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TamTam Chats and Channels Regulations

1. Terms and Definitions

Administration means the TamTam software owner or persons authorized by the TamTam software owner to manage the Application and perform other acts in connection with its use. LLC VK is the Administration.

Messenger means a program or web-extension for instant exchange of messages among its users (including versions for iOS, Android, web versions and desktop versions for Windows, Linux (DEB) 32bit, Linux (DEB) 64bit, Linux (RPM) 32bit, and Linux (RPM) 64bit).

Channels mean a tool of the TamTam messenger for the distribution of messages to channel subscribers. The users cannot answer to messages sent by the channel. A message in the channel is sent on behalf of the channel or a particular administrator.

Public Channel means a channel bound to a particular link, the messages in which can be viewed by any user. The first 50 messages (unless otherwise provided by the functionality of the Application) of the Public Channel are available for viewing in a browser without the need to log in (register / authorize) to the Messenger.

Private Channel means a channel, the messages in which can be viewed only by those users who have subscribed to the channel.

Channel Subscription means a procedure for the connection of a user and a channel by clicking the Subscribe button. It helps a user to receive notifications of new channel messages in the Messages section and see the channel in its list of dialogs.

User - Licensee within the meaning of the TamTam Messenger End User License Agreement available at:

Chat means a tool for online exchange of messages in the Messenger.

Group Chat means a chat with more than two participants.

Public Chat with a Link means a group chat bound to a particular link, which is publicly available in the messenger’s chat search and in the Internet. The first 50 messages (unless otherwise provided by the functionality of the Application) of the Public Chat with a Link are available for viewing in a browser without the need to log in (register / authorize) to the Messenger.

Private Chat with a Link means a group chat bound to a unique link, which is not available in the messenger’s chat search but is available in the Internet to the user who has a link thereto.

Chat Owner means a user, who has created a chat or received chat owner rights from the previous owner and has powers to edit, add and remove messages in the chat, add and remove administrators, super administrators, participants and moderators, attach messages and remove and edit the chat.

Chat Administrator means a user, who has received administrator rights from the owner of the chat and has or has not powers to edit, add and remove messages in the chat, attach messages, edit photo, name and description of the chat, add and remove participants and other administrators.

Chat Super Administrator means a user, who has received super administrator rights from the owner of the chat and has powers to edit, add and remove messages in the chat, attach messages, edit photo, name and description of the chat, add and remove participants and other administrators.

Chat Participant means a user of the messenger who has joined a chat. Such user can receive rights from the owner of the chat to edit photo, name and description of the chat, add participants and attach messages in the chat.

Subscriber means a user of the messenger who has subscribed to a channel to receive new messages.

Message means a unit of content in a chat/channel, which is a textual, photographic, audio or video material sent on behalf of a user or the channel.

Link means an interactive element for accessing an internal or external resource from the messenger. Pressing a link results in moving to a separate section of the messenger, to another channel/chat in the messenger, or to a mobile browser.

Media means a file of any type, which is attached to a message or is a message itself.

Channel Owner means a user, who has created and maintains a channel, has powers to edit, add and remove messages in the channel, attach messages in the channel, assign channel administrators, and remove and edit the channel.

Channel Subscriber means a user, who has pressed the Subscribe button in the channel and receives messages from the channel.

Channel Administrator means an owner of a channel or a user, who has received administrator rights from the owner of the channel and has or has not powers to edit, add and remove messages in the channel, attach messages, edit photo and description of the channel, and add and remove subscribers of the channel.

Channel Super Administrator means an administrator of a channel, who has received super administrator rights from the owner of the channel and has powers to edit, add and remove messages in the channel, attach messages, edit photo, name and description of the channel, and add and remove subscribers and other administrators of the channel.

Views mean an aggregate number of users who viewed a channel message. The number of views is the daily sum of views. One view is one view of a message by a unique user in a day. If a user views the message several times in different days, the number of views depends on the number of viewing days.

Channel Verification means a method to approve an official status of a channel in accordance with the messenger’s rules. A special indication of a verified channel in the form of a blue check mark appears next to a channel name.

Spam and Spamming Tools mean bulk mailing of messages (including advertisements) to users who have not expressed their interest in the receipt of such materials.

2. General Provisions

2.1. All messages posted in the messenger’s public channels and public chats shall comply with the laws of the Russian Federation including without limitation advertising laws, anti-monopoly laws, information laws, the TamTam Messenger License Agreement, and these Regulations.

