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Architecture Decision Records (ADR): Enhancing Software Development

Level of difficulty Easy
Reading time 3 min
Views 53

Introduction to ADRs

ADRs are critical for documenting architectural decisions in software projects. They provide a historical record of decisions, rationales, and impacts, vital for future teams and stakeholders.

Defining ADRs

An ADR is a document capturing key architectural decisions along with their context and consequences. It helps stakeholders understand why certain choices were made during a project, promoting transparency and clarity.

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The mystery of Telegram

Level of difficulty Easy
Reading time 12 min
Views 126

What comes to your mind when you hear the word Telegram?

I wouldn’t be surprised if drugs, sex, or crypto are your first associations. Throughout the years, Telegram earned a shady reputation, perhaps not strategically, but for a “good” reason.

I feel like Telegram is a mystery. On the outside, it might be perceived as a platform designed for drug traffickers, crypto scammers, and sexual abusers.

I shared this feeling when I joined the early team of Bancor in 2016, as I also joined its internal group chat, needless to say, on Telegram.

However, the app was quickly removed from my list of stigmas. Instead, I started to appreciate Telegram for its well-crafted product and care for design. From its meticulous attention to small details to have a unique brand — it stands as a dogma of an opinionated product (and a company) in many aspects. In addition, it helped me recognize the benefits of separating my private and professional lives early on.

After using Telegram extensively over the past 7+ years, I feel the urge to write about it, but this time not in the spirit of its typical news headlines.

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Automating reCAPTCHA Solving with Puppeteer: A Step-by-Step Guide

Level of difficulty Easy
Reading time 3 min
Views 59

Introduction: In this guide, I explore the automation of reCAPTCHA solving in web scraping and testing scenarios using Puppeteer, a Node.js tool designed for browser automation. My focus is on the practical use of the puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth plugin to seamlessly navigate through reCAPTCHA challenges.

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Memory consumption of .NET applications on Linux

Level of difficulty Medium
Reading time 12 min
Views 371

In this article, I will cover the memory consumption of .NET applications on Linux. Firstly, we will try to understand the idea of virtual memory. Then, we will examine the memory statistics that Linux provides, such as RSS (Resident Set Size), VmData, RES (Resident Memory Size), and SWAP. Following that, we will delve into specifics related to the .NET.

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Managing AWS Auto Scaling Group Instance Refresh: The Harmony of Terraform and Ansible

Level of difficulty Medium
Reading time 6 min
Views 145

In the DevOps realm, where automation is crucial, the management of resources and updating processes in the cloud is vitally important. Many modern projects, particularly in AWS cloud environments, leverage Auto Scaling Groups (ASG). This mechanism aims to achieve three key objectives: balancing loads, increasing service reliability, and optimizing operational costs for efficiency and effectiveness.

Imagine working at a company where you deploy applications on Amazon's resources. To streamline this process and manage configurations more effectively, you use pre-built AMI images. These are crafted with tools like HashiCorp Packer, ensuring your applications launch swiftly and reliably. For the actual infrastructure deployment, you turn to Terraform. It's widely recognized as the standard in many major companies for managing cloud resources and using the IaC (Infrastructure as Code) approach.

As an IT engineer, you sometimes need to update instance versions to a newer AMI image, either for the latest security patches or to introduce new functionalities. The challenge lies in updating an active ASG without causing downtime. It's crucial to ensure the new AMI performs as reliably as the existing one, balancing the need for updates with system stability and uptime.

ASG's instance refresh is a crucial feature that allows for updating instances within a group while minimizing downtime, thereby maintaining high availability. However, ensuring the success of such updates, especially in large, complex systems, can be a challenge. Terraform resources, such as aws_autoscaling_group, can initiate this process but don't provide progress tracking. This limitation becomes apparent when other infrastructure components, such as certificate renewals or DNS updates, depend on the state and version of the instances. Monitoring the update process is essential to maintain an accurate infrastructure state after Terraform's execution.

To overcome this challenge, Ansible can be utilized...

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The first Silicon Valley meetup on portable SystemVerilog examples for ASIC and FPGA

Reading time 3 min
Views 530

Need to start your career or hobby in digital design and verification of silicon chips or reconfigurable hardware? Explore multiple FPGA toolchains and open-source ASIC tools? Design your own RISC-V CPU or ML accelerator? Prepare for an interview in SystemVerilog? Come to our first Silicon Valley meetup on portable SystemVerilog examples for ASIC and FPGA.

