USACE awards Deep Creek Bridge construction contract

District awards $59.5 million contract to construct new Deep Creek Bridge


Norfolk Coastal Storm Risk Managment

A U.S. Army Corps of Engineers conceptual rendering depicts a proposed levee at Town Point Park in Norfolk, Virginia. The levee is part of the...


Phase II Oyster Reef Progress: Ecosystem Restoration

Civil Engineer Nick Ingold explains developments in the planning process of the proposed Phase II reef construction for the Broad Bay area in...



Meeting Area Draft Validation Report/Supplemental Environmental Assessment is available for public review and comment.

Around USACE

Assessing Atwood’s Spillway
Engineers from USACE Huntington District had a site visit to Atwood Lake to assess any issues with the spillway and what work needs to be done to fix those issues...
District holds flood fight training as it pours outside
2/12/2024 UPDATED
As atmospheric rivers drenched California once again, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers San Francisco District held their annual Flood Fight Team training Feb. 5 to enhance their technical expertise in...
Army Corps of Engineers publishes proposed rule on protection of historic properties
The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works released a proposed rule to remove Appendix C from the United States Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program’s permitting...
ERDC researchers assess time-of-year restrictions for James River dredging
Researchers at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center’s (ERDC) Environmental Laboratory (EL) are conducting field studies along the lower James River in Virginia to assess the...
USACE Headquarters Supplemental Team meets with Task Force Virgin Islands Puerto Rico
2/12/2024 UPDATED
San Juan, Puerto Rico – Feb. 9, 2024 – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) headquarters Supplemental team traveled to Puerto Rico to meet with the recently commissioned Task Force Virgin Islands...

Latest news

USACE, Newport News Set Date to Begin Deep Creek Navigation Channel Dredging
In partnership with the City of Newport News, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Norfolk District has set a date to begin dredging the Deep Creek Navigation Channel...
U.S. Army Corps and the City of Hampton Lead the Charge on the Approved Virginia Peninsula Coastal Storm Risk Management Feasibility Study
The Norfolk District is pairing with the City of Hampton on the Virginia Peninsula Coastal Storm Risk Management Feasibility Study and taking a step toward building the resilience of the Peninsula...
Notice to Navigation Interests
The Dismal Swamp Canal will be closed to navigation Jan. 8, 2024, tentatively through March 31, 2024...
Virtual, in-person FNOD RAB meeting scheduled for Dec. 7
12/1/2023 UPDATED
Community members can learn more about restoration efforts at the Former Nansemond Ordnance Depot (FNOD) and hear the latest cleanup progress during a quarterly Restoration Advisory Board (RAB)...
District schedules Craney Island mosquito treatment for Oct. 19
The Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, has scheduled aerial mosquito treatment on Thursday, October 19th, over the federal property on Craney Island...