2.2. If a user sends messages from the messenger to third party resources, that user shall comply with the rules of using these resources (including the requirements for the allowed content on these resources).

2.3. The rules and provisions hereof are equally applicable to public channels and public chats, their owners, administrators, participants, subscribers, and materials.

2.4. If there are any violations related to a public channel or public chat name, published materials, channel maintenance or promotion process, the public channel or public chat may be blocked permanently, without a chance to be unblocked.

2.5. If there is no activity in a public linked chat and/or public linked channel profile for 365 or more days, the Administration shall have a right to vacate the public links to such a chat/channel to be subsequently used in the TamTam messenger. The chat/channel with no activity than is given an automatically generated regular public.

3. General Requirements to Messages in Channels and Chats:

3.1. The messages must not:

  1. – Violate intellectual rights of third parties, including trademarks (service marks) and objects of copyrights and related rights.
  2. – Promote and call for violence and cruelty, committing suicide and other illegal and immoral acts.
  3. – Propagate extremism, terrorism, excite hostility based on racial, ethnical or national identity, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious opinions, age, limited physical or mental abilities or diseases.
  4. – Contain images and video of low quality, obscene, pornographic, images of dead people and animals, with marks of violence, cruelty and other scaring or aesthetically unacceptable images.
  5. – Contain malware files (and links to them) that can cause harm to the device of a user.
  6. – Contain information on narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, including information on the distribution of narcotic drugs, recipes for manufacturing thereof, and directions for use, as well as publish information of extremist nature.
  7. – Contain other information of an illegal nature.

3.2. The description of public channels and public chats containing materials classified for persons aged 18 and older must contain the information age limit mark 18+ under the requirements of the laws of the Russian Federation.

3.3. Сhannels and public chats containing materials for persons aged 18 and older and not using the age limit mark 18+ in the channel description, may be blocked by the decision of the Administration.

3.4. Channels and public chats that do not comply with the Section 3 of these regulations may be blocked by the decision of the Administration.

3.5. Administration may decide to exclude from TamTam search results Channels and public chats containing materials classified for persons aged 18 and older.

4. The following activities may not be conducted in the Messenger:

4.1. Promoting channels and chats by promising gifts, as well as by using botnets and spamming tools, placement of materials creating imaginary search for missing people and other promotion methods contrary to the principles of morality and ethics.

4.2. Using any programs or automated scripts designed to collect information in the messenger and/or to interact with the messenger.

4.3. Purposeful insulting or harassment of users and calling other persons to perform such acts.

4.4. Adopting falsely the identity of other users to disorient, deceive or mislead other persons.

5. Channel Verification Procedure

5.1. The following channels can receive the official channel status (the blue tick) in TamTam:

  1. – Connected to a particular brand or a trade mark (or other means of identification).
  2. – Connected to a particular individual, whose name is identifying on the Internet (public and widely known).

5.2. To receive the official channel status (the blue mark) the owner of a brand or a trade mark (or other means of identification) should pass verification – send documents to the Administration that confirm the right of that owner to use particular means of identification. The owner should also add a TamTam link to the social networks block on the official site of the brand or trade mark.

5.3. To receive the official channel status (the blue tick) the individual, whose name is identifying on the Internet (public and widely known) should send to the Administration at least 2 links to other social networks that has verified users/pages with the same name/link.

5.4. If a hyperlink of a public channel is confusingly similar to such an extent that other users can erroneously attribute it to a particular brand or trade mark (or other means of identification) or individual, whose name is identifying on the Internet (public and widely known), a channel owner may be requested to conduct a mandatory verification.

5.5. The Administration shall have a right to vacate the link in the interests of companies or individuals who have property rights or trademark rights in relation to the name of channels described in the clause 5.4. herein, if that companies or individuals present corresponding documents. Instead of the vacated hyperlink, the channel will be made private with the channel subscribers or channel content preserved. The owner of the channel will receive a notification from the Administration.

5.6. The owner of a channel can submit a request for verification via the link or by sending an email to

6. Liability

6.1. If these Regulations are violated, the Administration shall have a right to block channels and public chats either temporarily or permanently.

5.2. Users can report the violation of these Regulations via the link or by mailing to

7. The current version of these Regulations is available online at:

8. The Administration may unilaterally modify the terms and conditions of these Regulations by publishing a new version hereof or introducing modifications hereto.

Modifications shall come into force when the modified text of the Regulations is posted online at the following address: In this regard, the user shall regularly familiarize himself independently with new versions hereof and comply with them.


Date: 15 April 2022

Обновлено 15 апреля 2022 г.
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