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December 7th, 2023, ISSUE 509


Type class derivation with ZIO Schema

An overview of different ways to implement type class derivation in Scala, including the new Deriver feature of ZIO Schema.
Scala traits vs enums for ADTs

For this article, I'd like to talk about my experience with enums vs sealed traits for structuring ADTs and some of the challenges I faced when transitioning to enums for this implementation.
Kateu Herbert (@kateuherbert)
Practical Type-Level Programming in Scala 3

In this article my aim is to bridge that gap by showing, step by step, how to solve a concrete problem using many of the new type-level features that Scala 3 provides. Let’s dig in!
Daniel Ciocîrlan (@rockthejvm)
Extension of Erased Values in Scala 3

This is a web version of my last semester project report.
Natsu Kagami
For-Comprehension Use Cases in Scala

Iterate Over Collections, Focus on the Happy Path, and Async Logic Without Callback Hell.
Julien Truffaut (@JulienTruffaut)


Scala Bridge, Dec 13th, London @ The Guardian

Explore the ScalaBridge London group’s upcoming event including a meetup at The Guardian. The group, led by organizer Noel, is known for fostering a collaborative environment for Scala enthusiasts, with a focus on hands-on learning and community engagement. Don’t miss the chance to participate in these upcoming gatherings and be part of a thriving Scala community in London.
Scala Bridge
Scala in the City, Dec 14th, London

Come and hear influential figures share insights on the latest Scala topics during engaging talks.
Signify Technology (@Signify_Tech)
Dallas Scala Enthusiasts, Dec 15th, Online event

This online event provides a platform for attendees to engage in conversations and discussions about various aspects of Scala, Akka, Reactive Programming, and functional programming.
Dallas Scala Enthusiasts
Scalar 2024 CFP, March 21st-22nd, Warsaw, Poland

Call for Papers is OPEN, send your talk proposals before Jan 14th! Previous speaking experience is not required. Join the most wanted Scala conference in Central Europe.
Scalar Conference (@scalarconf)
LambdaConf 2024, May 4th-10th, Estes Park, Colorado

Get ready!
LambdaConf (@lambda_conf)



A toolkit for Streamlined Algebraic Effects, Simplified Functional Programming, and Peak Scala Performance.
Flavio Brasil (@flaviowbrasil)

Extensible records for Scala.
INA Lintaro (@oarat)

Deadly-simple library for fetching OpenGraph tags from a given webpage.
Daniil Sivak
Typo supports zio-jdbc

Typo is a code generator for database access code, which makes PostgreSQL integration type-safe and wonderful to use. Now with zio-jdbc support!
Jules Ivanic (@guizmaii)

  1. Scala Times Issue #509

    Type class derivation with ZIO Schema. Scala traits vs enums for ADTs. Practical Type-Level Programming in Scala 3. Extension of Erased Values in Scala 3. For-Comprehension Use Cases in Scala.

  2. Scala Times Issue #508

    Effective Test Parameterization with ScalaTest Tables. Indoor Vivants: Scala Native and Swift: building Twotm8 MacOS app. Entry 1: fs2, gRPC, Triton Inference Server. Poll: Semiauto derivation in circe for Scala 3. Introduction to Functors With Scala 3.

  3. Scala Times Issue #507

    Scala Left Fold Parallelisation - Three Approaches. Advent of Code 2023. Helix and Scala. 10% discount for Functional Scala, Nov 30th - Dec 1st, London. LambdaConf 2024, May 4th-10th, Estes Park, Colorado.

  4. Scala Times Issue #506

    In Scala 3, use 4 Spaces for Indentation. Writing a Chat With Akka. How to retry a Future in Scala. 10% discount for Functional Scala, Nov 30th - Dec 1st, London. LambdaConf 2024, May 4th-10th, Estes Park, Colorado.

  5. Scala Times Issue #505

    Getting started with ZIO, part 3. Laminar & Scala.js Full Stack Demo & More. Harness the power of Web Components with Scala and Laminar. Rendezvous Benchmark Analysis: When Threads (Don't) Meet. How scala-cli Shines in Automation.

  6. Scala Times Issue #504

    Custom logic from Accept header with Tapir. Using Nix to Develop and Package a Scala Project. Scala Center Activity Report for 2023 Q3. How to convert an Option to an Either in Scala. Free support for Scala 2 to 3 migration.

  7. Scala Times Issue #503

    Tell us which errors bug you the most. Videos from Scala Days 2023. Schema management with Scalameta. Art of Scala, Nov 17th, Warsaw. 10% discount for Functional Scala, Nov 30th - Dec 1st, London.

  8. Scala Times Issue #502

    In Defence of Mocks. Turning actors inside-out. Learn how to package your Scala application with ease. Why on earth a ZIO IO monad for Scala?. 10% discount for Functional Scala, Nov 30th - Dec 1st, London.

