Spring Creek North Feasibility Report & EA


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District completed the Final Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment (FR/EA) in April 2018 which concluded with a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Spring Creek North Ecosystem Restoration Project.   A Project Partnership Agreement was executed with NYC Parks for the Design and Implementation Phase in August 2018.  Field work and design development is ongoing and construction is expected in early 2023.


For more information, please read the Fact Sheet or you contact the Project Manager if you have any questions regarding the Study.

Email the Project Manager, Lisa Baron [email protected]





Project Partnership Agreement 2018

Spring Creek North- Final Integrated Feasibility Report/ Environmental Assessment with signed FONSI
Appendix A- Initial Agency Correspondence (2001-2003)
Appendix B- Updated Agency Correspondence and Regulatory Compliance
Appendix C- Cultural Resources Correspondence and Report
Appendix D- Updated Cost Effective/Incremental Cost Analysis (CEICA) and 2004 Costs
Appendix E- Final Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Report (FWCAR)
Appendix F- Environmental Data
Appendix G- Engineering
Appendix H- Real Estate
Appendix I- Cost Engineering
Appendix J- Monitoring and Adaptive Management Plan
Appendix K- Public Comments

For more information, please read the Fact Sheet or you contact the Project Manager if you have any questions regarding the Study.