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Posts (/posts/): A "quick and easy" posting format that allows you to share information on a specific topic with like-minded people. The length of the post is from 10 to 1500 characters, posts do not have titles and cut, you can add images, code snippets, bulleted and numbered lists, formatting is also available. A post can only be published in one hub. Posts are available to all users, starting from accounts without pre-moderation (Read&Comment ), and posts do not affect the user's rating.

Posts features

  • Post length is from 10 to 1500 characters.

  • Without title and /cut. Posts do not have a title and a “underhood” part - they are displayed in the feed in full.

  • A post can be published in 5 hubs. Or to a corporate blog and 4 relevant hubs.

  • Virtually no effect on the rating. Leading the top ranking with posts is barely possible - it will be much faster to do this through articles and translations. However, posts still affect contribution to the hub. We suggest using posts primarily for communication.

  • Available to almost all users - starting with Read&Comment accounts without pre-moderation.

  • Posts have a separate list in the profile (in the publications section).

  • Posts can be found inside streams and hubs.

  • Posts can be bookmarked.

Post regulations

It may seem that with the introduction of a new type of posts, Habr will be flooded with monosyllabic notes, but we will try to keep order.


  • The post should not violate the current rules of Habr and the subject of the selected hub. That is, all points of the rules (about advertising, swearing, politics, complaints, referral links, etc.) are also valid for posts. Breaking the rules will lead to familiar results.

What are posts good for?

  • Thematic news and events

  • Author's reasoning and opinions

  • Polls and research

  • Infographics

  • Humor/memes in moderation and exclusively on the topic of the hub

What you should not to post:

  • Just memes from time to time. Sometimes you can post something funny/relevant, but let's not turn into Pikabu (with all due respect to the guys).

  • Images without explanations (for others to think of something) and outside the subject of the site.

  • Just a link to something without explanation. Link posting should not be abused either.

  • Vacancies (for this there is Habr Career), questions (for this there is Habr QnA) and orders (for this there is Habr Freelance).

  • Reviews and complaints about companies, products or services.