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Trace Compass and GZip

Reading time 4 min
Views 500

Trace Compass with GZip

Trace Compass is an open-source application performance analysis framework. It is designed to visualize and analyze traces, which are recordings of events that occur in a software system during its execution. Trace Compass is particularly useful for understanding the behavior, performance, and interactions within complex software systems.

Key features of Trace Compass include:

Trace Visualization: It provides a graphical representation of traces, allowing users to visualize the sequence and timing of events in a system.

Analysis Tools: Trace Compass offers various analysis tools and modules for different types of traces, helping users identify performance bottlenecks, errors, and other issues.

Support for Multiple Trace Formats: It supports a wide range of trace formats from different sources, making it versatile for analyzing traces generated by various software components.

Customizable Views: Users can customize the views and analyses based on their specific needs, allowing for a more tailored and effective analysis process.

Integration with Eclipse: Trace Compass is often integrated with the Eclipse IDE, providing developers with a seamless environment for analyzing and debugging their applications.

Overall, Trace Compass is a valuable tool for developers, system administrators, and performance analysts to gain insights into the runtime behavior of software systems and optimize their performance.

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Interview with Stephanie Planque from Covalent Bioscience

Reading time 8 min
Views 199

What is ageing? We can define ageing as a process of accumulation of the damage which is just a side-effect of normal metabolism. While researchers still poorly understand how metabolic processes cause damage accumulation, and how accumulated damage causes pathology, the damage itself – the structural difference between old tissue and young tissue – is categorized and understood pretty well. By repairing damage and restoring the previous undamaged – young – state of an organism, we can really rejuvenate it! It sounds very promising, and so it is. And for some types of damage (for example, for senescent cells) it is already proved to work!

Today in our virtual studio, somewhere between cold, rainy Saint-Petersburg and warm, sunny Huston, we meet Stephanie Planque! For those of you who are not familiar with her, here is a brief introduction.

Stephanie Planque was awarded the PhD in 2009 by the University of Texas-Houston Medical School for her advances in applying electrophilic analogs of proteins to decipher the beneficial and harmful functional effects of catabodies. She then expanded her focus to vaccination and therapeutic catabody identification using proprietary electrophilic target analogs. Her work was published in 49 peer-reviewed scientific articles, she has numerous national/international conference presentations. She moved fulltime as a co-founder to Covalent Bioscience in 2018 to focus on rapidly translating their electrophilic vaccine/catabody technologies to clinical reality.

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SHA-256 Reversing in Bitcoin Systems as a Neural Machine Translation Problem

Level of difficulty Medium
Reading time 15 min
Views 535

Bitcoin is a digital currency created in January 2009 due to the housing market crash. It is designed to have lower transaction fees than traditional online payment mechanisms. Each Bitcoin transaction is recorded in a public log, but the identities of buyers and sellers remain anonymous. While this privacy feature allows users to conduct transactions without being traced, it also facilitates the buying and selling goods and services without leaving a trail. Bitcoin is built on cryptographic evidence, avoiding weaknesses inherent in trust-based models.  Cryptography is critical to the Bitcoin system as it maintains data secrecy and prevents unauthorized spending from another user's wallet. Advancements in cryptography have led to the development of various hashing algorithms to secure sensitive data. The SHA-256 hash function is widely recognized as a robust and extensively used cornerstone. However, the reversibility of hash functions remains a critical issue in cybersecurity. In the following essay, we propose that one-way cryptography processes based on hash functions can be reversed using neural networks in machine translation. Assuming this hypothesis is true and considering some quantity algorithms to decrypt certain types of hash functions, we will highlight their effects on the Bitcoin system.

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After sale IT support for American and Western Companies

Reading time 2 min
Views 200


After sale IT support for American and Western Companies 

Let’s have a case study. 

A Russian IT company sells software to a western country like say America. And you are working as an application developer on the support side. 

One day, there is a problem with the program, and the program has stopped working. 

You must contact the company now to inform them that the program is off-line. 


The way, the two cultures operate in a situation like this are very different and it will have everything to do with how easy your job goes for you.


