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Interior Trim & Crown Molding Repair Pros in Knoxville, TN

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Repair Interior Trim and Decorative Moldings in Knoxville

Prescreened Interior Trim & Crown Molding Repair Pros in Knoxville, TN

Russ'll Fix It
31 Verified Ratings
See All Reviews
(866) 451-6788
3810 Longwood Drive
Knoxville, TN 37918
Smart Home Fix, LLC
14 Verified Ratings
See All Reviews
(615) 534-9251
6700 Baum Drive, Suite 21
Knoxville, TN 37919
Semper Fix It Home Repair and Handyman Services
3 Verified Ratings
See All Reviews
(615) 534-9187
207 Countryside Circle
Knoxville, TN 37923
Adam Brannon Builders
3 Verified Ratings
See All Reviews
(615) 564-7373
205 Luther Anderson Drive
Rockford, TN 37853

Serving Knoxville, TN
Affordable Carpet Cleaners
83 Verified Ratings
See All Reviews
(615) 534-9329
733 Rio Drive
Friendsville, TN 37737

Serving Knoxville, TN

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Unscreened Carpenters in Knoxville, Tennessee

Keith & Co

Knoxville, TN 37902
shae jose contractors
1609 Dunbar st
Knoxville, TN 37921
get it done
2947 Cecil Ave
Knoxville, TN 37917
Classic Designs Construction and Remodeling
7708 Westland Drive
Knoxville, TN 37919
CB Construction
1834 Fair Drive
Knoxville, TN 37920

Things to Consider Before You Repair Interior Trim and Decorative Moldings in Knoxville, Tennessee:

  • What needs to be done? (Check all that apply)

    Window casing
    Door casing
    Wall molding (paneling, wainscoting, and chair rail)
    Ceiling molding (picture and crown)
    Floor molding (baseboard, base shoe, and base cap)
    Fireplace mantel
    Crown molding
    Several small interior finish carpentry repair projects
  • How was your finish trim damaged? (Check all that apply)

    Attached remodel or construction
    Wear and tear
    Water damage

Ideas & Inspiration from Knoxville Carpenters