Investigation Program

Image of Chattanooga's Phase II watershed analysis studyThe Investigation Program establishes a process by which the Corps of Engineers can help a community solve a water resource problem.

Under the Investigation Program, the Corps of Engineers would jointly conduct a study and, if shown by the study to be feasible, construct a project. This approach requires that Congress provide the Corps of Engineers first with authority to accomplish a feasibility study and second, to construct a project. Local sponsors share the study and construction costs with the Corps of Engineers, and usually pay for all operation and maintenance costs.

The Investigation Program may be used to address a variety of water resource problems including navigation, flood risk management, ecosystem restoration, and hurricane and storm damage reduction.

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Reconnaissance Phase:
The reconnaissance phase is fully funded by the Federal Government (limited to $100,000) and is usually completed in less than 12 months.

Feasibility Phase:
The feasibility phase is 100% federally funded up to the first $100,000. Any feasibility costs above $100,000 are cost-shared equally at 50% federal and 50% non-federal. The non-federal share of feasibility phase costs may be a combination of cash and in-kind products or services. The feasibility phase can take up to three years to complete if adequate funding is received in a timely manner.

Formal assurance of local cooperation must be furnished by a local sponsoring agency. The local sponsor must be a municipality or public agency, fully authorized under state laws to give such assurances and must be financially capable of fulfilling all measures of local cooperation.

How to Request Assistance

Requests for assistance can be made by phone, email, or letter.  A Letter of Intent from a state or local government agency is needed before federal funding can be requested.  Click on the Example Letters of Intent tab on the left to view/download letters.
For more information contact:
Chief, Project Planning Branch or Chief, Plan Formulation Section
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville District
110 9th Avenue South
Room A405
Nashville, TN 37203

Phone: (615) 736-7865
Email: [email protected]