News Releases

Governor Hochul, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Montauk Historical Society Announce Completion of Montauk Point Coastal Resiliency Project and Historic Lighthouse Restoration
8/17/2023 UPDATED
Stone Revetment is Part of $44 Million Shoreline Revitalization Effort Supported with Federal and State FundsAdditional $435,000 in State Funding Helped Complete Project to Protect Historic Lighthouse...
Young to take command of New York Engineer District
7/14/2023 UPDATED
NEW YORK – Colonel Alex Young will assume command of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, during a formal change of command ceremony on July 14, 2023. Colonel Matthew W. Luzzatto, who...
Five Long Island Inlet Dredging Projects Completed Entering Summer
5/17/2023 UPDATED
NEW YORK —The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announces the recent completion of dredging in five south shore inlets. The projects have all been dual-purposed, restoring safe depths for navigation, and...