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NIST Center for Neutron Research

The NIST Center for Neutron Research is a national resource for industry, universities, and government agencies.

Notice to Users

NCNR has received permission from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to restart operations.  Low power testing has begun; however, neutrons are not yet being supplied to the neutron instruments.  Facility users will be apprised once the NCNR plans to open for routine scientific operations.

Center for High Resolution Neutron Scattering

Maximizing access for the scientific community to transformative neutron scattering instrumentation

nSoft Consortium Logo

A consortium for the advancement of neutron-based measurements for manufacturing of soft materials


NCNR Seminar Schedule 

New Neutron Spin Echo for the Nation - Funded by NSF, NIST and the Center for Neutron Science at the University of Delaware are building a new spin echo spectrometer

New Liquid Deuterium Cold Neutron Source to be Installed - The NCNR is planning a one-year outage to install an upgraded cold neutron source

CHRNS Non-Equilibrium Structure of Materials Initiative - CHRNS is supplying advanced neutron capabilities to characterize materials out of equilibrium

Facility Upgrades during the Unplanned Outage                          


Getting Great Data with CHRNS - This 2½ minute video describes the Center for High Resolution Neutron Scattering, a key partnership with the National Science Foundation

See Differently with Neutrons at NIST - Watch a 2½ minute animated explanation for a general audience of what we do at the NCNR

Training from Other Labs - NIST accepts basic radiation safety training from other U.S. neutron facilities in place of the NIST offered on-line training

The NCNR Users Group has summarized the results of a recent user survey

News and Updates


2023 APS Fellow - Nick Butch

For extraordinary and wide-ranging contributions to the synthesis and experimental study of exotic superconducting, magnetic, and

Previous Events

NCNR 50 Year Symposium

Thu, Dec 7 - Fri, Dec 8 2017
Purpose To celebrate the achievements and illustrious lifetime of the NCNR. Description The NIST Bureau of Standards


General Information