey that reminds us of our potential for continual advancement. Growth isn't just a milestone; it's a guiding force steering us toward realizing there's always more to achieve.

Let's take a moment to appreciate Drupal's remarkable evolution in this spirit of perpetual progress. With an ever-expanding community and a track record of powering some of the world's most influential websites, Drupal continues to ascend in popularity and capability. Its open-source ethos fosters collaboration, driving collective growth and empowerment for all involved.

As Drupal flourishes, so do its users. Its robust features and scalability ensure that businesses and organizations can adapt and thrive in today's dynamic environment. Drupal's unwavering commitment to security and its ever-growing community sets it apart from other CMS platforms. The truth that cannot be denied is the level of security it provides, which remains unmatched in the industry. Moreover, Drupal excels in providing customer-centric and personalized user experiences, empowering organizations to tailor their digital presence to the unique needs of their audience.

However, what truly propels Drupal's growth to unprecedented levels is its community-driven ethos. With a vast network of developers, designers, and enthusiasts collaborating and contributing tirelessly, Drupal evolves rapidly, staying ahead of the curve in innovation and adaptability. This collective effort fosters a culture of continuous improvement, ensuring that Drupal remains at the forefront of technological advancements.

Now, Let's take a moment to revisit the highlights from last week's coverage at The Drop Times.

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Drupal 11.0 will require PHP 8.3 and MySQL 8.0

Posted by Drupal Core News - 25 Mar 2024 at 11:08 UTC

Drupal 11 development has reached a point where the system requirements are being raised in the development branch. To prepare core developers for this and to inform the community at large, we are announcing the following requirements for Drupal 11.


We announced in mid-February that there is an RFC to remove support for Windows in production. Other webserver requirements are unchanged.


Drupal 11 will require PHP 8.3 and older versions of PHP are not supported. Note that as of Drupal 9.4, a policy was adopted to automatically drop support for PHP versions no longer supported by the PHP maintainers, so future minor versions of Drupal 11 will increase the requirement further.


The minimum database requirements for backends supported by Drupal 11 are MySQL 8.0, MariaDB 10.6, PostgreSQL 16 and SQLite 3.45.


Similar to Drupal 10.2, Drupal 11 will require Composer 2.7.0 or newer; this change was made for the Composer security fix released in February 2024.


The existing browser policy has not changed and there was no need to update it for Drupal 11. Drupal already drops support for older versions of browsers as new ones get released.

PHP and JavaScript dependencies

Drupal 11 will depend on Symfony 7, PHPUnit 10 and jQuery 4, work is ongoing to update to these versions'.

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Pitchburgh update March 2024

Posted by blog - 25 Mar 2024 at 09:05 UTC

As the Pitchburgh projects are reaching their final milestones and they get completed, I wanted to do something new for this update, something different and, hopefully, something exciting and fun as well.

For this update I asked a few of them to provide a demo or video, so the project leads could explain in their own words, what their projects are about and how they look. I thought that it would be specially interesting for the projects that are more technical (which in turn, are difficult to understand for the less technical people) but really, nice for the rest of them as well, so after those many months just reading updates about them, we could actually see them giving some updates “in the flesh”. If applicable, we will also review next steps for those projects, as some of them (a few actually) will continue beyond Pitchburgh funding.

And I want to emphasize that last point. We need to think how amazing it is that, a seed capital like Pitchburgh has not just accomplished so much, but it has also started something bigger, something that will go beyond the scope of Pitchburgh and will continue to provide a lot of value for the community and Drupal even after the funding is finished.

Ok, let’s start with the projects that have completed all their milestones and are finished or mostly finished in the scope of Pitchburgh.

Access policy

Kristiaan´s Access Policy code has been merged into core, and we couldn’t be more excited, as his work is the first Pitchburgh project that made it into core (of the two projects that will have code contributed to core).

Kristiaan continues his work and conversations with the core maintainers team to get the next part committed, which is to make core itself run on the API. All the work is finished, it just needs to be reviewed and committed

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Automatic Updates

Posted by Balint Pekker - 23 Mar 2024 at 00:36 UTC
The Automatic Updates initiative will not only address the often painful process of manually installing crucial security updates but will also make it significantly easier for your Drupal site to remain up-to-date with the security advisories and the latest protections against potential threats. Let's dive into the details and see how it works.

Enhancing Drupal Experience: A Look into the Documentation and Help Initiative

Posted by The Drop Times - 22 Mar 2024 at 20:24 UTC
Join Amber Matz on a journey through Drupal's evolution as she unveils insights into the Documentation and Help initiative. Delve into the world of community-driven efforts, discovering how collaborative initiatives are shaping the future of Drupal's documentation and assistance.