Russia : “we have a problem”

“What is wrong?”

“I don’t know”

“When can it be fixed?”

“I don’t know”


USA: “i’m just giving you a real quick call to let you know that there is a problem with the program. 

I’ve already put my team on it and we will have it up and running shortly. 

I will let you know more by 3 o’clock today what is going on”

It’s not important how long you think it will take you, but I will always tell them a few hours from the time that you informed them of a problem.

I understand that you have no idea how deep the bug is and also whether it will affect any other systems.

But it is important to set a time window very close to when you inform them that you will bring them more information. 

This also works very well if you don’t know something that they ask you.


“What can we do to fix this problem?”


“I understand what you’re saying. I will look into it and get back to you in two hours.  By 1 PM today.”

in this case, it’s important that you: 

1. Take responsibility for yourself and your team.

   2. Communicate that you understand this responsibility.

   3. Gives strict timelines. (if it’s not possible, you can always say that there is a problem, but do it before the deadline.) 

    4. Use certain key language.

“ I understand you”

“ I understand what you were saying”

“ I wanted to inform you”

“ we are working on it right now”

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How to send messages over sockets and create your own messanging protocols in C++

Level of difficulty Medium
Reading time 28 min
Views 940

Network programming in C++ can be challenging. But even a greater challenge is to find educational content that will arm you with the knowledge on how to apply your networking skills in real applications.

In this article you can learn the basics of socket communication and many ways how you can design your internal messaging protocols.

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How to Bypass reCaptcha in Selenium Automatically with Code Example

Level of difficulty Easy
Reading time 4 min
Views 401

I based my approach on an English manual that caught my eye just a couple of days ago, and I decided to test it (since it's written by a captcha recognition service that I use, why not - by the way, guys from 2captcha - I accept thanks in the form of green bills, if you're interested))))

I've made some tentative attempts at automation and encountered a frequently arising problem: reCaptcha recognition.

Of course, I understand that there are many guides, manuals, and articles written on this topic, but let's agree - it's interesting to describe one's own experience.

Thus, without getting too lengthy and boring about why Selenium is necessary, how important it is for automation, when it appeared and who invented it, let's get to the crux:

To solve the problem, we'll use a demo page kindly provided by reCaptcha itself - https://recaptcha-demo.appspot.com/recaptcha-v2-checkbox.php:

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Клавиатуру Keychron Q1 HE оснастили магнитными аналоговыми переключателями на эффекте Холла. Она стоит $214.

Переключатели на эффекте Холла способны различать лёгкое и полное нажатие клавиши. Q1 HE можно настроить с учётом этой опции. Также в клавиатуре есть функция «быстрого запуска», которая может регистрировать повторное нажатие клавиши в ту же секунду. В итоге на одну кнопку можно назначить до четырёх команд.

Настройка аналоговых функций осуществляется через веб-приложение Keychron, которое также позволит переназначать задачи и клавиши. 

Q1 HE можно использовать как проводным, так и беспроводным способом через Bluetooth или с помощью прилагаемого USB-ключа 2,4 ГГц.

Клавиатура получила алюминиевый корпус, а колпачки клавиш изготовлены из прочного двойного ПБТ. Они используют собственный профиль OSA Keychron в ретро-стиле, а также оснащены ввинчивающимися стабилизаторами, установленными на печатной плате. Линейные магнитные переключатели Gateron 2.0 технически допускают горячую замену, но только на другие переключатели с эффектом Холла.

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Tesla предупредила, что налоговые льготы на покупку Model 3 в США урежут вдвое — с $7500 до $3750 к 1 января 2024 года. Эти изменения коснутся заднеприводной модели 3 и модели 3 Long Range.

Model 3 стоит от $36 тысяч и считается самой дешёвой в линейке Tesla.

Вероятно, автопроизводитель не может удовлетворить требования к поставщикам в соответствии с Законом о сокращении инфляции (IRA). Это может повлиять на налоговые льготы для моделей Y и Model X в следующем году.

На прошлой неделе министерство финансов США предложило новые рекомендации по налоговым льготам в рамках IRA. Начиная со следующего года, льготные авто «не могут содержать никаких компонентов аккумуляторной батареи, которые производятся или собираются иностранным предприятием, вызывающим озабоченность регуляторов». К таким заводам относятся принадлежащие, контролируемые или находящиеся под юрисдикцией или руководством правительств Китая, России, Северной Кореи и Ирана.

