Early detection is vital for successful treatment of the cancer.
"I thought about all those times I sat in his study across from him, aching to ask him if he needed to tell me anything before it was too late. I’d open my mouth, but the words never formed."
People are just realising the point of the different parts.


"I'd like to know how I'm supposed to continue a career based largely on raising and lowering different eyebrows WITHOUT ANY EYEBROWS!"
Here's what Layton had to say after landing in the dance-off for the first time.
The Springwatch presenter has penned an impassioned open letter aimed at presenters Ant and Dec.


Lisa Wilkinson said she was "devastated" for letting down the thousands who worked for the shop chain.
The secretary of state also apologised for government mistakes during the pandemic.
“This is what authoritarians do. This is what fascists do," said Michael Beschloss, who explained why the former US president must be taken at his word.
“We are dealing here with an utterly clear political project to push aside democracy," Anne Hidalgo wrote.
A temporary truce between Israel and Hamas has entered its fifth day.
Insurance for tens of millions of people, and pre-existing condition guarantees, could be in jeopardy if the former president wins the 2024 election.
Greek leader compared the separation of the sculptures to the Mona Lisa being cut in half. That annoyed the British government.
Angry exchanges in parliament as home secretary denies he talked down Alex Cunningham's Stockton constituency.
The home secretary did apologise for calling the Labour MP for Stockton "shit".

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