Drupal and Other CMS Systems Used by Polish Universities. The Droptica Report

Posted by Droptica - 22 Mar 2024 at 11:46 UTC

Drupal is a CMS that colleges from different countries eagerly use. According to a report by The Drop Times, up to 80% of the world's top 100 universities chose Drupal for at least one of their websites. We wanted to find out how this technology is used in Poland and what other content management systems are popular among Polish higher education institutions - both public and private. This report presents the results of our analysis. 

How to Implement Google Analytics In Drupal : All You Need To Know

Posted by LN Webworks - 22 Mar 2024 at 10:37 UTC

Google Analytics 4 has taken the world of web analytics by storm. It is an incredible tool that helps you understand how users interact with your business website. You can use these insights to deliver personalized experiences to your customers, enhance loyalty, and boost your revenue. If you have availed of Drupal services and run a Drupal-powered website, this blog will help you delve into how you can successfully combine Drupal and GA4 to accomplish phenomenal results. 

How to Combine GA4 With Your Drupal Website

Given the fantastic user insights provided by GA4, its combination with Drupal can take your business website on an upward spiral of growth. As Drupal is a cutting-edge content management system, its combination with GA4 can result in the creation of an incredible marketing strategy and improvement in your site’s performance. 

Maximizing Learning and Networking: Insights from DrupalCamp New Jersey

Posted by Acquia Developer Portal Blog - 22 Mar 2024 at 01:29 UTC
 Insights from DrupalCamp New Jersey

A DrupalCamp is a one- or two-day event that centers on the Drupal open source web content management system, and tends to bring together people from a geographical region. The goals are primarily, of course, knowledge sharing and increasing awareness of and helping to grow the Drupal community. It's not easy to do this without also increasing awareness and knowledge of the tools we all use along with Drupal as well, which makes the gatherings all the more valuable.

Florida DrupalCamp: Not just another Layout Builder article

Posted by ImageX - 21 Mar 2024 at 23:38 UTC

Avi Schwab, is a prolific contributor to Drupal, and one of the lead organizers of MidCamp, an annual gathering of the MidWest Drupal community in Chicago.

Replacing jQuery parents() with CSS :has()

Posted by Théodore 'nod_' Biadala - 21 Mar 2024 at 22:30 UTC

CSS has been on a roll for a few years and we keep getting great things to use. In the process of removing jQuery from Drupal core, we’re running into the problem of replacing jQuery .parents() method by something else. In certain conditions it is very easy to use CSS selectors to replace this method. Given the following HTML:

         <article id="article-19"></article>

To select all the parents of the article tag with jQuery you could do:

// This returns: main, body, html

// This returns: body 

The typical way of doing this is with a while loop looking at the parentElement and building the array manually. Now with :has() it becomes much easier:

// This returns: html, body, main

// To return the same order as jQuery:

// This returns: body

The only limitation is that a unique identifier needs to exist to build the CSS selector, that’s easy enough to generate if necessary.

Use the platform. When it’s good, it’s really good.

AstroJS and Drupal

Posted by Four Kitchens - 21 Mar 2024 at 20:53 UTC
Mike Goulding

Mike Goulding

Senior Drupal Engineer

Mike has been part of the Four Kitchens crew since 2018, where he works as a senior engineer and tech lead for a variety of Drupal and WordPress projects.

January 1, 1970

AstroJS logo

There are many different options available for the organization or team that decides it is time to decouple their Drupal site. There are frameworks that are designed for static site generation (SSG) and there are others that use server-side rendering (SSR), with many that claim to do both well.

React and NextJS have been popular options for a while now, and they are well-loved here at Four Kitchens as well. Another framework that is a little different from the above is Astro, and it may be worth considering.

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Drupal is Missing a Comprehensive List of its Features!

Posted by The Drop Times - 21 Mar 2024 at 16:04 UTC
Delve into the latest initiative sparked by Andrew Kucharski to transform Drupal's visibility and user perception, addressing the need for a universally accessible features list. This discussion, enriched by insights from tech experts like Alex Dergachev, Ajith T., Dave Smyth, and Anoop John, highlights the community's drive towards showcasing Drupal's extensive capabilities, not just as a developer's framework but as a versatile platform for various business needs. Discover how this collective endeavor sets the stage for a new era in Drupal's market presence and user engagement.

Surprise Announcements from DrupalSouth Sydney 2024!

Posted by The Drop Times - 21 Mar 2024 at 16:04 UTC
Discover what's next for the Drupal community: Dive into the highlights from DrupalSouth Sydney 2024, including the announcement of DrupalCon Asia 2024 in Singapore and the future DrupalSouth Melbourne 2025. Stay tuned for a closer look at the events set to shape Drupal's future.


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