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Zoom незаметно выпустил версию приложения для Apple TV. Оно появилось в магазине tvOS.

Обновление Apple tvOS 17 включило функцию Continuity Camera для Apple TV, что позволило использовать iPhone или iPad в качестве веб-камеры для FaceTime на телевизоре. 

Использовать новое приложение Zoom довольно просто — нужно перейти по URL-адресу сопряжения, чтобы ввести код, отображаемый на телевизоре, или учётные данные. После входа в систему подключение осуществляется так же, как при использовании FaceTime на Apple TV. 

Sigmund Judge / X
Sigmund Judge / X

Если поделиться Apple TV с несколькими пользователями, то появится список учётных записей на ближайших устройствах, и после их выбора можно будет запустить сопряжение.

Приложение позволит начинать собрания или присоединяться к ним, приглашать людей и просматривать чаты. 

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Why x^0 = 1 visually

Reading time 3 min
Views 802

The traditional definition for the operation of exponentiation to a natural power (or a positive integer) had introduced approximately as follows:

Exponentiation is an arithmetic operation originally defined as the result of multiple multiplications a number by itself.

But the more precise formulation is still different:

Raising a number X to an integer power N is an arithmetic operation defined as the result of multiple [N by mod times] multiplications or divisions one by number X.

Let's figure it out under the cut! >>
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Американские сенаторы представили проект Закона о защите конфиденциальности путешественников, который запретит использование технологий распознавания лиц на транспортных узлах. Если его примут, то у сотрудников транспортной безопасности будет 90 дней на то, чтобы прекратить использование технологии и удалить все биометрические данные.

Биометрию ранее начали тестировать в 30 аэропортах США, а планировали расширить проект до 430 авиаузлов.

Система Credential Authentication Technology 2 (CAT-2) разработана французской Idemia. «Биометрический хаб» Интерпола объединяет существующие базы данных преступников с другими технологиями Idemia. Система путём сканирования лиц и документов выявляет поддельные удостоверения личности.

Противники системы раскритиковали её за расовую предвзятость.

Профессор информатики Университета Иллинойса Шелдон Джейкобсон же отметил, что «распознавание лиц не имеет ничего общего с вмешательством правительства в личную жизнь людей».

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Утечки изображений будущего Samsung Galaxy S24 показывают, что смартфон выйдет в титановом корпусе. При этом Galaxy S24 Ultra получит новый дизайн плоского экрана. 

Samsung, как ожидается, выпустит новое программное обеспечение с функциями ИИ, использующее собственную модель Gauss компании. S24 будут использовать эту технологию для перевода сообщений в мессенджерах в режиме реального времени и на более чем десять языков. В октябре Samsung также продемонстрировала новую функцию кадрирования камеры Zoom Anyplace на базе искусственного интеллекта, которая, как ожидается, будет работать в смартфонах.

FCC недавно опубликовала основные характеристики процессоров и модемов для линейки S24. Модели S24, S24 Plus и S24 Ultra оснащены модемами Qualcomm с функцией Smart Transit, что подтверждает использование чипа Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 с поддержкой ИИ.

S24 Ultra также получит 50-мегапиксельный телеобъектив с 5-кратным увеличением и поддержку Wi-Fi 7. Похоже, что он по-прежнему будет иметь 6,8-дюймовый экран Quad-HD, частоту обновления 120 Гц, 12 ГБ оперативной памяти и аккумулятор ёмкостью 5000 мАч.

Наконец, смартфоны получат новые цветовые решения: чёрный оникс, мраморно-серый, кобальтово-фиолетовый и янтарно-жёлтый. 

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Crafting Enhanced Dropdown Interactions with Svelte: Constructing an Advanced Dropdown Component with Svelte

Level of difficulty Medium
Reading time 3 min
Views 226

In the realm of frontend development, the quest for enhancing user interaction remains a constant pursuit. Developers, inspired by innovation, often seek solutions to refine components for a seamless user experience. Today, we delve into the construction of an advanced dropdown component using Svelte — a framework known for its simplicity and effectiveness.

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