  9. Scala Times Issue #501

    TestContainers in Scala: Use Integration Tests for building your services. Scala Made Simple for Beginners. Integration testing the Typelevel toolkit. Why I find Scala so amazing. I got interviewed for a FAKE Scala job....

  10. Scala Times Issue #500

    IntelliJScala @ Scala Days 2023 Madrid. OOP classes vs Higher-order Functions (HOFs). Work-in-Progress Scala 3 Specification. 10% discount for Functional Scala, Nov 30th - Dec 1st, London. LambdaConf 2024, May 4th-10th, Estes Park, Colorado.

  11. Scala Times Issue #499

    State of Scala 2023 by ScalaCenter and VirtusLab. JDK 21 LTS - All Features Explained!. The Scala Center Fundraising Campaign. So, What's So Special About The Mill Scala Build Tool?. Kyo: Toolkit for Scala Development.

  12. Scala Times Issue #498

    Generating a Rust client library for ZIO Http endpoints. Why Scala Dominates Data Engineering. CFP: NEScala 2023. London Scala Talks, Sept 20th. 10% discount for Functional Scala, Nov 30th - Dec 1st, London.

  13. Scala Times Issue #497

    Compare Task Processing Approaches in Scala. Temporal Workflows with ZIO: Introduction. REST APIs Using Play Framework and Scala: A Comprehensive Guide. Automating Data Transformations with ducktape. CFP: NEScala 2023.

  14. Scala Times Issue #496

    Lightbend transfers ownership of sbt to the Scala Center. Type safety with Iron. Scala Days Madrid, Sept 11th-12th. Performance Optimization on the JVM, Sept 11th-15th, Online. London Scala Talks, Sept 20th.

  15. Scala Times Issue #495

    Slack Bot in Scala and 12 Ways to Run It. Cost of boxing. Diving into ZIO Test 'Aspects'. Contribution Equals Impact. Do your Values align with FP Values?.

  16. Scala Times Issue #494

    Cats Effect vs ZIO. Principles of developing applications in Scala. The Scala Week in Madrid. Scala Days Madrid, Sept 11th-12th. Performance Optimization on the JVM, Sept 11th-15th, Online.

  17. Scala Times Issue #493

    Native app development with sttp and Scala Toolkit. ZIO Kafka with Jules & Erik. ScalaWAW #30, Aug 17th, Warsaw. Scala Days Madrid, Sept 11th-12th. Performance Optimization on the JVM, Sept 11th-15th, Online.

  18. Scala Times Issue #492

    Go-like channels in Scala: receive, send, and default clauses. IntelliJ Scala Plugin 2023.2 Is Out!. Scala Days Madrid, Sept 11th-12th. Performance Optimization on the JVM, Sept 11th-15th, Online. 10% discount for Functional Scala, Nov 30th - Dec 1st, London.

  19. Scala Times Issue #491

    Scala Websites Improvements. Signature polymorphic methods in Scala. Scala Center Roadmap for 2023 Q3. Zymposium - ZIO Maelstrom. Zymposium - Partial Functions & Future ZIO HTTP Features.

  20. Scala Times Issue #490

    How to implement streaming microservices with ZIO 2 and Kafka. Automation tools for Scala development. Introduction to optics in Scala. Comprehensive Data Validation in Scala. ZIO 2 Runtime Improvements .

  21. Scala Times Issue #489

    6 Common Misconceptions Around Akka-HTTP / Pekko-HTTP. "No More Orphans" in Practice. Interesting patterns to consume ZIO Streams. Why I keep choosing ZIO!. Breaking framework chains with vanilla Scala.

  22. Scala Times Issue #488

    Two types of futures. Chatbot Showdown: Typelevel Scala Edition. An intro to Flow Fields in Scala. Mastering ScalaTest - Exploring Tagging, Retry, Runner and More. Top Scala open source projects and contributors.

  23. Scala Times Issue #487

    5 Scala Libraries That Will Make Your Life Easier. Post-Conference Notes on Scala Days 2023 Seattle. Dependency Injection with Cats-effect Resource Monad. Developer Ecosystem Survey 2023. ScalaWAW #28, June 28th, Warsaw.

  24. Scala Times Issue #486

    Getting started with ZIO, part 1. Introducing ZIO Flow. The Business of the Scala Programming Language. ScalaWAW #28, June 28th, Warsaw. 10% discount for LambdaConf, Sept 16th-19th, Estes Park, Colorado.

  25. Scala Times Issue #485

    Functional Declarative Design. How to use Large Language Models for Scala documentation. Scala 3 Significant Indentation Woes: Sample. Iron updates: turning opaque types into value objects. Why we used Quill in RealWorld project?.

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